
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Rowing Down Georgia Street

Noah's Ark
Edward Hicks, 1846

This is the new mode of transportation around Vancouver these days -- an ark. I can't remember when it has rained so much. I'm afraid the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics are going to be washed out, and rather than holding Olympic alpine events, they will have rowing and sculling meets down the middle of Georgia Street. Because of the barometric pressure, I have had a migraine headache for the past couple of days. But I wanted to thank everyone for their wonderful responses to my last post. I have more questions to ask all of you, my lovely blogging friends, and my next post will be along the same lines, but in an entirely different vein. Did I just mix a metaphor there? *heh* I don't know, I'm not a writer. In any case, I'm off to get rid of this #@!&^#*! headache, and I will visit with you all soon.



  1. Hope your headache leaves quickly. And the rain as well. I Like mixed metaphors. They are my friends...

    OH, it is good to be back and reading people's stuff. My, how you LOVE to say you are not a writer... yeah. BUNK!!! Get better soon.

  2. Hi Jo, hope you feel better! Nothing like a bad headache to knock you for a loop.
    I have to admit I don't mind the rain, sometimes I think I'm the only one in Metro Vancouver that feels that way.
    Love the Noah's ark picture!

  3. Dear Jo, maybe it can help, if you assume the rain to be liquide sunshine.
    Many getting well wishes and a nice Friday as well.
    p.s.: There's a German book called "At 08.00 o'clock at Noah's ark" where two pinguins receive their tickets, however having a thrid friend, and as they were allowed to come only in pairs, a nice adventure starts, trying to smuggle the thrid one aboard - listening to arguments of penguins can indeed be of much fun.

  4. I felt much the same way here about the rain, and thought it would never stop. Then, the day after Christmas, it turned to snow and now we have nearly a foot of the darned stuff! I'd gladly take the rain back now, if it would wash all the snow away!

  5. If this weird weather keeps up they'll be holding Winter Olympics in Texas or some other improbably place, well we still have some time to go before the Olympics. Perhaps the weather will change. For your sake, I hope it changes fast so that you can shake that headache.

  6. Hope the $#@%$! headache leaves as well as the rain.
    Yeah you aren't a writer, if you say so....just smile and nod your head.... LOL YOU ARE a wonderful writer, I say so. I never intended to be a writer and I can still say I'm not however. tee hee hee

  7. I'm so sorry, hope the #@$%^& headache leaves soon!!

  8. Funny - have you seen the research done on the ark? It actually looks like a long box with a flat roof (they came up with that model, because that would have been the only way to survive a flood like that). Sorry, hope your headache will go away soon!

    Don't feel like you're intruding when you comment on a new blog - isn't that why we blog, to get into conversation with others? The ones who don't want to have a private blog!)

  9. oops. I didn't mean to publish so soon. Migraines are the worst - I hope yours goes away soon.

  10. I know what those pressure changes can do. grrrrr!

  11. Oh boy Jo, you said it! I do love our Pacific Northwest weather but we are so waterlogged there is no place on our property you can step into without sinking into mud or puddles. No boats required yet, but our ducks are loving this weather. Hope we don't get a freeze before the water flows away....I too hope your migraine is gone soon, by the time you read this comment!

  12. The same thing happens to me whenever we have rain or a weather change. I hate migraines and I feel your pain! I hope you are feeling better soon and let me know if I need to send you a raft!

  13. I was very interested that you have migraines that are brought on by the barometric pressure. My friend has this issue as well. I began her on neurofeedback and we have been able to knock the migraines back from nausea, vertigo and extreme pain to a minor headache, when there is anything at all. I am sure there is a clinic near you. Take a look at eeginfo dot com.

  14. Jo, Sorry to hear about your migraine, I hope it's over soon. We are suffering here, as well. I don't have migraines but my sinuses and arthritis are really acting up. I'm thinking warmer/dryer climate may be the answer, but I hate to leave the beauty that is the Northwest. Such a dilemma.

  15. Funny thing Jo, I was just going to post on the weather/Olympic thing too. Born in Vancouver, and living at various times (including now) in the GVRD I do worry about what the world will see when all eyes are on us in the next month.
    Hoping for cold weather and more snow, for Olympics' sake! btw - it was blood pressure meds that finally stopped my chronic headaches.

  16. Thank you, everyone. My headache is much better today. It's Friday and it's pay day. Now if it only stop raining. *heh* Well, two out of three isn't bad...




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