
Monday, September 7, 2009

Koda and Kale

I can't think of any closer relationship than between a child and a dog. It's almost as if they are two parts of the whole. When I was growing up on Vancouver Island, we had an assortment of dogs -- Scottish terriers, golden labs, golden retrievers, and one dog in particular, a border collie named Sporty, who once saved me from drowning. I slipped on the mossy rocks next to a creek, and Sporty held my head out of the water by my blouse collar until someone could rescue me. I believe dogs are much more intelligent than people realize, and they have a sense of understanding that is deeper than we appreciate. I read a story in our local newspaper this week that confirmed what I believe about dogs. Here is the story, courtesy of the Globe and Mail.

When a young British Columbia family stopped to make camp in the Yukon wilderness they were surprised to see a scruffy dog that looked a bit like a coyote come out of the bush. They saw the mongrel had porcupine quills sticking out of its face and tried to help, not knowing that a simple act of kindness would be repaid in the most remarkable way – with the deliverance of their son from a life-threatening ordeal.

Two-year-old Kale disappeared into the bush wearing only a T-shirt on a cool and rainy night late last week. More than 24 hours later, search-and-rescue authorities found him alive, thanks in part to Koda, the yellow mutt with the quill-covered snout who protected the toddler and kept him warm overnight.

“A bear could have got him. Anything could have happened," said Mike Bondarchuk, a local hotel owner who volunteered in the search for Kale.
“What we do know is the dog stuck with him, all night and all the next day."

Kale and Koda will now be able to stick together for good – Koda's owner has given the dog to the toddler's family. “He was meant to be there at that time," said Kim Dolan, the owner of Koda, who had been missing for about a week before meeting the boy. “It was tough to give him away. I was in tears … but it was the right thing to do," she said.

I think she can rest assured that Koda will be well-loved by a little boy named Kale.


  1. Ohhhh what a sweet story. I loved the picture at the top - the dog looks like our Lucy. I'm so glad Koda protected the little boy, and will continue to do so.

    We always had golden retrievers when our children were growing up. They always stayed very close to the girls when they were outside playing, and barked like crazy if a stranger approached. They also kept swimming circles around them when they were in the lake. Always on duty.

  2. Dagnabit! Another tear inducing story. Good one though.

  3. This is a sweet story.

    I remember a couple of bittersweet stories of the two dogs i had as a child. It is hard that we outlive our dear companions

    Thank you for sharing, Jo. :)

  4. What a sweet story! I grew up with dogs and have two today. They are treated just like every other family memeber. Such wonderful friends!

  5. I agree with Lone Grey Squirrel, "Dag nab it! Another tear inducing story." I love my dogs and living with and enjoying them does enhance my life and offer glimpses into being part of a pack( of which I am honored to be the leader, or at least they let me believe).

  6. You are right, about how smart dogs are.

    When I was in my early teens, I bad man tried to rob me, he held a knife to my neck. Until my German Shepard showed up out of no where, he bit the guy on the thigh. The guy limping now turn to me and said I am going to sue you.

    I said to bring it. I guess I didnt feel scared anymore cause my faithful companion was right next to me.

  7. I'm really a big fan of dogs and had many growing up. They have been so shaped by human beings that they are much like us in so many ways. But better.

  8. What an encouraging story, I think to myself as I now peer over at my sleeping, poop-eating mutt.

  9. Beautiful, beautiful story. Well I do know dogs seem to be a lot smarter than cats. But cats also make very nice pets.

  10. Yep - crying here at work again, courtesy of Jo. Great story!

  11. Hi jo, there is an award for you on my blog:)

  12. That is an absolutely wonderful story. I have to wonder if perhaps Koda didn't end up with the best part of the deal. I can't quite decide if I think it is beautiful, or peculiar that Koda's owners gave him to the family.

    I mean, I've had dogs, and on the one occasion one of ours went missing overnight (she ran away in the dark, afraid of fireworks) it would have taken an act of God to get us to relinquish her when we found her, fourteen hours later.

    Admittedly, perhaps that is exactly what Koda's owners thought they were facing. An act of the powers that be.

    Still, if it was me? I think my reaction would be more, "Gosh, so happy! Grateful your child was saved! Beyond grateful! Now give me my dog."

  13. I told my dog, Bailey, about this. He pointed out that dogs are told they don't just adopt a human -- they adopt the human's whole family!

    Bailey is pretty smart.... but sometimes he cheats at cards and does not always pick up his dishes after we eat!

  14. Josie, as much as you may praise dawgs, cat is where it's at!! ;-)

  15. Sometimes little Stefan dreams about the dogs we saw during the day and says aloud Wouw-Wouw - and even thought it might be four in the morning, am glad to be awake to hear that.

  16. Hello Jo.
    A very nice story, i always learn something new, when i came to your space, beautiful and sweet.
    All the best, have a nice day, see you soon.

    José Filipe 09-09-2009

  17. Lovely story, My dachshie Pretzel is my one true companion. His unconditional love melts me. What an exquisite writer you are. You have a rare simplicity and grace. I wish I could write like you. Your ideas are presented in such a clear manner it reminds me of a crystal clear water stream. Always a pleasure to read your posts.

  18. Such a heartwarming story, Jo. It is so wonderful that Koda protected the little boy. Sometimes animals know more than humans. Nice post!

  19. Tears! My mom-out-law moved in with us and brought her dog, who adopted my 3 year old son as his own, and the other way around. They're always together. There's just something about a dog.

  20. Hey, in the painting, the dog is nekked too.

  21. Thank you for all your lovely comments, everyone! I haven't had time to respond because I am sick in bed with the 'flu. *cough* And it is pouring with rain, and I feel wretched.

    I'll be back soon.


  22. Hope you feel much better very soon. {{{hug!}}}

  23. What a wonderful story - a true "tail" with a happy ending. :)


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