
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Yellow Onions in a Blue Bowl...

This week I have been on "staycation" and have not been blogging much. You know how that goes -- sometimes folks blog every day, and other times, well, not so much. I had a wonderful, lazy week, sleeping in, going for walks, shopping, hanging out with friends, and just relaxing (or *unlaxing* as my Mom used to say...). On Thursday a friend and I went shopping and I bought a bag of onions.  How exciting is that!  Anyway, I thought they looked rather interesting, so I decided to do a little watercolour pencil sketch of them.  I love watercolour pencils.  They offer the best of both worlds; I can control them, plus I can add water to them to give the picture a watercolour effect.  It's fun.  I should paint more, but sadly, I don't draw or paint as often as I should.  Having the time off work this week has put me into a painting mood -- just in time for me to go back to work tomorrow.  *sigh*  Anyway, that's my little watercolour pencil sketch.

Have a great week, everyone.




  1. As I type my best friend is on HER princess hotel bed, sketching. She works full time at a stressful job and I took us away for a three day weekend to a Hampton Inn. Big puffy pillows and duvets. She has not allowed herself to draw or paint in a year and a half. She just finished a watercolor pencil sketch!

    How often we women forget to let ourselves follow our hearts. Men, too, I bet.

    I am so glad you sketched. Now I crave onions.

    (This three day weekend was an early birthday present to her. But I have to say it has been pretty great for me, too.)

    Good to be online so soon after you wrote. A world of caring is flying your way, Jo.

  2. Jeanette, thank you. :-) How have you been? I haven't drawn or painted for far too long. I hope you and your friend have a wonnnnnnnderful time. Please say hello to her for me, and tell her to keep painting! :-)

  3. It's lovely, Josie. Did you finish the peonies?

  4. Leslie, no I had a really bad headache, so I put them aside, and I did these instead. I'll finish the peonies. :-)

  5. Jo - You are so talented - Please paint and draw more. (Nothing like onions for a bad headache!) Glad you had a great relaxing break...

  6. Momcat, thank you! Yes, I would love to spend all my time painting. *sigh*

  7. I'm so glad you gave yourself a staycation! We need to do it more often, unlax and refresh ourselves, a moment away from the world...ok, now I'm craving some time away. Glad you decided to paint again, or draw, whatever you call's lovely. I'll never look at onions the same way! Have a good week dear Jo.

  8. Back to work tomorrow, pure hell, always hated the night before the first day back. Nice painting.

  9. It is very useful to have a creative outlet.Maybe this will spur you on to take a few more hours of the week for yourself!

  10. Aren't staycations great?? I love your painting! I'm so glad you gave yourself the gift of time to just enjoy!

  11. Relax and Unlax, either is fine as long as it isn't Exlax I suppose

  12. Glad you had some time to "chill-lax," as my daughter would say. Going into right brain mode and drawing is a wonderful pastime, and so relaxing.

    Hope you get more time to do your artwork, it's lovely to see when you do share.

  13. I hope you had a great staycation!
    Love the sketch.

  14. Staycation - what a great word! And your sketch makes me feel relaxed just looking at it.

  15. Yes you should paint more. You are talented. That would look perfect in my kitchen. Love the blue.


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