
Friday, December 11, 2009

The Office Christmas Grinch

What would Christmas at the office be without the tacky Christmas decorations? You know the ones -- the snowflakes made out of plastic soda pop rings, or the styrofoam snowman who bobbles back and forth and sings Elvis Presley's "Blue Christmas"... We have all those, and more. Every year we dig them out of one of the hall closets and stick them out lovingly place them in their assigned places of honor. Every year someone brings us poinsettias, and this year one of my co-workers found four wooden Nutcrackers that are actually surprisingly tasteful, and we each have one on our desks.

A few years ago I noticed we did not have any decorations that actually said "Merry Christmas" so I walked over to the dollar store and bought a little felt banner, and hung it up in a special place where everyone could see it. Everyone loved it. One evening I was working late, and I happened to catch a movement out of the corner of my eye. The office kleptomaniac was stealing taking the "Merry Christmas" banner to her office.

"Hey, wait...! Put that back...! I bought that for the office."

She sheepishly told me she liked it so much, she wanted to put it on her office door. I told my co-workers the story the next day, and one fellow laughed so hard, his chair shook. Ever since that time, our "Merry Christmas" banner has held a special place in our hearts.

Recently a new employee was hired as an assistant to The Black Knight, and the two of them decided to go through all the cupboards and "throw out" any superfluous items they deemed unnecessary. And yes, you guessed it, they tossed out half our Christmas decorations, along with the "Merry Christmas" banner. They also threw out the lovely festive tacky red velvet bows that we hung along with the plastic soda pop ring snowflakes. Christmas in our office is just not the same this year.

I guess I'll have to pay another visit to the dollar store.


  1. WHAT GIVES THEM THE RIGHT TO THROW OUT THE YEARLY OFFICE CHRISTMAS DECOR? WOW, Maybe I'm just PMSing, but that really ticks me off. Do they really feel the need to upset their employees around Christmas time? That's not a smart move. Someone should send them a stocking full of COAL!!!!!

  2. I saw a Christmas card once where a naked woman answers the door, thinking it is her husband or boyfriend (and apparently deciding to give him an early Christmas present!).

    To her surprise, there is a group of Christmas carolers! They look a bit, uh, surprised!

    Is that tacky? No, I didn't think so! Heh!!!

  3. WOW! I'm hearing this for the first time. I didn't know the christmas decorations were tossed out. OMG!!! Dollar store time for sure. O, and I think that snowman does a little song and dance. Thank goodness we still have some decorations. O and by the way... the nutcrackers were give to us by yours truly, the black widow spider. ENJOY! lol

  4. I feel like I've always worked at places with especially sad Christmas decorations, but at least no one has gone and thrown them out!

    I think the best decorations were at the public library. We put up a Christmas tree and various Christmas decorations as well as a menorah and a Kwanzaa candle holder. I remember a woman came to me complaining that she was outraged that we didn't have a creche to represent her faith (all the other Christmas stuff was not enough apparently). So, the next year the director decided to not put anything out.

  5. You know, I really do believe that hiding all differences is the wrong path to take in acceptance. I understand that, particularly at work, someone might find a religious reference to be uncomfortable. Yet, I do not understand how the mere sight of something referencing a religious holiday trips some absolutely out.

    I'm assuming that the Office Grinch was giving some nod to political correctness in ditching the sign, but jeebers, ever calendar I've ever own marks the holidays of several religions, and somehow I manage not to fall over in a seizure when I see reference to holidays from belief systems in which I do not participate.

    It's a Santa with a phrase that is either meaningful to a person, or is not.

    I swear, in our quest to be accepting of one another, we seem to have forgotten that a big part of acceptance is live and let live.

  6. How disappointing they threw out the decorations! I walked past our office tree today and actually recoiled. It is quite ugly. But then I laughed because it's just kind of tilty and awkward. Aren't we all.

    I hope you get even bigger decorations. And one of those singing fish!

    No chocolates for those meanies.

  7. I think the new ass and Black Knight should pay a trip to Dollarama to replace the items.

  8. That really sucks. I thought our managers sucked. At least they are all to busy to ever actually come to our floor, let a lone through our stuff away.

  9. Hmmmmmm, perhaps Secret Santa should play a naughty trick on the grinches!

  10. The dollar store is a great place for certain things. Those are the types of things that lead to grinch practical jokes given to the person that did it.

    I think if I did something like that the people around me would buy me a giant grinch and put it on my desk and I would get a dozen grinch holiday cards.

    Thanks for sharing the story.

  11. How rude! But then again some of those office storage spaces can use some cleaning out. Too bad the Chrismas decorations were included in the cleaning, though. Sometimes tacky is endearing.

  12. We used to have tacky Christmas decorations, and I always thought they were ugly and, well, tacky. Then our main hanger-upper got a new job, so now who is in charge? We're too busy this year to even think about it. (It never occurred to me to think of those tacky things as endearing.) BTW, where is your post entitled War is Peace? That's showing up on my blog list.

  13. Carry on with your popular banner!

    Aloha, Friend

    Comfort Spiral

  14. Who gets to decide what is tacky? What is tacky to you might not be tacky to me, it might "look" tacky but it might "speak" of good memories and happy times. So I feel that office decorations can never me "tacky" if they remind of past joy and fun. But what now about the nutcrackers (if donated by the black widow spider). What memories do they hold? (lol)

  15. But will there be plenty of liquor at the office Christmas party?


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