
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Blowin' In The Wind...

Yesterday my friend Leslie and I started out on one of our excellent adventures, but the beaches were packed with wall-to-wall bodies, barbeques, frisbies ... etc. We went to the farthest reaches of Spanish Banks and Locarno, only to be stuck in traffic jams, and the wind was so fierce, I could barely see through the sand storm. We managed to find a log to hide behind, only to be bombarded by a loud boombox from the log next door, together with the pungent smell of cultured cigarettes ... um ... grass they were smoking. I actually started to feel a bit of a "buzz", and I had to move. I'm glad I wore my cozy red Canada Day sweater, because it was actually quite chilly. But it was wonderful to get outdoors and let the wind blow the cobwebs out of my head. Speaking of which, Charlotte has vacated her home, but it is still there. I will leave it up in case it comes back.

Have a wonderful day, everyone. I will be off to visit you on Saturday morning -- with my coffee.


  1. What? You didn't move a bit closer to take in the full effect of those, uh, cultured cigarettes?! Heh!

    I had a client once who alleged the reason he failed a UA (drug test) was because he had become high due to second hand smoke. He claimed he was in a pick up truck and sitting between two fellows who were smoking pot -- which, of course, he would never do since he had been convicted of drug possession, was out of parole and was not supposed to do such things!

    The judge sent him back to prison and told him to come up with a better story next time!!

    Take care and hope you enjoyed your day at the beach! Ocean wind is something we do not have to worry about here in Iowa! Heh!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful adventure. Red is a great color on you.

  3. Once again the logs???. Please tell me.

  4. You have very interesting logs in BC. And you're a cheap high! ;) Sounds like you had a fun Canada Day.

  5. JO, I think that this is my favorite picture of you, even more than your profile picture. I like the naturalness of it. I like your hair blowing like that.

    And ........ Charlotte flew the coop? Ah.. such is Mother Nature.


  6. Ah yes, it was fun - except for the wind blowing sand into my hair which needed washing again! Maybe next time, it'll be a calmer day with not so many bodies and boomboxes around.

  7. LOL, a slight buzz huh. I wonder, since I can no longer smell anything, would the smoke cause me to have a buzz?

    Sounds like you had a nice time though.

  8. Nice pic of you, Jo. Have a nice holiday:)

  9. Jo, Once again I'm jealous of the ocean breezes; as for the second hand smoke, you could consider it medicinal!

  10. You look simply fabulous! Is that the results of your little buzz?

  11. The buzz(er) my friend
    was blowin' in the wind,
    the buzz was blowin'
    in the wind.

    Sorry Mr. Dylan I just couldn't help myself.

  12. Oh Jo, sounds like ya'll had a blast! Fabulous pic and I'm with Mean Mama, red is your color!!
    Happy 4th!!!

  13. Sounds lovely. It's almost too hot here to be outside any time of the day... wish I could have been with you!

  14. I think this is such a cute post. And I love you in that color.

  15. Cultured cigarettes? That's a new one. I love the pic of you. You should wear red all the time!


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