Friday, January 9, 2009

It's Friday...!

Just when I think I cannot haul my ass carcass body into work one more day, that most magic of all creations comes along, namely, Friday. This first week back after the Christmas holiday season has been particularly exhausting. We now have a full complement of nutcases staff back at work once again.


Everyone is more relaxed on Fridays, people are looking forward to the weekend, and things that might have been enormously serious on Mondays are now just tiny blips on the radar screen. I may even take in some chocolates, just to sweeten everyone up.

I have something to look forward to as well. Tonight I will be receiving - ta-da - my new computer! Yes I will! I can hardly wait. I can't imagine what it will be like to use a computer that actually works, and actually has a USB port. Don't laugh. The computer I have now was the original computer used to guide the Mayflower from Southampton, England to the colony of Plymouth. So this weekend I will be learning all the bells and whistles of my new computer. Be prepared to be amazed at what I can do!

Have a great weekend, everyone.

NB: My site statistics on my boring-little-blog went off the chart today, and I noticed I have been chosen a "Blog of Note". Goodness! Moi? Well, the great thing is that I get to meet all you new folks, and I am looking forward to visiting you.


Charlotte Ann said...

I just got a NEW shiny laptop!
My old one was slow even with broadband connection.
Enjoy your new toy!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new computer! I bet you'll have it jumping through hoops in no time. :-)

Enjoy your weekend!

Smalltown RN said...

You have a fantastic weekend yourself...and enjoy that new computer....

Hilary said...

That's terrific, Jo. You're going to have a blast with it.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Perhaps you could sell your computer to the Smithsonian and then use the proceeds to finance the purchase of a new one.

Congrats on being a Blog of Note, by the way!

Bobbie said...

It's hard to get back into the swing of things after a long holiday break. Chocolate sounds like the perfect remedy!

Enjoy your new computer! Before I got my new one, I used to say that my old one came over on the ark with Noah!

Happy Friday!

Josh Diaz said...

What a cool news with your computer!! :)
I like your blog.

{S.T.U.F.F.} said...

CONGRATS!! for being Google's 'Blog of Note'...
{luv} your blog...will be stopping past often:D

Peggy said...

Congrats on being named Blog of Note! I enjoyed my first visit immensely! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the blog!! Enjoy your new computer!

ninja said...

Interesting stuff. First time I see a "regular person's" blog and not dedicated to one topic journal making it to the Blogs Of Note. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Yay for the weekend! Congrats on your Blog of Note status. Enjoy the new computer.

Deb said...

There is nothing better than getting a new computer. I always buy Dell and with that said, my computers last forever. Truth! I had a desktop that was used for a good 7 years. It was still working when I sold it for $250!
Have fun this weekend with your USB ports...

Karen Cantwell said...

I love your blog -- and I actually think you ARE a writer! :-)

Anonymous said...

congrats! on being blog-worthy! enjoyed browsing through... :D

Chanel said...

Ohhh i know what u mean. I have been looking forward to Friday since Monday morning. I'm ecstatic. I can not wait until i'm financially able to quit 9 to 5s (more like 7 to 430) all together and just write to my hearts content. *hopes prayers & wishes* Congrats on Blog of Note status and yayyy to the 21st century computer :-)

Anonymous said...

work has been tough everywhere and some days are tough to drag ya body in.

hang in there

:) great blog

VioletSky said...

Working 7 nights a week, I miss looking forward to weekends.

Congrats - a blog of note!

Tess Kincaid said...


It's about time your witty and intelligent blog was in the spotlight!

Cedar said...

What??? You serving drinks over here now? Is it open Mike Night? Can I get a Pitcher of Beer over here? And some of those salty little cheezie whoseits? And give the bill to him>>>> Pointing to Russell. Cheers!

nomore said...

Computings may very helful for our some aged persons their spritual health, do i it much of times...anyway congrats your new...

DELETED said...

Enjoy your new computer, and I found your post amusing. :)

Russell said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! on being named Blog of Note! Wow!!

Cedar, I will be most happy to pick up the tab for everyone tonight!! Let's all lift our glasses to Johanna (or, if you prefer, Jo or Josie)!!!

I can hearing the singing now -- I better have another drink!

"...for she's a jolly good ....!!!" (I sure am not going to say "fella"!!!

And I'm not going to tell you how I am finishing that line in my mind....! Hmmm...!!)

Kasey S said...

Oh good ol' Fridays! I keep waiting for my "break" like we had back during our school-days. That break never comes though.

Anonymous said...

very interesting, it is similar to this:

CSouthwell said...

make everyday a firday with your attitude. and you'll enjoy life that bit more.


congrats on blog of note. and good luck with the shiny new computer.

Andrea said...

Congrats on the blog of note! I think your writing is wonderful! :) I'm sure you will enjoy your new computer. So glad I stopped by. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! A computer you don't have to wind up? No more shovelling coal to keep it powered? You're living la vida Jetson's now, baby!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being a blog of note! I look forward to reading your thoughts.

Donnetta said...

Congrats on your "honor." I went back to work, too. Ugh! Just counting the days...D

Jerrin John Joseph said...

congratulations on the new system and being selected as a blog of not

Hilary said...

Jo! Very cool to see you on Blogs of Note too. Your blog life is about to get mighty busy! Congrats.. very well deserved. :)

RiverPoet said...

Many congratulations, dear Josie! I can say that I was reading you "when" - Peace - D

sebastian_09 said...

haha I love your writing... it's very interesting

Anonymous said...

My first visit here from the "Blog of Note" link. Very nice and interesting blog, thank you.

from Prague, Europe :-)

MrDZYN said...

You keep the computer. But hand over the chocolate! Congrats on being chosen as a "blog of note."

Rice Candy said...

Congrats on the Blog Of Note.

Swati Hingorani said...

congrats on becoming a blog of note! i love how you write and as far as computers go have fun with your new toy! my computer is a senior citizen and id jump through hoops if i got a new one! will definitely stop by your blog again xx

Coachdad said...

Congrats on being selected a Blog of Note! What a great honor...and much deserved. Just started last week on my own blog and would love for you to take a look. Again...congrats!

ishqia said...

u paint beautiful. tc

Deberlee said...

Congrats on being chosen as Blog of Note! How exciting! I like your blog.

f.r said...

God bless firday :)

Mona said...

how did your blog get chosen?

Sheila said...

This is the post that hooked reading your blog is a must. Thanks for the smile and the laugh!