
Sunday, December 12, 2010

The World's Smallest Kitchen...

In Canada, we have a home design show that I love to watch; it's called Love It or List It. In each episode of Love It or List It, a couple is faced with the decision of whether or not their current home is the right home for them. Designer Hilary Farr tries to convince them to stay in their home (Love It) after she has renovated it. Real estate agent David Visentin attempts to convince them to sell (List It) and buy another home – the home of their dreams.

After going through the list of “must haves” both Hilary and David are given a budget. Usually Hilary’s budget is a tight squeeze, and I am always amazed at the wonders she can perform on so little money. She's a genius.

At the end of the show, the renovated spaces are shown to the couple, and then they decide if they're going to Love It and stay, or List It and go to one of the houses that David has found for them.

Invariably, the one room everyone wants renovated is the kitchen. It’s too small, it’s too old fashioned, the cupboards are out of date. And every time I watch the show, I am reminded that I have the world’s smallest kitchen. The smallest.

But then I convince myself that my kitchen is not small, it is just compact. I have everything I need, and it’s rather cozy. My stove is in good working order, I have a convection oven that is perfect for me, and I am happy to report I don’t own – or need – a microwave. In my humble opinion, it is the one kitchen appliance guaranteed to turn food into a soggy, watery, rubbery, unpalatable, inedible mess -- well, everything except popcorn.  Microwaves make great popcorn.

So, there you have a tour of the world's smallest kitchen.  Does it even get any more gripping and exhilarating than that?  And now I am off to my teeny, tiny kitchen to cook some of my world-famous beef stew in my wonderful slow-cooker. Have a great Sunday, everyone, and stay warm.


  1. Your kitchen is adorable! At this point in my life I'm impatiently waiting for "cozy". I've had enormous houses and enormous yards and enormous kitchens with everything imaginable in them. None of it matters if you're not happy. I'd live in a shack with near to nothing if I could get out of the situation I'm in.

  2. Your kitchen is cute and I love beef stew done in a crock pot! Yummy. What time is dinner?

  3. Not "smallest": Most efficient!

  4. Our last kitchen looked somewhat similar to yours. We had a bit more floor space, but no more counter space. But we wouldn't be very happy without our microwave - mostly we use it to reheat leftovers. I guess we could use pots instead, but as the chief bottle washer (no dishwasher) I'd rather put the container in the microwave!

  5. I use my micro oven quite a bit. It has a browning pan and it can broil food. Of course leftovers done in the micro can't be beat. I love my kitchen,not big but just the right work space when my two kids come for a meal. They both are great cooks. Their spouses are the best for clean-up Oh,the storage space is another asset.

  6. Your kitchen looks so cute. :)

    Our last house had about the same amount of counter space. Currently we have a little more, but not much. I have to admit that our kitchen is workable, but i do get frustrated having so little work space. Still, it is a nice, homey place, and about 2 to 3 PM this time of year, we get sunlight that makes it even more attractive.

    Thanks for sharing, Jo. I'm sure you create wonderful things to eat in your cozy space.

  7. Your kitchen is cozy. And much cleaner, cuter and neater than mine. Love my crock pot, but also love having a microwave.

  8. Ha! My kitchen is exactly the same size as yours. Tiny but everything is within quick reach. Our micro died this summer and we are so surprised at how we do not miss it a son does, he likes to micro leftovers. When I put dishes away at my moms house I can't believe how many drawers she has for her utensils. Mine are all in a crock on the counter or in one drawer. If what I need isn't there then it is in the sink three feet behind me. I love my small kitchen but it could use a makeover. I love your cute little kitchen.

  9. I think it's absolutely lovely. You also have a nice view into the other rooms. Who needs more than that? I also have a microwave to warm up leftovers, which we always have lots of. But I spied that toaster oven, which is a wonderful alternative...

  10. Oh Jo! I was reading your story and looking at the pictures and I thought the pictures were from the show and I was thinking to myself, "That kitchen in beautiful! Why would anyone want to make any changes to it?" And then when you said it was yours I went back to look at the photos again and I love it even more now!

  11. My kitchen is smaller than yours, or maybe it just has less counter space... but I envy your convection oven. I do a lot of my cooking on the kitchen table because there just isn't space to do it anywhere else. I love our little home though.

  12. Your kitchen id beautiful and so convenient, with everything in reach. I bet mine is smaller, or at least no bigger. Run a tape measure will you and I will measure mine and we'll have a kitchen size-off :)

  13. You forget to mention that your cozy kitchen comes attached to a wonderful tree house!

  14. I NEVER use a microwave & have successfully lived without one for 10 years. And...I have all of my appliances put away. My kitchen is not small but I do not like appliances on the counters.

  15. Palatial....compared to my goat galley!

    yours Smells great

    Aloha from Hawaii

    Comfort Spiral



  16. Unless you have noisy neighbors or mold or 6 children or something, almost every space can be turned into something nice - small, but lovely, like your kitchen.

  17. Jo, I'd call it nicely compact and efficient! :)

  18. Jo, your kitchen is cozy and efficient and about the same size as mine. Gave away the microwave a few years ago (took up too much space) and don't miss it a bit. Stew in the crock pot (same as yours) is on tomorrow's menu - hope yours turned out well with lots of leftovers to enjoy.


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