
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fresh Bouquets Of Pencils And Buttercups...

In Canada, today is the first day the children go back to school, clutching their fresh bouquets of pencils.  It is always a favourite time of year for me ~~ the true beginning of the year.  It's the time of year when we all start with a fresh, clean slate, and  what we write on it is completely up to us.  On Labour Day weekend, I spend my time cleaning out closets, taking inventory, throwing out old things and replacing anything that needs to be replaced.  This is a good time to do that in our lives, as well ~~ make a fresh start, as it were.

I remember when I was about five years old, lying in a field of buttercups thinking that soon I would be starting school, that my "real life" would begin, and there would be no more lying in fields of buttercups for me.  What a strange thought for a five-year-old, but I remember it very clearly, and I think of it whenever I see buttercups.  I can look back now, over the expanse of time, and wonder if my "real life" turned out the way I had expected.  No, it did not ~~ not even close.  I guess you could say life got in the way, and for most of us that is true.

But little Mouse, you are not alone,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often askew,
And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy! ~~ Robbie Burns

For all the little children who are starting out on their "real life" today, I wish you the best of luck.  Work hard, keep your eye on the goal.  Education, training and skill are the doorways to a good life, your own life.  Remember, no matter what happens, you have to live your own life on your own terms.

And yes, there will still be fields of buttercups along the way.


  1. Loved this post... couldn't have said it better if I'd tried. I too find myself quietly wishing kids the best of life and as free of it's pain as can be......

  2. It does feel like a fresh start when September comes around. One of my favourite times of year, so full of hope and newness.

  3. What a touching post, Jo.

    You are absolutely a first rate blogger and I appreciate your visit!

    Mahalo & Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  4. Lying in a field of buttercups...I want to do that!

    Beautiful post, Jo. I, too, wish the children of today well. To have a goal is so important, but learning to stop once in a while to appreciate the buttercups is equally so.

    The picture is breathtaking.

  5. And don't forget to stop and smell the roses.
    I enjoy reading your blogs and love your approach on life.

  6. That was a lovely post. How interesting that all of Canada starts school on the same day. In the states, it is district by district. Most schools start in mid August now(too hot!)instead of at the end of the month as they did eons ago in my childhood.

    We have no children, but this time of year has always been a fresh start for me. I do my heavy seasonal cleaning in September. As a matter of fact, that project began today. Most of the living room, including the most difficult set of windows and curtains, accomplished. After a couple of weeks of this drudgery, I'm all set for glorious October, and the feel and scent of blessedly cool, crisp air, planting a few pansies for winter, and the indescribable feeling that comes from catching sight and sound of the wild ducks flying over.

    One of Arkansas' most beloved newspaper columnists Richard Allin, always said New Year's should be in September.

  7. More buttercups, please. I have always thought of this as the beginning of the year, too, when the last summer flowers are soon to be replaced by the smell of burning leaves.

    My life has not turned out at all as I expected. Perhaps no one's does in a culture which favors free choice over tradition. But at least our mistakes are usually our own.

  8. Excellent post! It's too true, the best laid plans of mice & men. I love that quote. No, I guess life doesn't always turn out as planned but as the saying goes, happiness isn't always having everything you want, but wanting what you have.

    By the way, your post brought back memories of the first day of school. Love the way the fresh, clean classroom smelled. The scent of brand new crayons and those lovely bricks of clay. Ahhh, to be young again. :-D

  9. I like this post Jo...I like the concept of a fresh start....a chance to make anew.....not being a very good student I often thought of September in that way....maybe this year will be different.

    I also like the idea of how you use the long weekend to clear things out...something I think I might try....

  10. It's kind of a bittersweet time of year, I think. Leaving behind the youth of eternal summers and facing the "real life" of school and other grown up commitments. Giving up the lazy, hazy days of heaven, and buttercups :)

  11. I love the image of the fresh buttercups. When I think of school I always think of Bluebonnets.

  12. My year began on yesterday morning (first day) when I attended a meeting at my former school. I will be going in to teach a boy twice a week, an hour each day Reading and Writing! It was the first time in 5 years I was at school on the first day! Then full onslaught today with my tutoring students! I've expanded into Fridays this year with 2 new students (so far) plus all my former ones. So a very busy year for me! I'm so bagged right now and it's only 8:20 pm...trying to decide if I go to bed now, will I wake up too early? hah I love my life.

  13. Lovely post Jo! Excellent words of wisdom to pass along. :)

  14. First day of school always brings back sweet memories! My great-granddaughter started kindergarten this year, and loves it already!

    A wonderful post! :)


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