Have you ever read something in a newspaper or magazine, or watched something on TV, and you have felt a lightbulb go on --- right over your head? I watched Nadya Suleman being interviewed on the
Today Show this morning. Nadya is the mom of six children and she just gave birth to eight more, making a total of 14 children. There has been some controversy about this Mom, given the fact that she is a single mother. I have been wondering why a woman who already has six children would want one more child, let alone eight more, if she is single and has no spouse to help her raise her children. And then, this morning as I watched her being interviewed on NBC, the lightbulb went on over my head. She is trying to emulate Angelina Jolie.
I'm just guessing of course, just pure speculation, but it looks to me as if she idolizes Angelina Jolie, even going so far as to have her face made over to look like her idol. Stranger things have happened, haven't they?
So now, there are these 14 little children, their Mom is bankrupt, they have no father and to all intents and purposes their Mom will be raising them on her own. In a way it's a good thing that the children all have each other. I always wanted to be part of a large family. What a wonderful feeling that would be. Obviously every one of these children will be loved, and that's the main thing. I hope the folks in their community find it in their hearts to help out whenever and wherever they can. Goodness! 14 children!
NB: Since I first did this post this morning, there have now been quite a few websites where other people have noticed the same resemblance that I did. It just seemed very obvious to me during the initial interview this morning that the resemblance was uncanny.
personally i couldnt do it!!! insanity is inherited.... you get it from your children ...
ReplyDeleteOMG - you are totally right! She is trying to be Angelina Jolie! Wow.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time I have seen a picture of this mother and I think you are definitely right.
ReplyDeleteHaving six kids and wanting another (while a single mother?!), you hit it right on the head.
Who supported her in this idea? Why would they do the procedure if she already had a kid? Maybe God didn't want her to get rid of all the eggs that took (or however that works) with the procedure but maybe God was telling her 6 is enough.
Sorry, I ranted. And I'm not at all religious. Just a strong supporter of common sense.
ReplyDeleteThe thing I keep wondering is how she paid for the procedure. Isn't that expensive? She's unemployed, lives with her parents, has no husband... who paid for this ridiculous procedure?
ReplyDeleteYou didn't tell us what was it that she said on the interview. I guess the children are her means of making a living. She probably gets an allowance for each one of the children and also gets help in raising them from the local social authorities.
ReplyDeleteI thought I heard somewhere her parents have money.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking along those lines when I heard some radio commentary on this story, saying that she was NOT being inundated with freebies as per many previous famous multiple births such as the Jon & Kate + Eight family and others. I hope that these kids, who are real human beings, in spite of the hoopla surrounding their beginnings and the questionable judgment of this mother, are not made to suffer from her bad decisions. What's done is done, they are here now and don't deserve to suffer anymore than they already might with the possible physical and mental ailments that can result from multiple births.
ReplyDeletesomebody has to care for the children, i don't see it being her. maybe mr.pitt can take a few off her hands......they say all things will eventually work themselves out but i do wonder, jc
ReplyDeletesomebody has to care for the children, i don't see it being her. maybe mr.pitt can take a few off her hands......they say all things will eventually work themselves out but i do wonder, jc
ReplyDeletesomebody has to care for the children, i don't see it being her. maybe mr.pitt can take a few off her hands......they say all things will eventually work themselves out but i do wonder, jc
ReplyDeleteYou know, when I first saw her picture, my very first reaction was "Holy collagen injections!" Seriously, that woman has had work done on her lips. Maybe you're onto something with the Angelina Jolie thing!
ReplyDeleteJo, you are so right, she is trying to be Angelina Jolie, how sad for her and her children! I can't believe a Dr. in his right mind would go along with this. You know the tax payers will be supporting these children So sad that people get so wrapped up in the celebs, actors and actress' used to be regarded as less than desirable, now they are treated like royalty, doesn't make sense!
ReplyDeleteAn interesting turn of events. It also seems she would like to define her personal sense of self worth and worth as family through her children. I believe this could become pressure for children
It's definitely going to take a village to raise this bunch.
