
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Separated At Birth ... ?

Sorry ... I couldn't resist. I have been trying to think who Newt reminds me of, and some things are just too much fun to pass up.

My apologies to Gnomeo.


  1. Very scary. American's and their politicians that is. Scary stuff.
    Ah well, never mind - everything passes eventually.
    Still very scary though.

  2. So, I am going to go out the limb and bet that if you were able to vote down here, Newt would not be able to count on you.

  3. I was trying to figure out the same thing, but I came up with Susan Boyle. ;-)


  4. Newt doesn't look very healthy, does he? Gnomeo at least does!

  5. I hope Newt passes out of our politics very soon. (Notice that subtleties never escape our Bruce?) When he was Speaker of the House, Connecticut had a Governor Rowland, who was re-elected time and again by OTHER voters in my state until he was finally charged for a portion of his corruption. I called Newt Iggy Piggy One, and Rowland Iggy Piggy Two.

    Actually, he terrified me then and I always thought of the book "Animal Farm." Where the Republican Party has headed is truly horrifying. Long ago, and I confess that I AM a bleeding from every pore liberal Democrat, I felt that a balance of parties was absolutely essential. We could not have a country that GOVERNED completely from MY position! I knew that, and while I usually disagreed with Republican positions, I did not want the party eliminated AT ALL.

    Now? I do not see much resemblance. As for big government? It has been Democrats that balanced the budget the last time--namely Al Gore.

    Sorry. The Newt thing struck so very close to my core. You SHOULD apologize to Gnomeo. What did he ever do to you?

    You have a way of capturing it all in NO words, my friend.

  6. I don't get it. I must live on another planet. What do voters see in this guy? I did not like him or his politics in the 1990s and nothing has changed. How can women tolerate this two-time (that we know of) cheater and serial marriage moron?...Thanks for allowing me to express my frustration!

  7. Good looking garden gnome. But who's that scary looking man?!?

    I hope the gnome is not too offended!

  8. I have to say, when I first read the headline that he had won I thought it was a joke... or that they had some how miscounted. Newt?

  9. At least he is named after a creature that, when you cut its tail off, another grows. Newt grows a new attitude according to whatever is expedient. Feh. Enough, Jeannette.

  10. I hear that Newt has lurched into the lead by capturing the open marriage vote, heh heh. Those Republicans and their family values!
    So bizzarre to watch the goings on from here...

  11. Newt. (Probably an acronym of Canute, of Icelandic fame.
    ...Seems to be paddling his own canoe in South Carolina.
    Go Viking?
    But seems to me a little bit right of Atilla the Hun.

    Actually, from here in Toronto,some Republicans scare the crap out of me.

  12. HA!!!! LOL!!!! Good choice/poor Gnomeo.

  13. I love when you do Seperated at Birth posts...very funny! Great resemblance!

  14. Ha! Poor Gnomeo!

    I'm sure the good news is that he's VERY happy to have been separated from Newt at birth!

  15. If Newt is looking poorly it is probably because he is ready for the new model change in potential first ladies. I believe that he dumped one wife because she did not have the appearance befitting the first lady.

    He is quite a guy, keeps the daughters from the first marriage busy explaining lurid details of the second and third.


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