
Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Darling Buds Of May ... Oops, I Mean February

Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And Summer's lease hath all too short a date:

... Shakespeare, Sonnet No. 18

While the whole rest of North America is freezing its butt off, and there are record snowfalls in areas that never get snow -- ever -- we here in the "frozen north" have roses blooming in February. Yes... The photo above was taken three days ago, a couple of blocks from my house. A budding rose, resting against a wall with a southern exposure, just ready to bloom.

Athletes, journalists and tourists from all over the world are pouring into Vancouver this week, only to find Vancouverites jogging around the seawall in their shorts and T-shirts. This is Canada? What's going on? Was Al Gore right, after all? The fact is, we are 1,700 miles from Alaska, but only 700 miles from California -- less than half the distance -- and we share much of the same weather as San Francisco and northern California.

These are all pictures I took as I went on my walk the other day. So, while all you folks are posting your wonderful pictures of snow and ice -- *sigh* -- these are photos of my world at the moment. Everyone here has been praying for snow, but there's not much chance of that happening now. I hope you enjoy your visit to Vancouver folks, but remember to bring your shorts and flip-flops.



  1. Oh I can't wait to wear flip flops and shorts! nice to see flowers in Feb while right now here it is snowing heavily.

    Have a wonderful day Miss Jo!

  2. Sounds like varied weather!! I'd love to go to Canada :( I hope I do, tho............ hmm, planmaking time!!!

  3. I think it's great that the weather will be so nice for the winter olympics. Hope it doesn't mess up any of the events - but I'm sure they've taken care of all those technical details.

  4. Now THAT is what I call winter! Heh! Bring it on!

  5. Wish i could ship you a few feet of the cold white stuff. ;)

  6. Yes, snow would be very appropriate for this time of year and time in history for you!

  7. Perhaps the term "global warming" is misleading. Warming is only one aspect of what's happening to world climate. People everywhere notice that the weather is just crazy, unpredictible, unexpected and ask themselves, what's going on here?

  8. I could live with this kind of winter but geesh it must be worrisome for the games.

    Jo, did you receive my semi-lengthy email answering the question you left on my blog about Posts of the Week? I'm wondering if it disappeared into cyberspace.

  9. Just the tonic I needed...rosebuds. Thanks, Jo.

  10. Yes, you are definitely sharing our weather now. Nice shots! One of the things I love most about California is that there is always something in bloom.

    It isn't looking really good for the Winter Olympics, is it? Get out the snow machines, which have probably never been needed in Canada before.

  11. I will be going north soon to help with grandchildren. Maybe I will be able to warm up!

  12. It looks so inviting. Your pictures are fantastic. It's nice to get a glimpse of spring when it's so cold here. It will be quite interesting for the Olympics, won't it?

  13. I am praying for snow for the Olympics, but I think they still have to truck it in...

  14. It seems like winter forgot to visit Vancouver this year. Hopefully its not in a hurry to come back down here.

  15. You made me jealous now Jo! :)
    Vancouver.. The city which is fit to live in the rest of your life.
    It's always so beautiful and so impressive, isn't it Jo?

    By the way, the flowers are so cute!


  16. So are they going to change it to the Vancouver Spring games? Substitute down hill skiing for say...skateboarding?

  17. What a treat to see flowers this time of year! Just snow here.

  18. Nice shots! One of the things I love most about California is that there is always something in bloom.

    Work from home India

  19. Ah, visions of spring... :) Much needed in my neck of the woods!


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