
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Convince Me...

My little treehouse is very small, so I have to use furniture that is "light" in order to give the illusion of more space. I have a glass dining room table, and several pieces of wicker, to let the light through and to give a visual effect of airiness. I have some other pieces of furniture, as well, that are so ancient old that they have officially become antiques, but they are well-made, good pieces, including a couple of pieces from New England and Quebec. There are no staples or particle boards in any of them. But I must admit, it has been a very long time since I have bought anything new.

I need a new casual chair for a space in front of my sliding glass doors that open onto the terrace. I have been considering a wicker chair so it has the same feeling of airiness, and doesn't block the view of the trees. I finally found this one - on sale - at Pier One Imports. I saw it online, and I found it at one of our local stores yesterday. It's perfect, and I have the equally perfect cushions to put on it. But now I am trying to convince myself to go back and actually buy it. Should I? Should I? I just need to be persuaded. So, folks, convince me. Then, if I feel guilty, I can blame you. "They made me do it..."

Well, thank you everyone for convincing me. I actually found a chair that I like even better than the first one -- even though it was slightly more expensive -- because it has a lovely inclining back. (You can click on the picture for a better view). It is now safely in my home, basking in the sunshine, and I am very soon to curl up in it with a good book. For some strange reason, it is the endless summer here in the Great White North Lotusland, and it's almost 90 degrees Fahrenheit today. But who's complaining!? You won't hear me complaining. No, siree. Have a great weekend, everyone.


  1. Go for it Jo. It is beautiful... & you deseve it. It will make you happy every time you sit in it & you already have the cushion!

  2. Go buy it! It is a beautiful chair. Plus you need to go now!!! Before someone else gets it!

  3. Go BUY IT! If you don't you will beat yourself up later.

  4. My experience is that I usually regret NOT buying something a lot more than I ever regret buying something. If you like it, can afford it, and need it, that's all you need to know.

  5. Jo, you deserve something new and fun! Go and buy it! It will look lovely, and make all over your other things seem fresh, and new because you'll see them in a different visual context.

    It will be a lovely little pick-me-up in your much loved space. You know how light works, how even the smallest difference in how light is coming in can make a place look different. Even a well loved home can do with something that can make you look at it a little differently, fall in love with it in a different way.

    Mr. Wicker Chair is sitting there saying, "I'm here to help you see your home in a new, different way. You'll be astonished at how you'll see your table, the view to your patio, the view from your kitchen and living areas just that little bit differently."

    He's quite the suave chair, isn't he? Make sure he doesn't have any poky sort of wicker before you take him home. Sit down, make sure your clothing doesn't catch at all, then if it doesn't? Take him home and let him brighten the way you look at all the things around.

    It's important to treat yourself, for one thing. But you also love art, and clearly enjoy visuals. It's more than just a chair, it's a way to have a fresh view of even your old pieces!

    Dooooo it [/subliminal voice]

  6. Two thumbs up from me. I love it!
    Sunny :)

  7. That is a lovely chair. I'd plump it with a cushion and sit on the balcony...... :D bliss. With some chocolate and a novel.... I think you should get it.

  8. That chair reminds me of spring and summertime. You could sit there no matter what the calendar says!

    - AprilinRI

  9. Pier One is a great place to shop. I love their selection.

    Here's a rule of thumb...if it's on must buy it!

  10. Very nice design (notice its legs).
    Buy it and ejoy it!

  11. yes, yes, yes. And feel free to blame all of us!

  12. It's really nice, I hope you get it. And since you have the most popular blog on the planet, I think you will find lots of us to blame!

  13. I wouldn't hesitate at all! Buy a pretty cushion for it also.

  14. I say go for it!!!!!! I don't mind taking the blame! :-D

  15. In my opinion you should buy this chair, as it might provide you with many stories.
    Got me as well a chair and felt/feel so attached to it, that I carried it on my own through the streets from one part of the town to the other - through heavy rain (long story)...however am always glad to know that I'm able to return home to rest upon this chair.
    A weekend filled with many hours to spend sitting upon your new chair I'd like to wish you.

  16. We love wicker and have a houseful. I have only bought one piece (a rocker) new. We find incredible deals at thrift shops. With the exception of the rocker, I don't think we've ever spent over $15 U.S. for a piece.

    Cher,your posts are always so fresh! I'm adding you to my blogroll.

  17. Love wicker, love the new chair, love the chair cushion, and love the fireplace!!! Enjoy!

  18. This is a lovely chair also. The main thing is that you are happy with it. Looks very inviting.
    Sunny :)

  19. Oooh, I love the one you bought. The other was attractive but this one is even better. Everything in a tree house should be airy, and you have done it just right. Enjoy your new comfy chair!


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