
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Russell...!

Birthday Myspace Graphics

Today is my friend Russell's birthday. Bailey will probably bake him a cake -- chocolate of course. Bailey is rather partial to chocolate cake, even though he knows he's not supposed to eat it. Russell will then have to rush Bailey to the vet. Bailey will then come home and roll in some eau-de-skunk. It will be just another day in the life of Sir Mow-A-Lot and his trusty friend Bailey.

Happy Birthday, Russell...!


  1. LOL I love the description!

    Happy Birthday, Russell. :-)

  2. Well, hope the Vet's visit was not obligatory!
    Happy Birthday in whatever is least damaging.. ie bland rice or pasta dish?..XX
    Many Happies, Russell!!

  3. Jo, Happy Birhday to your friend Russel!

  4. Happy Birthday Russell! To celebrate, may I suggest sharing nuts with the neighborhood squirrels.

  5. Sir-Mow-A-Lot? LOL! Happy Birthday, Russell. Go Iowa State!

  6. I think I'm stealing this whole post for my step mother's birthday today. Except the part about the dog baking a birthday cake.

    Happy Birthday Russell!

  7. Happy Birthday, Russell!

    And would you believe...this is also my birthday! Seriously. Though I think I'm probably 10 years older than Russell.

  8. Happy Birthday, happy first day of Autumn too.

  9. Happy Birthday to Russell! Hope you all made some memories.

  10. Oh, Happy Birth Day...I'm going to bake another a cake,,,even the Baily'''

  11. Along with Happy Birthday, here is a helpful tip (gained from painful experience). To avoid future vet visits after chocolate consumption, feed Bailey the baking puppy a bit of peroxide (mixed with ice cream if necessary) every 15 minutes until he politely expels all of the forbidden treats. While not particularly yummy it is effective (and cheap).
    And while Russell enjoys his day, may you enjoy yours.

  12. Happy Birthday Russell!!

    I hope that Jo gave you the correct number of whacks in your spanking. ;-)

  13. Happy Birthday to Russell. Handy hound he has there :-)

  14. Boo hoo... nobody has said Happy Birthday to ME today!

    OK, it's not until January (it's always been in chilly January) but I still think I'm being left out.

    Anyway, 'Appy Birthday Russell.

  15. Happy Birthday Russell!

    Hope it's been a wonderful day for you.

  16. Goodness.... thank you so much! I really appreciate you thinking of me and all the nice comments from everyone!

    Bailey did make a birthday meal for me this evening. I didn't have the heart to tell him Creme de Menthe Dog Food is not exactly my FAVORITE meal...! Heh!

    But you know what? It sort of tastes like chicken!!

    Thanks again!

  17. Happy Birthday Sir Mow-A-Lot!! :) Let the good times roll!

  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUSSELL (even though you are in bed by now and I am late...)

  19. Happy Birthday in whatever is least damaging.. ie bland rice or pasta dish?..XX
    Many Happies, Russell!!
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