Saturday, January 10, 2009

Extra-Sensory Perception...?

As I have said, oh, about a million times, I am not a writer, so I probably am not able to do justice to this little story. But it is a true story, so just imagine you are sitting with me in my living room, we are having some refreshments and chatting, and I am reciting the story to you just as it happened. I must say, also, that although I was baptized in the Catholic Church, I am not a Catholic so I have no special affinity to the Pope. I am spiritual but non-religious, secular. This is my Pope story.

It was Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10, 1981 and my daughter and I went for a two-hour walk to Jericho Beach and Spanish Banks, near where I live. When we got home my daughter settled down to do her homework, and I enjoyed the rare luxury of a Sunday afternoon nap. Just as I was waking up, I looked out the French doors in my bedroom that lead to the garden. The cherry trees were in bloom and I thought how wonderful they looked. I was wide awake. As I was looking at them I had a vision of a radio tower, similar to the RKO radio tower, and I could hear voices coming from it. The voices were speaking in various languages that I could not understand, but then I could understand the voices as they spoke in French and English. They were announcing that the Pope had been shot and was being rushed to Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic in Rome. The voices went on to say who did it and how he did it. His name was Mehmet Ali Ağca and he was a Turkish gunman for hire. He took the train into Rome and hid his gun in a locker at the train station. He later retrieved the gun, went to St. Peter’s Square and shot the Pope.

I sat up in bed and thought, “How evil. Why would anyone shoot the Pope?” It left me feeling very unsettled and I tried not to think about it. An hour or so later, a thunderstorm passed over Vancouver and lightning struck very close to our house. The basement windows were shattered and I felt very disoriented, as if I were part of the electrical energy.

The next day, Monday, I checked the television and newspapers to see if there had been any news about the Pope being shot, but there was nothing. By Tuesday, I had put it out of my thoughts. On Wednesday morning, May 13th, as I was getting ready for work and my daughter was getting ready for school, she came into my bedroom and said, “Mother, someone has just shot the Pope.” I said, “I know” and I told her about my premonition. I said, “Wait, there’s more,” and I told her the whole story. It was met with skepticism. Two days later, the rest of the story was announced on the six o’clock news. It was just as I had predicted.

A few years later I learned the assassination attempt on the Pope took place on the anniversary of the day and the hour when the Virgin Mary first appeared to the three peasant children in Fátima, Portugal, May 13, 1917. The Virgin Mary divulged three secrets to the children, the third of which was of “a bishop clothed in white who falls to the ground, apparently dead under a burst of gunfire.” The third secret had been kept sealed for many years and had been interpreted as the assassination of a Pope. One of the three children, Lucia, became a Carmelite nun and Pope John Paul II met with her on May 13,1982, one year after the attempt on his life. He always felt that the Virgin Mary had protected him.

Three years after the assassination attempt, the Pope came to Vancouver. Everyone turned out to see him, and I was standing by the side of the road near the Burrard Bridge as he passed by in his Popemobile with the bulletproof dome. Just as he pulled beside me and he was a few feet away, he turned and looked at me and our eyes locked for a brief moment, and on his face was a look of recognition. A strange and powerful force of the universe had connected us on May 13, 1981, and had also connected us both to another extraordinary event that had taken place on May 13, 1917. However, I will never fully understand what it was.


Karen Cantwell said...

I love stories like this! And as a very spiritual person, myself, I believe that our understanding of our spiritual abilities is still so minute compared to the vastness of potential that exists.

And I still say you ARE a writer!

Mary Ellen said...

Surely, you have a great psychic and spiritual ability with a very strong connection to God, which is evident in the story you told about how you realized your co-worker was choking and you helped to save her life. You are very blessed, kiddo!

JPII was by far my favorite Pope. I may not have always agreed with everything he said, but I did know exactly where he was coming from in connection to the Roman Catholic faith in his Papal rulings. Out of all the Pope's from my lifetime, I think he was the closest to being a representative for Jesus than any other Pope.

