
Monday, April 4, 2011


Today is Marigold's 12th birthday. Twelve...! My goodness, how did that happen? I remember when she was born, on April 4th, Easter Sunday morning, and now here she is on the cusp of being a teenager.  I wish I could post a picture of her, because she is so beautiful, but we have an agreement not to post pictures of Phinnaeus or Marigold on the Internet.  So I will tell you about her instead.

Marigold is exquisitely beautiful, fine-boned and delicately featured, with a gorgeous smile.  But don't let that fool you -- she is a straight A student, with a talent for mathematics, and she is extremely athletic in soccer, swimming and track and field.  An inclination towards mathematics and athletics are two things which I cannot lay claim to, so that particular DNA did not come from me, unfortunately.  She is also a very good pianist and takes lessons every week.

I love spending time with Marigold, just the two of us, which is something we don't get to do very often.  When we do spend time together, we have lovely conversations, and I am always amazed at her insight on life in general.  Nothing gets past her.  She has a quiet nature in many ways, but she is also the type of person who sees "the glass half full", rather than "half empty".  That, I think, she might get from me -- optimism in the face of adversity.  She can tend to be quite philosophical about things, and in that way she reminds me of my mother.  She also inherited my mother's dark, straight hair, while the rest of us have unruly curls and a tendency towards red hair.

Marigold is quite the beauty, inside and out, and I can hardly wait to see how the next few years unfold.  I have a feeling, too, that her big brother is quite protective of her, despite the fact that they don't always -- shall we say -- see eye to eye on everything.  When they come to visit me, I am always amazed at what good friends they are, and I think that friendship will last all their lives.

Marigold is a very special young lady with her own little star quality, and I think she is going to make her mark in the world.

Happy Birthday, Marigold...! 

I hope you have a special day.

Love, Oma


  1. Twelve is such an interesting age to be isn't it. Sending my best birthday wishes to your dear granddaughter Jo. May she have a happy day and many happy years ahead.¡Feliz CumpleaƱos! Sharon.

  2. Happy Birthday, Marigold!
    You sound healthy in mind and body, and you most definitely are a joy to your grandmother.

  3. Happy Birthday to Ms. Marigold!

    Being born on Easter Sunday is pretty special!

  4. A Very Happy Birthday wish to your beautiful Marigold!

    I too, don't post pics of Grands, who are past the babe-in-arms stage.
    And it's sooooooooo hard some times. -pout- Because many bloggers post pic after pic after pic. But. A decision is a decision.

    Gentle hugs...

  5. I certainly understand why you don't put pictures on the internet, but I'm shameless that way. I have one blogging friend who only puts a picture of herself taken from the back of her head! Happy birthday, Marigold, and you have painted a beautiful word picture that is better than any snapshot!

  6. Happy Birthday, Marigold. I don't need a picture. The words paint one just fine.

  7. Happy Birthday Marigold!
    Happy Marigold's Birthday Jo!

    Marigold, it is obvious you are amazing young woman and your grandma loves you so much, in fact...I think she thinks you are perfect! ;0)

  8. I have two wonderful 12 year old grandsons...hummmm

  9. Happy Birthday, Marigold! She shares her special day with my grandson, who turned eight years old today!

    Marigold sounds like a beautiful young must keep us informed as she chooses her path in life!

    Please wish her well from all of us.

  10. It seems she's a perfect young lady.
    I wish her lots of Luck as I believe this four-letter word determines almost everything in life.
    Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day, Marigold!

  11. What a great blessing your Marigold is! It's truly wonderful that you're able to spend quality time with her at every stage because childhood is shockingly fleeting. I hope her personal New Year is glorious in every way!

  12. Written with all the love one grandmother can show. I love the picture you chose... seems to me it looks JUST LIKE HER, at least if the insides you describe are any indication. Such a gift these children of the next generation. Nothing but adventures, joy, and lessons that leave not one hint of a nasty scar in her life. THANK you for this joyous entry.


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