
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mrs. McGillicuddy

My daughter doesn't like me doing posts about her or her family, understandably, and she doesn't like me posting pictures. That's fair enough -- this is the Internet. So, without saying too much, and without an identifiable picture (I hope...), today is her birthday so I just wanted to wish her a Happy Birthday.

Mrs. McGillicuddy is, without a doubt, the smartest person I have ever met. On the last day of school in grade two, she came home from school with a little crest with an "M" on it. She wasn't sure what it was for, so I called the principal of the school, and he said, "She deserves a White Spot hamburger and a milk shake today, because she won the award for being the smartest kid in grade two. The "M" stands for merit." It was then that I had a clue that she was quite smart. I called her grandparents to let them know, but of course they weren't surprised at all. She went on all through school to be the in top of her class, and won several scholarships in University. Life was not always easy for her, without a father, but she was very determined.

Mrs. McGillicuddy is also very funny, and a wonderful mimic, and she can do a perfect imitation of a wood bug. Interestingly, her children have both inherited her keen intelligence and sense of humor. You should see Phinnaeus imitate a cheesy 1980s aerobics instructor. It's spot on, and too funny for words. The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree.

So hopefully there is no identifiable information here, and Mrs. McGillicuddy won't shoot me be too cross with me for wishing her Happy Birthday.


  1. Very nice post and tribute to what I am sure is a most lovely young woman.

    I agree. The apple does not fall from the tree. But remember .... YOU were the tree!!

    Happy Birthday to YOU, too -- I have always felt birthdays were as much for the parent as the child!

    And, yes, certainly, Happy Birthday to your daughter, too!! My guess is that BOTH of you are very fortunate to have each other in your lives.

  2. Cute picture! There is one of my brother dressed similarly (he was MUCH younger though). Mom thought it would be funny for halloween - I was dressed in my dad's National Guard jumpsuit. We thought we were the stuff...

    Happy Birthday Mrs. McGillicuddy! Your mom is a hoot!

  3. Many Happy Returns of the Day, Mrs. McGillicuddy!


  4. A very Happy Birthday to the meritorious Mrs. McGillicuddy :-) You've every reason in the world to be proud!

    Many happy returns of the day.

  5. Ah, I love it when people post such moving birthday posts of their children. Happy Birthday to the young Mrs McGillicuddy!

  6. Happy Birthday to the wonderful birthday lady. The photo is precious.

  7. Don't be mad at your Mama Mrs. Mcgillicuddy... please? I so enjoyed that post. Learning even just a tiny bit about someones child helps one to know the parent a bit better. I guess I mean I love your Mama's posts and I have always wondered about her children, Happy Birthday, you beautiful genius.

  8. Happy Birthday, Mrs. McG! (You do your mama proud! Just look at her glow as she goes on about you!)

  9. Then Happy Birthday to whoever she may be. :-)

  10. I love the alias you chose, as well as the photo. One of my daughters is also a very private person and you have to respect that. Happy Birthday to her and good job to the mom who raised her.

  11. How wonderful that you know your daughter so well and obviously have a good relationship with her! I hope her birthday is a happy one!

  12. Happy Birthday to your girl. The photo's adorable, too.

  13. A beautiful happy birthday to someone you obviously adore.

  14. Precious.

    And now, in jest, in jest,
    Gotta watch those CBC executives.
    They'll have a boy dressed up like that.

  15. I would pay money to see someone do a spot-on imitation of a wood bug.

    Happy birthday, Mrs. McG. We all know exactly where you got half of your intelligence and humor.

  16. Happy Birthday to Mrs. McGillicuddy from the Friendly city of Port Elizabeth in sunny South Africa as well.

  17. Oh yes, happy birthday to her, and I agree with Russell, happy birthday to you too!

    Of course she is very smart... how could she not be, with the mother she has? BTW, cute picture.

  18. Hi,
    wish Mrs. McG a very happy birthday from Friko.

  19. Happy Birthday Mrs. McGillicuddy - wherever you are!

  20. Happy Birthday to the lovely Mrs. McGillicuddy!
    I am sure she had a wonderful mother to set an example for her!

  21. Precious picture. Daughter will appreciate the happy birthday message. (singing) Happy Birthday to Mrs. McGillicuddy! D

  22. What precious words...

    Hopefully still in time - Happy Birthday, Mrs. McGillicuddy.


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