
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Into The Jaws Of The Unknown...

Today I'm venturing into one of those dreaded places that many of us fear to go, but which most of us have found to be a necessary evil in the 21st Century. These places are legendary, and I have heard of people -- actual real, live people -- who have disappeared into these vast abysses, never to be seen again. Those fortunate enough to escape are often found wandering vacant-eyed, uttering the phrase, "Cash or credit...? Cash or credit...?" until someone gives the victim a cup of tea -- or something stronger -- and they snap out of it.

Yes, say a little prayer for me, folks; I'm off to the shopping mall.  I need stuff.  I love getting new stuff, I just don't enjoy the process.

Vancouver has wonderful shopping neighbourhoods, with boutique stores, coffee shops, restaurants, book stores, fruit and produce markets, and other little specialty stores.  However, most of the things I need are never sold in these little neighbourhood stores.  So, I have to brace myself, gird my loins, and fight the crowds, hop on the Skytrain to one of the larger shopping centres to find the things I want to purchase.

If you venture out today and you see a wild-eyed woman wearing steel-toed shoes, elbow pads and a helmet, just ignore her.  She'll be fine, once she's back in the safety of her own home -- sipping a tall, cool gin and tonic cup of tea.


  1. I know what you mean! I used to enjoy such excursions, but nowadays I find myself shopping on-line to avoid malls! I hope you make it back all safe and sound.

  2. Ha! I have such an image of you now! Wild eyed with helmet! Ha Ha HA

  3. "Metro Town" puts me immediately into a state of panic. I have been once and NEVER again!
    Good luck Jo! Plan it out at the entrance of the mall at one of those maps and just put your head down and GO! Take no prisoners :D

  4. You will do fine! We get to shop in our Wal-mart. The smallest super one built! I can usually find what I need.

  5. I've been avoiding malls for years. I used to like to go to one near where we lived - it was huge & unloved, mostly empty. A great place to meander around & then get a cookie :)

  6. Oh go ahead! Have that gin & tonic - you deserve it. I absolutely HATE shopping these days and only venture out when/if I absolutely NEED something!

  7. I hate malls, which makes me a very small minority among the female population, but like you, I adore new stuff and sometimes it is necessary to suffer. Have fun and happy hunting!

  8. I don't go to malls except at 7 a.m. to walk. The stores aren't open and it's heartening to know how much money I save this way.

    I did shop today but only at yard sales where I limit my weekly budget to $8.

  9. But the point is.. What Did You Buy??? Hope it was all worth it... but the gin and tonic must have really hit the spot :)

  10. I understand - I don't like crowds either. Good luck!

  11. I dilsike big shopping Malls, too. I always feel like in a bad horror film, with all those zombies around me, buying mostly useless stuff as if the world was going to end. :(

    I hope you got the items you needed, and got out of that place unharmed. :)

  12. My armor is of the mental kind, but I never forget to wear it on these dangerous (to the soul) excursions.

  13. Good luck on your adventure! I've been right on that spot and I know exactly what you mean. Steel and padding should stand you in good stead today, Jo! :-)

  14. Oh, I hear that!
    Malls make me tired.
    And lost.
    I haven't been to a Real Store in months!

  15. I have to structure mall visits in my mind in order to reduce the amount of pain and frustration associated with it.

  16. I know what you mean - I live close to MetroTown Mall and I rarely enter it. If I do, it is a check the Mall Directory, park as close to where I want to go, go in, get it and get out.


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