This is a great post, and thanks for sharing it with me. I do believe that Pope John Paul fulfilled his destiny, especially after reading his life story and what led him to becoming a priest in the first place. I have no doubt that he will be "Sainted" within the Catholic Church very soon.

CTVicky said...

That's a beautiful and moving story, and very well told.

marain said...

Very interesting story, and you are definitely a writer, a very entertaining one, so keep writing please!

The Pink Cowboy said...

What a fascinating anecdote. I do believe we co-live in different parallel universes. At the moment of your premonition you had the opportunity to peek into another time and space frame world. I was raised A Catholic, but I do not practice as I am totally against many of the Church's policies against Gay's and Women's rights nor do I believe Jesus meant his church to be lead by a monarchy ( the papacy). I fully understand the significance of this occurrences in your life. He does work in mysterious ways..... Loved this post!!!

Country Girl said...

I am so glad you posted this story again. I was fascinated by it the first time when you posted it on your former blog, and reading it again was equally so.
Josie, I want to congratulate you for being a Blog of Note. I've always thought you were myself, but finally, it is written.
Sorry, but I just saw Slumdog Millionnaire and I like saying "it is written".

Michael Lockridge said...

You are, indeed, a writer.

An interesting tale well told. Thank you for sharing.


Michelle said...

I like your blog. I was baptized Catholic as well - and still have the same reverence for the pope as if I were still a practicing Catholic, I'm not.

Amanda said...

This is a very intriguing post. I too was born Catholic, but I have become a nondenominational Christian because of some personal issues with the teachings of the Catholic church. I still believe, however, that God reaches out to us. Perhaps he did so to you, all those years ago.

And thank you for your comment on my blog today. Langston Hughes was indeed an amazing poet, and a catalyst for the American civil rights movement. You should definitely read more of his work if you haven't.

Raymonty said...

Very interesting story and I enjoyed reading it. Spirituality is part of my life and I can feel your emotions.

carloesse75 said...

Hello! Apologize for my writing in English full of errors. I'm an Italian guy who looks a few blogs for information.
I would leave a positive comment on the post well done. My passion to write poetry, my goal would be to open a room in Paris to go on living.
Thanks for your understanding dimenticavo beautiful photos .....
a greeting Carlo

Farm-to-Table Feasts said...

I believe visions are definitely a way to recieve from God. He has in fact been doing this since Bible times....appearing in visions and telling people of things to come. I encourage you to seek Him. He is the giver of Life and of all spiritual gifts.

JR's Thumbprints said...

Facinating story. I'll have to find the letter my grandmother sent me regarding an angel my grandfather saw. Maybe I'll post it too.

TheChicGeek said...

I don't know about not being a writer... You are! It's so amazing when the natural and supernatural come together. I think some people have a special gift for these things. If we were more in touch with our spirits I think we would all experience these amazing wonders! Beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

I'm Polish and this story made me feel very special. It doesn't suprise me at all. We love our Pope. Good luck to you.

Sean said...

Nice little story!

I don't particularly like the pope or what he stands for in the political/spiritual world but I understand why some might feel a connection with some of the better ones!

Cyth said...

A wonderful story. Filled with so much affirmation, on more than one level. I have found throughout my life that many people around me are skeptics, or are afraid to admit to other possibilities . It is very validating to hear your story. Thanks for sharing.

H @ Narnia's Closet said...

I really enjoyed your story. Though I'm Jewish I can still enjoy a spiritual story like that. While I'm a very reasonable thinker I do continue to believe in God and the supernatural. I guess they're not "unreasonable" to believe in, but science seems compelled to disagree with them, and I'm also a strong supporter of Science.

That being said, I really enjoyed your story, and have had my own moments of Godly intervention, though no premonitions like yourself.

sally said...

reading your story made me tremble a little...and I don't get goose pimples just like that. something of what happened as you have told it somehow struck a chord...i don't know how to explain it but what i'm trying to say is, i'm touched by the story..

Carolyn said...

Shivers down my spine at that one!

Shyam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shyam said...

