
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

100 Weird Facts About the Human Body

Woman with a Guitar

I have always been interested in fascinating facts and figures. (How's that for alliteration?) Anyway, I came across this website the other night that listed 100 weird facts about the human body, and I started reading it. Several times I heard myself saying, "Eeeiiiuuww...!" For instance, did you know the human heart has enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet? Or the acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades?

I hope the text size is large enough for you to read it. If you click on the downward arrow second from the right, you can enlarge the text. Enjoy! It's very interesting.
100 Weird Facts About the Human Body


  1. I don't think I want to really know some of these facts. Weird!

  2. The weirdest one to me: A human head remains conscious for about 15-20 seconds after it has been decapitated. (shudder)

  3. Oh, very weird...just I'v read it number 1 to will be tomorrow or late at posts reminded me the ole book..."Mysteries of life and the univers" William H. Shore..............awakened the memories...anyway it's the weird news..!

  4. I was caught by the fact that dreams average only last 2-3 seconds. I remember many of mine and they go on for a long time with dialogue, dramatic tension, movement from place to maybe the brain is capable of time travel, or at least of adjusting perception of time?

  5. Well, they were all interesting, but the one about the head remaining conscious for about 20 seconds after decapitation got my attention.

    I have always wondered if a person's brain continued to process after he has been beheaded. I witnessed several beheadings on videos and it seemed to me that the mouth kept moving while the terrorist held the head up in front of the camera.

    The most horrific experience would be to see the world around you after you are aware of being beheaded.

  6. I just worrying about the No.13 -cuz my hair diameters are half size against my wife...and the No.28 -my heart is used to beat faster than my wife's....i'm in a, I'v read it well just the No. from 25 to 40 lazy readers......the next may be tomorrow....never on suday

  7. Some nerve impulses travel at over 200 mph.

  8. Okay, now. The human head being alive for 15-20 seconds after decapitation--that is just gross!

    I almost always remember my dreams-or bits and pieces of them anyway. But I sure ain't no genius!

    The heart squirting blood was a good one, too. I think they know about this one in Hollywood.

    Well, the body is a miracle! D

  9. Yep.....80% of my brain is definitely water - what a day!!!!

  10. So we can call ourselves to "Single Cell" from the number 51...I'm a single girl~~ single man~~~once the ole
    I'll be going to more careful on monday...heart attacks....nice a inform...OK I just finished it all perfectly......very nice and very helpul...and very weird it 100 facts....thanks

  11. i like the one about the blood vessels! it's amazing that something as small as our blood vessels can wrap around the world's equator more than twice.

    it makes us realize that every small thing in this earth is so significant.

    by the way, anyone who wants to decide where to ship me off to next august for four months, come visit my blog and cast your vote via comment!

    (also check out my recent post on just war theory)

    xo savantage

  12. "Woman with guitar" has an interesting body.

    Some days I wish Pablo Picasso hadn't gone bananas.

    Oh well. Some days I feel so cool, I swear I am carrying an ice pack on my back.

    Would Picasso draw a cat? Could he, after cubism, draw a cat?

    But I guess he was el gato frio and wouldn't have time for my nonsense.

  13. Wow....I was really grossed out by a few of those and now I'll have nightmares about decapitation. :-D

  14. Hi.

    Glad to see you are still at it... a dedicated blogger :-)

    and I will see ya again sooner..... sorry to be busy with politics down here :-)


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