Sunday, October 6, 2013

Grace and Miley

Grace Kelly at 21 and Miley Cyrus at 21

If you ever had any doubt that the human race has reached its peak and is now devolving ... oh, dear goodness.  *heh*

Dear goodness...


Meryl Baer said...

As the saying goes - a picture is worth a thousand words.

BioniKat said...

Quite apart from the nudity, this tongue thing is not an improvement to her looks. Is this supposed to be sexy?

the walking man said...

But Grace actually had to work for her fame at first today a
star" is handpicked and shaped to be a talking idjit. Then the real wealth comes in 20-50 million a year and *shrug* dignity is dictated by dollars.

I'm a fairly simple and liberal person but it seem as if we have let Walt Disney corporation almost single handedly turn two generations of kids into autonomic spending robots controlled by a hand shaped child wearing a stupid hat with ears or whatever their flim flam of the week is.

Bruce Coltin said...

Yes, I think I will cast my vote for Grace. A very funny contrast (and maybe a little sad).

mrsnesbitt said...

Agree with the comment made by Meryl.

Mac n' Janet said...

Pretty sickening, if that's what passes for sexy then perhaps the human race will die out.

Kimberly said...

Her tongue. I don't get it...

Donna B. said...

Like night and day...what a beauty Grace Kelly was....course those days are long gone....and what a shame it is.

fiftyodd said...

Marvellous juxtaposition of photos. You could have put one of Liz Taylor at the same age (same effect). Both she and Grace - peerless beauties.

Melody said...

What a priceless comparison...
We really are devolving... which I'm reminded of each time I see someone walking along, no idea what's in front of them ~ staring into their phone like a zombie.

JeannetteLS said...

Lord love a duck, that is one perfect and, as Bruce said, a bit sad juxtaposition of two shots and two eras.

Eddie Bluelights said...

The former is full of Grace the latter seems to emanate from Cosmos Diabolicus. What a testament to just how far the human race is spiralling downwards.
I know which lady of the two turns me on and its not Miley.
Long time no visit. Best wishes ~ Eddie

Rob-bear said...

Change happens. Tastes evolve. The world turns. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même choise. So we see the demure and the wacky, side by side. Each has her own following.

These are some of the choices we have, thought I'm not really sure I'm up for either.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Leilani Tresise said...

loved this Jo!! loved it!!

k and k world said...

thanks for your nice comment. I was lazy to update my site on this crazy cold weather lol!

PinkPanthress said...

Thank Goodness, my Dear!

I love when people see the Light!

Tom Stephenson said...

I could forgive Miley if her tongue were not so furry - maybe.

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rizthy said...

different generations, different styles .. which one is better? depending on your generation.. and of course your style.
I am 90's generation.. prefer Celine Dion than Grave or Miley.

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Are you ok? You haven't posted in a while! Just checking in... Miss your wit and insight...


Carol E. said...

Greetings from beautiful West Vancouver! I'm here on vacation with my hubby; we're having a great time. Today we're headed to the UBC Anthropology Museum. Back home tomorrow. I love your city!

PhilipH said...

Great post. I seem to have missed you somehow of late. How goes the world with you Jo?

Shaista said...

Hello! Just checking in with you as others have done - hope you are continuing to have a restful, painting filled, life treating you gently sort of time - Happy New Year - it's the year of the sheep they say... 😊

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PinkPanthress said...

Hi there! :)

I wonder how you are, if everything's okay... and if you are ever going to post again.
Greetings to you & a happy New Year 2016! <3

PhilipH said...

I too was hoping to see Jo posting again. Lovely lady and a superb blogger.

GeoPoet said...

I have to agree on the Grace Kelly vs. Miley sentiment.

Susan English Mason said...

Jo, I have not visited you in a very long time. You are STILL hilarious!

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Former Manchester United defender, Rio Ferdinand, has predicted the player that will finish the European Championship as top scorer.

Ferdinand feels Harry Kane will win the Golden Boot, depending on how far England progresses in the tournament.

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“If England gets to the semi-finals I think Harry Kane will be the top goalscorer of the tournament,” he said.

“If they don’t get to the semi-finals I think Mbappe.

“Outside bet Benzema – what a fairytale that would be.”
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