That was truly a great story n i must admit u hav great writing skills

Lilly said...

Oh I am a believer. I have too many personal stories that are not quite as spectaculor as yours but are nontheless unexplainable. congrats on being a Blog of Note - I am excited for you!!

Anonymous said...

Love this story ... further proof that we as humans don't have anything figured out, much as we'd like to believe we do.

Anonymous said...

that is a cool picture.

KS said...


Jawbreak said...

thanks for come to my blog jo..

Unknown said...

Wow! You just gave me chills. That is a very powerful story.

Anonymous said...

I hail from India and have recently started to blog. You say you are not a writer. If you are not then who is? It was not only wonderfully written but had a strange surrealistic aura that was infectious.

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

Very nicely put. Who says you're not a good writer?

I too seem to feel the sixth sense many-a-times, but I always know that I am no one who can control or change what is going to happen. I know it will happen, but cannot stop it. Most of the times, those feelings are about something bad. In your case too, it was so. Quite surprising was the thing that happened with you, but that's a fact, a truth, which cannot be denied. There are supernatural powers, and we all are sensitive to them. It is just that a few pay attention and get far more clearer messages. You are a good listener to the only truth — the mere existence of the universe.

Raymonty said...

I agree with you.

paula said...

i read this story and i do believe sometimes we are given dreams and such premonitions in advance because God chooses us to pray and prevent such from happening.god bless you

M.DANIYAL said...

Well your blog deserved to be a blog of note...... you are going quite well!!
About the story, i really like it!!
Some what related i ve got a blog_ jus new_ check out its quite similar!!!
he y you are also invited to write for my blog!!! if u are not that busy...........!

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Now that you are so popular after your blog of note showing I will have to join Russel in the line and push (or punch) my way to the front for some commenting time. Just look. I had to wait more than nr 35 in line to get a chance.

I've always had a interest in the "weird" X-Files kind of stuff. ESP, dejavu, aliens, ghosts, monsters, lost cities... you name it. I do believe. Later, some guy is pushing behind me to comment. May be Russel.

Anonymous said...

very interested for read...
nice ur blog..
best regard,


f.r said...

the Lord works in mysterious ways.ur blog is a delight to read.:)

Parul Panthri said...

engrossing and well woven.


tarak1ng said...

You know how you say that you're not a writer? Well, I have to say, if you're not a writer, who is?? Being a writer isn't an occupation, or a title or something you put in your passport under 'occupation' - it's innate, it's in your DNA. And you, my friend, have writer written all over you, whether you like it or not. This was superb, I love it.

Donnetta said...

Hi, Josie! I think you've mentioned this fascinating story before. Seems familiar. I do believe in miracles. I do believe. I do believe. Cool. D

Quesak said...

It seems you have a gift of being able to receive spiritual communication, auditory as well as visual. This is wonderful! You have probably had many other similar spiritual communication experiences as well, but this was probably one of the more poignant experiences.
It is a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing it.

Revital said...

Thanks for sharing, it is beautiful. I've had my share of amazing experiences, each has strengthened my faith in God, my confidence in Him and my love for Him. He works in unbelievably beautiful and mysterious ways. Your story is a beautiful instance of this.

Revital said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Idzie Desmarais said...

Not a writer? Well, this post was excellently written! What a wonderful story...

Kat&Corie said...

you are indeed a reader. sorry for commenting so much on your page. But Congratulations! You've been featured on . We linked back to you under Interested?

Anonymous said...

Queenie Francie said...

hi, i just found you through blog of note. i love your story. congrats on being blog of note.

Charles Gramlich said...

That's pretty weird. There are definitely experiences in the world that make you go humm! This would be one for sure.

Gloucester Daffodil Show said...

In your profile, you wrote about hiding behind a gingerbread man! Hmmm, lets find one!
Great blog!

Smalltown RN said...

I love your story....I was born and raised Catholic...but as an adult I am non practising...I am a person of belief and spiritual enlightenment...I too have experienced strong preminisions...maybe one day I will share them on my blog...

