
Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Lately I have been feeling overwhelmed. Do you ever feel that way? It seems that all the news, both in private life and the outside world seems to be negative, it's raining all the time, and just generally one feels as if all the joy has taken a rather lengthy vacation.  Well, that's how I have been feeling lately.  I need some sunshine -- desperately.  My  friend Russell took this wonderful photo of a gorgeous little cardinal, so I have decided to do a painting of it.  We don't have cardinals here in Vancouver, and it is the most gorgeous bird I have ever seen.

For me, painting is like meditation; it nourishes my soul, and that's just what I need right now.  I went to De Serres Art Supplies and bought the perfect shade of red, called madder red deep -- isn't that a fabulous name for a paint colour?  I can hardly wait to use it.  I'll show you my painting when I'm finished.  Watch this space.

Have a great day, everyone!


  1. My husbands little cousin has been feeding a Blue Jay and she has named it Big Red...I was just thinking that would be a Cardinal wouldn't it? I can't wait to see your painting. I need some happy sun too!

  2. I'm lucky. I have a male and female cardinal living in my back yard. I also have a beautiful little Downy Woodpecker. When they show up, the world looks different. Feel better, Jo.

  3. Hey Jo- I haven't been around much lately, partly because I understand how you feel. Overwhelmed. Its hard to put all of that in words. Art is such a wonderful way to express what can't be said.

  4. Doing something creative has the same effect on me. It really does remove me from the plane of cares.

    I hope you feel more like yourself soon! Please do post your painting - Russell's Cardinal is beautiful!

  5. Hope you feel better soon. Look forward to your life enhancing paintings.

  6. I've had a lot of overwhelm lately myself. Fortunately the warmer temps here in Ohio have lifted my mood somewhat.

    Love the cardinal - I'm sure that recreating that beauty will be VERY therapeutic. We have cardinals come to our feeder - but mostly it's fat mourning doves, sparrows & grackles. And the occasional robin and starling.

  7. Oh I can't wait to see it Jo! Surely painting such a lovely little bird will help chase those blues away.

    If not PInot Grigio always helps!!! :-D, just kidding.

  8. Spring will find you soon.
    We have loads of Cardinals here in Virginia. We have bird feeder on all four sides of our house, winter and summer. The most beautiful bird that comes is a palliated woodpecker. That is the Woody woodpecker kind.
    Try not to listen to any news, that is enough to bum anybody out.

  9. I can't wait to see your painting and, of course, overwhelmed is so, well, overwhelming...but it passes.

  10. Yes Dear One, all of us can have those times... And you have the perfect antidote... painting.

    Painting a Cardinal.

    They are beautiful birds, and we always have some in our yard. I wish you could see them, especially in winter, their bright red feathers against the white, white snow.

    And the way they fly... It's unique, but I suppose all birds have a unique way of flying... Anyway, they dip and dip and dip and are so lovely looking, in flight.

    Enjoy your painting and I hope it brings "the sunshine" back.

    “One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching." ~Unknown

  11. Madder red deep ...... like that name for a color! I have beena little in the dumps of late. Mine has more to do with my lack of energy, though. I think we have finally hit the right dosage for my blood pressure, though and I am feeling a little stronger every day. Sewing makes me happy and that is where I am headed next!

  12. We left Seattle on April 26 and have seen only one brief downpour. It has kept my spirit lifted. In our part of the country we kind of expect spring to happen in March, as the days get visibly longer, but the gloomy weather lingers. That's when it gets hard. It's not fair!

    Hope you find your energy soon.

  13. What a beautiful name for a colour.we dont have theat colour here JO. Cant wait to see the painting. I love the names they use for colors..cerulean blue, viridian green..sing-song names. I love rolling the names over and over again..and this one is so special 'madder lake red deep' -notice how it is 'red deep' instead of a simple 'deep red' I love it. and that birds beauty is simply breathtaking, I'd never seen a cardinal before thanks.

  14. Hopefully the rain will stop and the sunshine will come to the Lower Mainland. My way to relax is to walk in Cemeteries, which in the downpours we have been having isn't fun - parts of Mountain View get really muddy when it rains too much

  15. steady, Jo :=)

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral




  16. I so understand how you are feeling right now and agree with you that a dose of sunshine would do a world of good! dang rain is making us all a little dreary.

    The photo is gorgeous and I can't wait to see your the colour!

  17. I have days like that...usually it's when the kids are driving me crazy, the dog is whining, it's pouring rain, and everyone around me is pissy. For me, just getting out of the house and away from everyone works wonders. I prefer a walk with the whiny dog and without the kids:)

    I look forward to seeing the painting!

  18. I'm laying in bed catching up on blogs on my iPad and overwhelmed doesn't even begin to describe my life. I haven't seen a cardinal in over 20 years. They hold a special place for me. I live in LA now, but grew up in CT. My grandparents Peggy And Fritz were well versed in birds. Any bird that landed in their yard, they knew. Every once in a while a cardinal would land and we would all run to the window. She always said they were special birds. You post on a gloomy morning touched my heart it was like a sign that it's going to get better. Xo

  19. I too have been in the same mindset for several weeks Jo, so I do understand.

    Cardinals are gorgeous birds. I'm looking forward to seeing your painting. :)


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