
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Life is What Happens...

Does anyone else ever feel like this? I saw this on Facebook today, and I thought, "Or my goodness, yes..." Or, as John Lennon said, "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans..." His life was cut short, 32 years ago today. We all have a limited amount of time on this earth. John Lennon was fortunate to have lived a good life in the time that he was here. He gave much, and he received much. He fulfilled at least some of his dreams.

In my case, I need to spend some time concentrating on moi. My bucket list is not very long, but that is all relative, isn't it? If we have only one thing in our list and we do not achieve it, 100% of nothing is still nothing.

My bucket list consists of a couple of things:  to finally leave my dead end job, and to go to art school. I will never be a great painter, or even a good one, but it will at least be something that I enjoy. An achievement is an achievement

As the clock ticks towards another birthday this month, I have to make some decisions about my bucket list.  As the L'Oreal ads say, I'm worth it.


  1. Jo, I haven't often commented - I do read you regularly but don't always feel that I need to add my comments to those of others who have expressed similar responses. This, however, really touched me - I often feel this way. I am retired and can (theoretically) do anything I want but....I don't know how to say no when asked to volunteer and bend over backwards to make sure that my family (near and far) are happy which really does not leave much time for myself - no one but me to blame.....but.... So my good wishes and encouragement go out to you

  2. Your hopes and dreams are not for nothing. They are for having, one at a time, in time.

    I retired two years ago, and some of my bucket list items have been crossed off (hearing Warren Buffet speak, for example, and learning to ride a Segway). Once I wasn't working, I had time to make choices and to act on them.

  3. Jo, I think instead of someone telling you every thing will be OK, you may need to hear that every thing IS OK. If we do nothing but live for a "hopes and dreams" better future, we may miss out on living now. When you get down to the nitty gritty, all we have is the now. A life reserved for some wonderful future is much like a life lived for some glorious past, the living is spent in a false construction not real life.

    If you want to paint, do it now. You don't have to go to art school, surely there are adult courses you could take in the evening or the weekends.

    There is nothing wrong with hopes and dreams and bucket lists. Nor is there anything with honoring the past. But the past and future should color our lives not define them. Live your life now. Every thing is OK right now.

    Oh yes, I think there are a large number of people here, myself included, who would tell you that you are indeed important. Your thoughts and observations have had a far greater impact on my life than the beautiful people, the sports figures, or the jet setting wealthy combined.

  4. I so hope you get to realize your dream, Jo. You deserve it, and what is life for if not to stretch ourselves? And you are definitely important to ME.

  5. you are unique, important, and more loved than you can know!

    Aloha to YOU from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

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  6. Yes, you are so worth it. But you're wrong about one thing - you ARE a very good painter. So follow that dream and paint your heart out.

  7. Dear Jo,

    Some time ago you added my blog (at the time) to your blogroll. However I deleted my blog several months ago. I see that the name is still up on your blogroll, but it isn't my blog anymore, although it has my address ... very strange. Anyway I wonder if you would mind deleting it? I just don't like the idea of someone using my blog name in this way, especially as our surname is in the title ... It is "Navigating North"

    Thank you so much and I hope you have a great week.

    - Gwen

  8. Don't you find that the older you get, the less people think you need that reassurance; as if you're a grown up now so you should be able to cope. I could definitely do with a daily dose thank you!

  9. There comes a time in our life when we can spend more time doing what we want to do - like working on our bucket list. This is one of the gifts of aging.


Thank you for visiting. It is always fun to read your comments, and I try really hard to respond to all comments. I love you all.