You have a gift my friend...what I find interesting today is that I have read a couple of bloggers stories who have shared dreams some have come true...some are new and wondering what they mean....just keeps you wondering now doesn't it....


Leah Fry said...

Congratulations on being a Blog of Note. I so enjoyed not only the Pope story itself, but your compelling way of penning it. So if you don't mind, I'll keep visiting you. If you like, come and visit me.

jay dee said...

I am no longer a practicing catholic as I question many of the churches teachings,although I do believe that there is a higher authority not perhaps in the religious sense.I enjoyed your little story as I believe that there are somethings that we don't yet understand, and I think that you are a very good writer,I hope there are many more of these enjoyably little story's.

Andrea [<3] said...

I myself have had a lot of strange dreams. Even as a little kid I remember having a very vivid dream of a house burning down. A few days after the dream my grandmother's house burned to the ground. I have a couple of very interesting dreams I am going to post to my blog in a moment so if anyone would like to check them out your thoughts are more than welcome.

Molly said...

Speaking as a person who *is* religious (with special affinities for both the Blessed Virgin and John Paul the Great), I am so happy that you posted this.

JP II said after he recovered that even as he fell from the wound, he could not forget that the attempt on his life was made on the anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. He called for the Madonna in Polish as his guards rushed him to the hospital.

I think Our Lady, as well as JP the Great, hold you close in their hearts. Things like that never happen for no reason.

Remember that you are precious!

Mona said...

wow, what a great story! i would like to have these extra-sensory, i think (;

i too think you are a good writer.

rino ronquillo said...

I had goosebumps while reading your story. I'd say you are a writer blessed with a special insight to person's soul.

Miss_Nobody said...

wow, i loved that.Your modesty ought to get some fresh ARE a writer :)

Sass said...

Just came upon you from Blogs of Note. Congrats on the well deserved honor!

And I'm going to go out on a limb and say, after reading this story, you fact...a writer.

Accept it! :)

Anonymous said...

Get good advice on how to get good job

Anonymous said...

Get good advice on how to get good job

TwoFish said...

Wow. What an interesting story....the way the universe works sometimes...

Lani Vento said...

That is an amazing story. Do you have any other similar experiences?

Mark and Patty of Crystal Pyramid Productions in San Diego said...

Stop saying you are not a writer, because you are! You really are.

Fargo Delong said...

wow, great story. That's soo cool.

Fargo Delong said...

wow, great story. That's soo cool.

B said...

That is quite the story. It gives me chills!

You may not think you are a writer, but you're certainly a storyteller. Look forward to following your blog.


TaRosa Jacobs said...

I have CHILLS right now. Thank you for sharing.

Patsy said...

Jo, PLEASE write more about your thoughts on this phenomenon. I find it compelling because you *predicted* an event, and you did it in detail.

I find this fascinating but cannot decide exactly why. My rational brain says one thing, but emotions are stronger than reason. I am so thirsty.

-Lorna, for whom things change too much

cheatymoon said...

I'm glad I stopped by. This is my kind of story. (Saw your comment on my aunt's blog).

Renee' said...

I still have goosebumps fro reading this one. Excellent writing!

Catherine said...

You say you are not a writer, and I think this is debatable, but instead I'll just say that you are an extraordinary storyteller! When I read your blogs, I have the sense that you are actually speaking to me, that I am hearing you tell the story. You have a real gift for this, and I enjoy reading your blog! I look forward to future posts!

Anonymous said...

Muito interessante sua história. Já houve alguns acontecimentos espirituais comigo, mas não tão intenso quanto o seu. Estou adorando o seu blog, parabéns.

Abraço de

Edward Yablonsky said...

Nothing happens in this albeit incomprehensible universe without design. Your story and your insights illustrate thjat any one can have them as you mention you had no affinity to the Pope. Your vision of the radio tower with various languages and then ones you could understand announcing the assassination attempt. There's a purpose for everything under heaven and sometimes it's hid for us and we are unknowing participants.