
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Welcome To Vancouver...

It's an absolutely gorgeous spring morning here in Vancouver, and I have absolutely nothing clever about which to post. I have no amazing photographs, no wonderful stories -- nada -- just this photograph taken from the Burrard Bridge "cam" this morning. If you look very closely, you will see the daffodils and tulips. (Click on the photo for a better view.)

In one week, the world will be coming to Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympics. I hope we're ready. I'm looking forward to seeing the Opening Ceremonies. They're always the most fun, don't you think? The athletes all march in proudly wearing the uniforms that have been designed for them. Sometimes the uniforms are great, and sometimes they're -- well -- not so great. But, nevertheless, the athletes always look so proud to be there representing their countries.

Looking at the Olympics from the inside out, there is the usual grumbling by the locals as to whether or not we should have been hosting these things.

"All that money should have been spent on the less fortunate and the homeless...!"

Well, yes, but sometimes life is meant to be enjoyed as well. It has to be an even balance of yin and yang. And I may be naïve, but I believe that sometimes we have to spend money to make money. British Columbia used to be a resourced based province, but we are no longer. We have to rely on tourism to be our main economical resource. British Columbia -- particularly Vancouver Island -- is an extraordinarily beautiful area, and Vancouver is an amazing city. So I hope when the world comes to visit next week, everyone will see how wonderful we are and they will want to come back. And I hope the yahoos people who plan their silly demonstrations will mind their manners for just a few days, and show some courtesy and hospitality to our guests.

Now, if we only had some snow...

Have a fabulous weekend, everyone. I am off outdoors to tiptoe through the tulips.



  1. I have been to your lovely city many, many times and it is indeed a place of beauty. I have always enjoyed the area and the Salt Spring Island, I especially like White Rock. Hoping you get all the snow that is needed and that people behave themselves. I have heard 'they' are planning a WTO type riot (as was in Seattle) and I am truly wishing that it does not happen. We need nice for a change! Enjoy your lovely day...

  2. Oh I must visit some day!

    We can trade apartments for a week or two, Jo.

    Aloha, Friend!

    Comfort Spiral

  3. "All that money should have been spent on the less fortunate and the homeless...!"
    ^This sentence is the reason why I always loved your Country. Damn it, I love it!!!

    Unfortunately I will only be able to watch the Olympics from the Net or TV. :(

    But one day, one day...

    P.S.: Though of course I understand that Vancouver has to make some money, and that this is a very good oppurtunity! :)

  4. That picture just laid a thousand words on me and they were all good!

  5. I was wondering don't you need snow for winter Olympics, I'm sure they mfg it but....
    Have fun tiptoeing through the tulips, we are slogging through the snow and slush. LOL

  6. We moved to Bellingham from Boulder, Colorado, for our retirement, partly to be close to Canada and especially Vancouver, as well as a couple hours drive to Seattle (south). It's the most lovely place I've ever lived! If I were not an elderly American, I would have moved to Vancouver, but your government really doesn't want me...

  7. Jo, parts of the U.S. have gotten silly amounts of snow of late. Every time I see a report about it snow like crazy in Virginia I wish I could bundle it up, and send it to Vancouver.

    We've got a snowstorm headed our way, not unusual for Colorado, of course, but I'm trying to shoo it your way. Go, snow! Go and visit BC, and Whistler!

    As for "That money should be spent to help" well, I think the world can always use more altruism, and all that, but the Olympics are about something important. About coming together as a world, trying to set aside differences, and cheer on athleticism no matter the country of origin. It is an event at which we prove we can get along globally, and form a world community.

    That helps people in and of itself. Has the Olympics become a bit too lavish? I really don't think so. Our best hope is to continue to engender a spirit of a global community, and make a big fuss about one of the activities attendant to that has an importance all its own.

    "That money should be used to help people." Perhaps it has been helping, in a different way, all along. We don't live in a perfect world. We aren't every likely to live in a perfect world. Yet these uniting acts are very important and one of the things that makes it second nature to reach out to other countries, when the need is greatest.

    That engendered spirit of community, and unity does good, all on its own.

    Now snow, darn it, snow!! Shoo snow. Shoo.

  8. A friend of mine in the Coast Guard (we were in boot camp together about 7 yrs ago) just arrived there yesterday. He is going to be working a security detail for the games. He posted on his facebook page that it is beautiful.

  9. Considering your lovely spring weather (I hear your're bring in snow for the venues), perhaps they should move the games to DC. They're up to their arses in snow. ;-)

  10. I'm not really sure that, in the long run, Vancouver and Vancouverites will come out in the black after these games are over. Sure it's a fun, glitzy party, but it damned expensive, considering all the worthy causes that have had funding cut.

    Also, I'm getting tired of the constant choppers flying low in the air at all times of the day and night, and the ridiculous hold that VANOC/IOC has on freedom of expression. Do you know what happens when you go to that Olympic event for which you have tickets wearing a Pepsi logo, or carrying a Starbucks coffee cup?

    That said, it does put Vancouver on the map. And, that can only be good. Seems like awfully costly publicity, tho'.

  11. I had no idea it was so incredibly beautiful there! I so wish I could visit, ah well, maybe someday. I too love the opening ceremonies, can't wait!

  12. I hope some day to get to visit your lovely city! And I understand the excitement about the Olympics. The son of my mother's friend (that I grew up visiting) got to run with the torch this year in Alberta. So exciting!

  13. I am hoping for some good snow soon comes your way!

  14. The Olympics are the Olympics, when people come together. If people want to grumble, they can stay home for 2 weeks. Never mind that Vancouver will be the focus of the world.

    I read that the pot industry employs a lot of people in B.C., world famous for its B.C. Bud and, of course, now the Olympics. It was a fascinating article - never knew how big that industry was.

  15. Jo I'm looking so forward to seeing my old home and stamping grounds from here on TV. And I understand that Whistler mountain has something like 2 meters of good snow so events there will be great and that Cypress mountain is being decked out with enough snow to satisfy everyone.

    I would love to be there at tulip and daffodil time with you!
    Enjoy the city and the Games.

  16. Well, I will be in the minority here. I welcome the enthusiasm of the athletes, and the concept of "coming together". But, especially having worked for an Olympic organization on the inside, I regret that the Olympics has turned into a mass commercial enterprise, run by unelected despots and geared to making money - for everyone but the host.

    If we had government coffers overflowing with cash - go ahead! But when we eliminate all funding for Arts for adults and kids, and yet have money to throw at this, even paying for the best tickets for our "public service" organizations - well, I think BC politicians are continuing to build on their track record of strategically poor decisions.

  17. I have never doubted that Vancouver is a wonderful and very beautiful city, and I hope to see it before too much longer. Enjoy tiptoeing through the tulips - Tiny Tim would be proud.

  18. And as you are fluffing your feathers for the arrival of your visitors, we are working at a feverous speed to get things ready when our visitors arrive for the Soccer World Cup in June.

  19. I am truly wishing that it does not happen. We need nice for a change! Enjoy your lovely day...

    Work from home India

  20. Maybe Vancouver didn't spend all that money on homeless people but Beijing made people homeless.

    Maybe when the climate completely shifts Israel can host the winter olympics.

  21. You have the world at your doorstep now - I do remember how exciting that can be! It should pay off for years to come!


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