ReplyDeletewhy do you feel she wants to be like angelina jolie? i did not see or hear angelina mentioned in the article and show...though it does look like she has had some kind of facial work done...as for the photo...yes there are resemblances in those 2 photos, but that proves nothing...i can probably find a similar photo of myself that has some resemblance too...
ReplyDeleteI thought exactly the same thing- she thinks she's Angelina. I believe the poor woman is mentally ill, and I am afraid for those children. It was hard enough raising two kids with a husband-I cannot image how a woman alone cold adequately raise fourteen. It's a shame.
ReplyDeleteOh my!!! o_O
ReplyDeleteThat's all I can say right now!
Leilani, oh, goodness, yes! :-)
ReplyDeleteLoverOfLife, well, that is my guess, but as I say -- speculation only.
B, I completely agree with you, but it was her decision and I guess I am not in a position to criticize it. I think, however, she is trying to emulate Angelina Jolie.
Lovelyprism, she apparently has had quite a bit of social assistance!
DUTA, and yes, unfortunately her parents went bankrupt.
Leah, no, her parents are broke, sadly.
Avril, I completely agree. What's done is done and the children are here now. But, gosh...!
Jackc50, can you imagine a single mother of 14 children?!? Holy doodle!
Tova, well, it was just my own speculation, but I have also read that she is trying to emulate Angelina Jolie. Those lips are not natural!
Deb, oh, gosh, yes! It's like that poor woman who tried to be Paula Abdul. She became obsessed with her, even changing her name to Paula.
Linda, oh, yes, I agree. It certainly is not going to be easy for her children, that's for sure!
Poutalicious, LOL! Yes, I hope there are some big-hearted people where she lives.
Mona, as I said in my post, it is my speculation only. However, I did find a couple of websites supporting my theory, after I did my post! Apparently I am not the only one who thinks this way. http://www.popcrunch.com/octuplets-mother-nadya-suleman-angelina-jolie-look-alike/
Deedee, well she is obviously obsessed, I believe. I think the authorities will have to watch the situation very closely.
PinkPanthress, oh yes...
I think you are brave to raise this issue. I'm somewhat confused by the whole thing. Why why why ??? But to ask why surely does not help at this point, though I know that many , like myself , are trying to grapple with it. It makes no sense. But not everything in the world does make sense. But who, how ---will these children receive the good things they need to make them strong loving individuals? That worries me. I can't say more right now. I need to digest it all---WHY?
ReplyDeleteAs soon AS I saw her, I thought, Angelina Jolie! I am not going insane :-)
ReplyDeleteJo, I am so pleased I have come across your blog. I walk with others who walk dogs for the BCSPCA and your posts offers much stimulating conversation to these daily walks.
ReplyDeleteYou are the kid in class who asks the uncomfortable question the rest of us are too afraid or embarassed to ask. Thank you.
Your posts are well thought out and considered. Thank you so much for being the brave one and sharing and allowing some of us to rant!!!
Smiles and have a wonderful weekend.
Cyth, gosh, I don't feel brave, I just think there is something amiss here, and there are 14 children involved. I don't think we have heard the last of this. But thank you! :-)
ReplyDeleteJustBreathe, oh, trust me, you are not going insane. It was very obvious that she had had her face, especially her lips, altered to resemble Angelina Jolie. I'm wondering if there is a reality check necessary there.
Carolyn, gosh! You talk about my posts on your walks? Wow, I am honored! And yes, I have always been the kid in class who asks the uncomfortable question everyone else is too afraid or embarassed to ask. And it has gotten me into trouble more than once! *heh* Thank you!
Huh. I think you are onto something. I kept staring at her thinking she's awfully young to have already had some weird plastic surgery - she looks like she wasn't born with that face.
ReplyDeletegods, I hope I don't find out that she had some sort of reconstructive surgery after a horrible accident but...nah..I think you're right.
