
Friday, December 19, 2008

A New Little Angel


  1. How absolutely beautiful, sometimes it is possible to capture the beauty and perfection on a child's face, a kind of sweet and innocent look..

    -Your lounge room is beautiful, the fireplace perfect to drink hot chocolate by.

    -I have caught up some of your news Josie, I can't believe the cafeteria Nazi is retiring, whom will she terrorise?

    Peace, peace at last in the Cafeteria, we used to have one (food nazi) that drew a visual line on the floor lino, so "laypeople" (not cooks), would know where to not-step-into-the-kitchen..


  2. Folks...the picture is of a murdered child named Kaylee Anthony of Florida. Her skeletal remains were discovered and positively identified this past week.

  3. She is in heaven, being cared for by Our Blessed Mother and Our Lord.

    And that is all I will say....

  4. She was so beautiful... So sad.

  5. How sad. There are so many people who would have loved to adopt that beautiful little girl. Makes me sick.

  6. Bobbie, yes, she is a little angel, isn't she?

    Mark, yes, it's beyond sad. And thank you. I don't think a lot of folks know about this poor little girl.

    Pam, talk about mental telepathy! I was just thinking about you yesterday, and wondering how I can link back to you again, et voila! there you are! And yes, they had a retirement part for the cafeteria Nazi, but I was too busy to attend. :-)

    XUP, oh, yes. And far too sad for words.

    Deb, yes, she is a little angel now.

    Katie, she was just adorable, wasn't she?

    Charles, I know! There are people just aching to have a dear little child like that. It's too heartbreaking for words.

  7. I do have to agree with you about my dogs LOL. The puppy just goes out there and eats it... haha. I love that you have palm trees in Vancouver. You learn something new every day.

  8. Wonderful picture...the defense team is doing their darndest to get this mother off..It's very upsetting to think that this poor child suffered at the hands of her own mother...Now they're trying to push the blame onto the meter reader that found her but I don't think there is any doubt that the mother is responsible...First time of your blog, I saw you over at Deb's....your posts seem very interesting...Merry Christmas!!.........Sue in Atlanta.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hello, when I first saw that pic of the beautiful little girl, I thought she was Madeleine McCann. Then I realise she's Kaylee, whom I read about a few days ago. This post is really beautiful and sad. God bless little girls everywhere and may these 2 children be really happy and loved in heaven.

  11. I found your blog on "blogs of of note". It's amazing how many really talented bloggers are out there. I have followed the Caylee Anthony case for many months now. I can't seem go get my head around the fact that a mother can commit such a horrible act and have absolutely no remorse to boot! We hear more and more of these types of crimes. My personal opinion is that society really is "going to hell in a handbasket" as the saying goes. Lots of folks would disagree and use the argument that there are just more people so the percentage of the crazies out there has not gone up.....I don't know about that; just turn on the news!


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