
Monday, January 2, 2012

The Best Thing Since ... Sliced Bread ... and Toilet Tissue

Well, it's official, I have become a *women of a certain age*, you know the ones ... we all see them trekking back from the grocery store with their little carts.  I have one now too, and I absolutely love it.  Isn't it wonderful?  Why on earth didn't I think of this sooner?  It was given to me as a Christmas gift, and it's the best thing since ... well ... sliced bread ~~ which I will now be able to buy and cart home.  I don't own a car, so I walk everywhere, and struggling home with armloads of groceries is not always the easiest thing to do.  I can also use my cart to transport my watercolour paper, paints and brushes to my little art classes that I have signed up for in February.  And now, when toilet tissue is on special, I can buy the large rolls instead of the small ones.  How great is that!  There's even a little pocket where I can put my wallet, lipstick and compact, and I don't have to carry a purse.  My New Year's resolution this year ~~ yes I know, we all make them and we all break them ~~ is to do more walking.  And now I can take my little cart with me and bring home all my purchases.

If you should happen to see a little old lady trekking along, a plastic hat on her head, plastic booties, her glasses on a string around her neck, and pulling a little cart behind her, please stop and say hello.


  1. you gave me a great laugh tonight. I have just gotten one of these little carts first thought was "old lady." Ah well, I certainly will be in good company!

  2. I must be one also - this excites me, Jo-

    Happiest New Year wishes
    with Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  3. I have one of those! I use it for everything for groceries to laundry. Now, if I didn't have to drag it up the stairs life would be perfect. :o)

  4. I think everyone should have one of those, regardless of their age.

  5. Do they sell a motorized version? I live 8 miles from the grocery store.

  6. It looks very nice but I thought a bright orange cart would go better with your yellow wellies!

  7. What a great gift! I have a clumsy cart that's hard to work with so I don't use it much. Yours is wonderful!

  8. How neat! I think you will never be a little old lady in the sense you mean. What a great gift, though, and I'll look for you on the streets of Vancouver. :-)

  9. Great idea! Yours is very stylish too. My one concern is putting your wallet in that front zippered pocket...too easy for someone to steal!

  10. I love it! I wish I could use it, but I don't live anywhere near any of the places I need to go. :(

  11. Welcome back, Jo! This is the Jo we all know and love...thanks for the giggles so early in my day. BTW, love the cart, may have to have one.

  12. I want one! Wouldn't do me much good, since I have to go 23 miles to get supplies and groceries. It would work for my garden, though, when I am gathering veggies for supper .........

  13. That is one classy cart! I might just go out and get me one, too. Then I will just HAVE to walk to the store instead of driving. :D

  14. Funny. funny. My Mother in law has about a 100 of those plastic hair bonnet. Those carts are handy for everything. If I see you on the road I'd have to do more than say "Hi." I'd have to give you a lift. Thanks for the smiles.

  15. I am about to get one of those, but still too ornery.

    There is a line out of an old Ronnie Hawkins song, "Yonder comes a cat with a sack on his back."

    Well, urban backpacker. :)

  16. I use to have one of those, maybe I should get one again and walk instead of driving to the store which is only 5 blocks away.

  17. Okay, maybe I'm lazy. If I walked everywhere I would have gotten one of these immediately! It's quite stylish!

  18. Luckily I have a car and the parking gods love me so I always find parking almost at the front door. I don't know what I would do with one of those little carts but if all the "cool kids" have them then I want one too!

    Happy shopping Jo!

  19. I like them & I am not even 30!
    They are very useful!

    P.S.: Wishing you a happy new Year!

  20. I want one for my car. Years ago I used one my mother-in-law had had, loading things from the car into it, and then ROLLING the groceries up the stairs instead of carrying them.

    Now that I have seen yours, well, and it comes in PLAID, how can I resist? What an image you created, Jo.

  21. Ok...old you are not...practical yes. Who ever gave you that knows you well.

    I think it's fantastic and I love how you have already thought about the many ways it will come in handy!

    Happy New Years my friend!

  22. You have a terrific sense of humor Jo! Those little carts are a back saver. And by the way, you're not "old" - just sensible. Now, I have to get one of those carts for myself. :)

  23. Oh Jo...If I do I most certainly will!

  24. Strange, but we got one of those carts a few months ago. Excellent for shopping at the stores. Also good for getting washing down to the laundry room in our apartment building, and back up.

    Being "a woman of a certain age," I assume you are now 40. Congratulations.

    Blessings and Bear hugs for 2012.


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