
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The White Rabbit

I'm late, I'm late for a very important date
No time to say "Hello", "Goodbye"
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late
And when I wave, I lose the time I save
My fuzzy ears and whiskers
Took me too much time to shave

... The White Rabbit; "Alice in Wonderland"

I wish I had more time for blogging -- especially to visit all my favorite blogs. It seems there are just not enough hours in the day, and once again, "the hurrier I go, the behinder I get..." Please don't think I'm ignoring you ... I will be over to visit you soon.


  1. Oh do I know that feeling. And posted about as much just yesterday. It's summer (at least in our hemisphere). Time to take it easier. Don't fall down any rabbit holes!

  2. Awwww....... thanx. You could comment on my most recent post..... no one has yet. :/
    Nice pic.

  3. I do know what you mean, dust on the printer, that's what I see, grass to be mowed, pulled, weedeated, weeds to kill, moles to eradicate, sheets to change, that mound of paperwork. Then I get to go back to work and rest. LOL

  4. I feel the same way....whew!

  5. LOL! I love the picture.

    I'm in the same boat as you....not as much time for blogging and visiting others is taking more time than I have to give. If it weren't another rainy day in Chicago, I'd wouldn't be on the computer today!

    I'll be back to visit you again soon. In the meantime, watch those rabbit holes, you never know what you'll find in them! ;-)

  6. Well, it's good to know I'm not alone. Have had too many white rabbit days of late.

  7. Jo, you do a great job and your output is quality so no apologies required!

    BTW, when I was showing visitors around Mellerstain House I always mentioned the fact that the 12th Earl of Haddington married Sarah Cook who was one of three sisters living in Canada. Sarah came to the UK and married the 12th Earl, her sister also married the Earl of Minto, near Hawick in the Borders, but the 3rd sister, Dorothy, never married. Dorothy died at age 101 in a nursing home near Mellerstain about 12 years ago. Can marriage shorten your life I wonder? No, of course not, but maybe spinsterhood (? word) may have something going for it.

  8. Hi Jo...I feel like the rabbit too many days. Hope you are having exciting adventures keeping you busy :D
    Oh, I'm late, I'm I go...LOL
    Have a Happy Day!

  9. I agree with PhilipH... your blog is so much good quality fun and enlightenment, I for one am totally happy with whatever time you can devote to it, but jeez, there are other things in life besides blogging, it's good to take a day off sometimes, and go out and enjoy Vancouver, and take some pictures... imagine you were Fred Herzog, how would he spend a free day where you are ?

  10. If blogging is something that you feel obligated to do and then feel guilty for not doing, you've lost the fun.
    It's a wonderful time of year and you are hopefully able to spend time doing things you can't do the rest of the year. Have fun and don't worry about us. We're not going anywhere:)

  11. Well, that's okay 'cuz I know what your schedule is like. But do pop over to see my V is for Van Morrison post. :D

  12. remember what the doormouse said ''feed your head''...white rabbit, it's too nice to post these days, jc

  13. I always did love the white rabbit. Your right sometimes we feel just like that.

  14. Well, there was the White Rabbit and the Red Queen, doing the same thing--but she was a card!

  15. Well I hope so. The frozen margaritas are melting, and if you wait too long, they'll be gone!

  16. Oh! Jo, come to Bahia, in Brazil. There, all things go in slow -motion way!

  17. Okay 'White Rabbit' don't fret about visits! I have a question: In your previous post about your childhood home - are the paintings (the children romping in the surf and the wheelbarrow in the garden yours?) They are delightful either way!

  18. I know that feeling! It is as if the more we hurry, the more we have to do.
    Or, in my case the less I do, the less I feel needs doing! haha.


Thank you for visiting. It is always fun to read your comments, and I try really hard to respond to all comments. I love you all.