
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blogger Appreciation Day

Flower Clouds
Odilon Redon

Today is Blogger Appreciation Day. Actually ... no it's not. I just made that up. But I wanted to do a quick little blog post to tell you -- all my blogging friends -- how much I appreciate you. You're all amazing, and I am always so thrilled to log on every day and find your comments on my boring-little posts. You always make me smile, and I am amazed by your intelligence, talents, insight, humor -- and so much more. During the week, I am often too busy to visit my favorite blogs, because when I go to work, my employers actually expect me to concentrate on my job ... can you imagine the nerve of them? And sometimes when I get home in the evenings, the last thing I can possibly do is to sit in front of my computer. So my blogging waits until the weekends, on most weeks.

Vase of Flowers
Odilon Redon

I don't have anything to give away, no awards to bestow, no shout-outs to anyone's posts to show you my appreciation. But I wanted to share with you a couple of paintings done by one of my favorite artists, Odilon Redon. The colors in Odilon Redon's paintings are bright, colorful and what my mother used to call "riotous". It's impossible to look at his paintings without feeling happy. So my little gift to you today is to share some of Redon's paintings. I was going to do a post about the upset of Brown over Coakley in Massachusetts, but considering the amount of trouble my political posts seem to get me into, I thought perhaps I would show some restraint.

On a lighter note, I almost set my house on fire last night, cooking brussel sprouts. Oh, don't ask... Have a fabulous day, everyone, and I'll see you soon.



  1. Love the riotous colours.
    Brussel sprouts are never a good idea.

  2. lol Brussels sprouts. They deserve to be burnt, unless, you have a lot of apple side vinegar to put on them. I hated them as a kid, but I'm trying to appreciate the heartiness of them now.

    AND your blog is the BEST!!! I love your blog! and I look forward to following your blog this year.

    A.M. :o)

  3. No awards? No crustless sandwichs? No spiked punch? I'm leaving.

  4. Ooh little cabbages - blech! I agree with A.M - they deserve to be burnt! But I would like to hear the story - I'm a menace in the kitchen so I appreciate reading about other people's issues. Heh.

    Thanks for not talking about Brown-Coakley - I'm seriously disgusted all around by the whole thing. I used to be a head in the sand kind of person because I couldn't figure out what difference ME caring would be. Then I saw the light! Me caring DOES make a difference. Not. Back to putting my head in the sand!

  5. Brussel sprouts are always trouble in my book, politicians too!

  6. You always make me chuckle when you say your blog is boring. It is never boring to me, and obviously to lots of other people. You have a real talent for writing, and the photos you chose to go with your posts are always interesting. Like today. Love these, because I love love love bright colors! All I see here in Missouri is dormant things and fog. Dreary as dreary can be...
    I like brussel sprouts but I don't imagine the burnt smell of them was very pleasant.

  7. I appreciate bloggers, expecially when they are Canadian blondes! ;-)

  8. Well Jo, I've heard of King Alfred, Alfred the Great, letting the cakes burn after promising a peasant woman that he would keep an eye on them but SPROUTS!

    That's a first as far as I know.

  9. Oh Jo, Thank you for sparing me the politics today. I live in NH and it has been inescapable the past few weeks! Have you had enough of the Olympic news yet?

    The paintings are quite beautiful and just the tonic for this bored with winter New England girl :)

    Thank you!

    Peace ~ Rene

  10. Glad to hear you like Brussels sprouts. I'm not sure I'd like them burned, though ;)

    Thanks for the blog pats - you deserve them yourself so here's a virtual bouquet lobbed over the lines. Thanks for a delightful read every time I come here!

  11. I too love YOUR blog, it makes me feel relevent, like your actually talking right to me. And yes, I always seem to finish with a smile on my face. I don't know what brussell sprouts taste like but I hear many horror stories about them. Wonder if I'd like them.....? I love cabbabge, does that count?

  12. Interesting comments. Sounds like you have a real fan in Tom Cat! He has good taste! And I agree with Brenda from Missouri - your blog is anything but boring! It is most excellent.

    I watched the election returns from Massachusetts last night (or Taxachusetts as it is often called). I was not surprised Brown won but was surprised by how easily he won.

