
Monday, September 7, 2009

School's Back...

Tomorrow is the first day back to school for most of the children here in Canada. I still feel the excitement of it, even though it has been a few years since I went to school. It's a big day -- seeing friends again, finding your new classroom and your new teacher. Will you be stuck with Mr. Grumplemeyer again this year? Will your best friend be in your class again? Sometimes it's hard to get to sleep the night before.

"Will everyone like my new school clothes? Will I look cool?"

Unfortunately, every year some little tyke is hit by a car on the first day of school. Children under the age of eight years-old cannot judge the speed of a car. They see the color first, before they can assess how close it is or how fast it's going. Also, their field of vision is one-third less than an adult's. So it's up to the big people to watch out for the little people. I often see yahoos adults speeding through a school area, and I just want to smack them up the side of the head. "Slow down, you moron...!" So, everyone, please remember to watch out for all the excited little kids heading back to school tomorrow. They might not always be watching for you.


  1. Well said Jo. Another hate of ours is when some cretinous parent parks the car on the yellow zig-zags (no stopping/parking) which is there for a good reason!

  2. It feels strange to not have kids to ready for the first day of school.
    I couldnt resist taking my neice and getting her a few things she needed.

  3. Bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils. sigh... :)

  4. Jo... this is so true. My best friends daughter got hit by a van in a school crosswalk three years ago. She suffered severe brain trauma and we all thought she was going to die. It was one of the most horrible things in our lives. She is ok now thank goodness, but we both still drive our children to school so they won't be in the crosswalk at all.

  5. That's why especially here in Athens you won't see any student to reach schoon on his own - either arriving with parents or the school bus, if private school.

    What a nice memory you brought though. Can't wait for the kid to grow and 'enter' school life. One of the best time in my life. A nice new week for you.

  6. Hi! Click HERE for award news! YES! It's a banner day for A Majority of Two!

  7. So they start in Canada tomorrow? Wow--students here started as early as a week and a half ago.

    I entirely agree on those who speed through a school zone. And usually, it's some idiot who is also a parent who is the culprit.

  8. Great reminder. Where I used to love in Pennsylvania, police took the school zone speed limit very seriously, and as a result so did the drivers in these school zones. This is one place where I really would like to see police patrolling for speeders.

  9. Philip, oh, yes, that's like people who park in the handicapped zones. Credins. :-)

    Susan, I know! I feel as if I should go out and buy myself a new outfit!

    Jennifer, oh, yes -- from "You've Got Mail." :-)

    LovelyPrism, oh my gosh, that's heartbreaking! I'm glad she's okay now.

    Robert, yes, most parents drive their children to school here now too.

    And a happy new week to you too!

    Sparkle, omigosh, thank you!!!

    Pilgrimchick, school ends later in the school year here in Canada too, so it sort of works out.

    LilliGirl, oh yes!

    Alissa, just last week a little boy of eight years old was killed by a speeding driver. I cannot even imagine his parents' anguish.

  10. Last year, there was one day when I did not notice a crossing guard and I drove through. I thank God no one was hurt. I pulled off the side of the road and went back to the crossing guard and let her scream at me. Then she stopped and said, "You are the first person who ever came back to get screamed at."

    I said, "I deserved more than that."

    SHe said, "NO, I don't think so. You didn't hurt anyone, you pulled over and came back ready to take the consequences. I'm thinking you won't ever do that again. I'm also thinking you simply made a mistake."

    I said, "But that one could have killed someone and I'm so sorry. I could have killed YOU."

    We shook hands and I went on my way, but it sure taught me something about how dangerous just one moment's absent-mindedness can be, especially when we forget that it is SEPTEMBER. Thank you for the reminder. We can all be careless for just a moment, and a simple reminder is a good idea.

  11. Why are we all in such a hurry. I spend a lot of my time reminding the people who come flying into my campground to obey my stop signs and speed limit. I have lots of kids on bikes and they are just kids. They need to learn to watch out for cars.... but they are kids, after all. Makes me a little crazy....

  12. Hi,
    being a parent of children myself I share your concerns about speeding. I also feel the strange nostalgia about the first school day.

  13. Nancy, yes, everyone should be reminded.

    Jeanette, what a wonderful story. And yes, I think you learned your lesson that time, and you will always be aware now.

    Kathy, omigod, yes! Children are not as aware of their surroundings as they should be. Can you fine those people who do that?

    Condominiums, yes *heh* I am going to wear a new sweater to work today ... just because it's the first day of school. :-)


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