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ReplyDeleteNo, no, not an Angela Jolie look-alike.
ReplyDeleteShe looks for all the world like Lisa Nowak, the crazy lady astronaut.
Hey Lisa, strap on a diaper and come on out to visit me.
Hell, bring the duct tape and handcuffs. Teach me to wear leather pajamas. I'm at the stage where I do anything with anybody just to stop being a lonely guy.
So desperate, my cat is in bondage, because she keeps running away...Do you blame her?
But I must say Nadya Suleman's got that come- hither look that both Angela Jolie and even Lisa Nowak possess.And Lisa Nowak looks pretty good whenever she gets out of rehab or something and puts on some makeup.
These woman are devishly attractive.
Hey. Studs Terkel over here.
You want a writer in the family?
Yeah, yeah. I know.
a children at the same birth? miracle..
ReplyDeletebut she is a lucky mother who is going to enjoy the naive smile of 8 kids...
Wow, Sean and I were just talking about this woman the other day. As you know, we are Traditional Catholics and are pro-life supporters, no matter the situation. However, I am baffled as to why the "clinic" allowed her to conceive so many children, given her financial and marital situation. I know it is not their position to interfere with someones personal life, but when do you draw the line, how do you protect the unborn?
ReplyDeleteCrazy, absolutely crazy. And I guess the poor little kids will be supported through the welfare program that all of US support! Get those tubes tied. Now! D
ReplyDeleteI think Nadya Suleman is commiting a social crime. She has no business to bring in so many children into this world whom she surely cannot give all that they need. She is publicity hungry. Now that she is getting her share of publicity she may think she has achieved some thing, and might even abondon the children at a later stage. Who is going to monitor the lives of these children...? Not Nadya, as she is busy getting her self modified to look like Angie, and doing publicity tunts (interviews and I dont know what else). Some Social organisation should put an end to this ridiculous display of self gratification and abuse of God has empowered you with....!
ReplyDeleteSome Social organisation should put an end to this ridiculous display of self gratification and abuse of WHAT God has empowered you with....!
ReplyDeleteShe obviously has some mental aberration and I fault the doctors who gave her in vitro. What were they thinking??? They should be relieved of their licenses.
ReplyDeleteIt's creepy. She does look like Angelina. I have heard a lot of controversy on this subject. I understand that taking care of so many children will be difficult and costly. But I'm not going to pass judgement on her decision. Avril said so well. They are here now and must be helped so they stay healthy and happy.
ReplyDeleteI think it's totally irresponsible to have that many children when you have no visible means of providing. Why should the taxpayers have to pay for her wants? I heard the fertility clinic was being investigated and well it should be. What is the matter with people?????
ReplyDeleteYou've always had great perception!
ReplyDeleteAnd no one would get upset if Angelina Jolie had 14 children because she has the resources to take care of them. Though I can't imagine anyone having the time to give 14 children the individual attention and love that they all need.
ReplyDeleteOh my God! that is a little wild!
ReplyDeleteSomehow i feel its an obsession
ReplyDeleteBPO work from home
After reading the book White Oleander, I always assumed extremely poor people have more children because they get a certain amount of welfare per child.
ReplyDeleteBabies for money, perhaps?
Sorry (why am i saying that b4 i have even made my comment?) but i think it is very selfish! As a mommie of one baby it is incredibly demanding and they need and deserve your time, devotion and love she is speading herself so thinly. People have babies for so many reasons seldom the right one. Here is a prime exaple,using her babies for her own selfish need for fame?
ReplyDeleteI know that I'm late to the party - middle child what do you expect? ;)
ReplyDeleteBut I don't get how she can afford to have infertility treatments and all that plastic surgery? (No natural face looks like hers. No way.) She's on food stamps.3 of her older children are considered 'disabled'. She lives with her mother who takes care of the brood.
Did anyone say "Anne Curry?" I very much dislike her style of journalism and she was the first to interview or should I say "Cop" an unterview with Ms. Suleman. Sniper journalism!