    I smiled when Martha Coakley said that though she was sadden to lose, she knew her two dogs would be very happy she and her husband will be spending more time at home!

    Bailey thought that was a good comment, too!

  13. I'm glad we're the icing on each others cakes! And I'm also ever so happy you were able to extinguish in time! (YIKES! Blazing brussel sprouts couldn't have smelled all THAT great!)

  14. Lovely paintings! They are sure to brighten any room or day.

  15. Brussel Sprouts fire? Good deal, broccoli is OK but brussel sprouts?

    I agree with A.M though your blog is the best, always original and thought provoking.

  16. Love the paintings, especially the colors! It's so kind of you to thank your readers. I really appreciate you and your blog, too! And be careful in the kitchen, cher!

  17. No good ever comes of cooking brussel sprouts!

  18. Well that will teach you to cook Brussel sprouts ! No, actually, I love Brussel sprouts, but living in Paris, hardly ever see them. But don't see many Parisprouts either, but now that I think of it, Parisprouts could be hyphenated to become Paris-prouts, and in french, a "prout" is a vulgar word for which I won't go into the meaning here in your cultivated comment box...

    Anyway, thanks for the Redon, they are righteously riotous...


  19. Dear Jo, those flowers were indeed all that was needed during this dark night in a pretty grey city.
    Please have a colourfilled Thursday.

  20. I absolutely LOVE that painting. I must admit that I have not heard of Redon before. I'll have to look around and see more.

  21. The nerve of your employers expecting you to concentrate on your job!! How can they expect anything of someone cooking brussel sprouts?! (I enjoy them in salads, but cooking them, really Jo).

  22. You "joyed" me through the eyes, Jo!

    Aloha, Friend

    Comfort Spiral

  23. is it really a tragedy if it involves brussel sprouts? Love your blog...and you, always making me smile.

  24. love the vibrant colours. ewwww ~ burnt brussel sprouts .... :^s

    [btw brussel sprouts are only good drowned in fondue cheese ...]

  25. Hi Jo!

    I like Odilon Redon's paintings as well. Especially The smiling spider one. And Red Sphinx as well.
    If you ask me all of his paintings shake the borders of our imagination.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day!

  26. What a nice blog post! The paintings are lovely! I hope you know your blog is so much appreciated too and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that. You make us smile, you teach us new things, you challenge our thoughts. Jo, you just have the best blog ever, and anytime I see a comment by you on my blog, it just makes my day.

    I love Brussels Sprouts and am surprised at how many don't! I'm probably considered a picky eater too! I just can't imagine nearly causing a fire cooking them. As long as they are not mush, I love them and something tells me yours aren't mushy. Happy Belated Blogger Appreciation Day to you!

  27. Thank you for the lovely flowers. And thank you for your blog. You are a great writer.

  28. I love Redon. Brussels sprouts not so much. Almost setting a fire doesn't count, you know. I'm glad you weren't hurt.

    And your blog is one of my delights in life, always.

  29. Love the paintings - very uplifting!

    Kitty x

  30. Love that first painting -the colors in the sky are gorgeous and unusual!

    Brussels sprouts -like to eat them, but I wouldn't risk my house being set on fire with them, next to what they must smell like:)

    Jo, about the appreciation: thank you for being such an encouraging person!

  31. Lol, I love DUTA's comment. Thanks for the high praise on this Blogger Appreciation Day. I needed someone to appreciate me today.

    And ditto the compliments, I totally appreciate your blog as well and I love reading your readers comments. They truly are an intelligent and articulate bunch!

  32. Thank you everyone for you comments. I managed to finally cook some brussel sprouts without burning my house down. Brussel sprouts are my favorite TV snack. :-)

    Have a great day, everyone.



  33. Oh, the odor of burnt brussels sprouts! Ew!!
    Love that you introduce me to artists that I was completely unaware of. Thank you for that.

  34. Jo, your posting of Redon's vase of flowers brought a huge grin to my face - in my younger days I once tried to paint an entire (albeit small) bathroom in flowers mimicking Redon's style. Don't ask how it turned out and I won't ask about the brussel sprouts! ;-D


Thank you for visiting. It is always fun to read your comments, and I try really hard to respond to all comments. I love you all.