Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me...

Today is my birthday, and I have always felt that it comes at a convenient time of the year, right between Christmas and the New Year.  It's a perfect time to make resolutions.  I have never been the type of person to look backwards, only forwards.  We can't change the past, and having regrets about anything is of no use whatsoever.  It's best to keep our cherished memories and jettison the regrets. To me, regrets are like weights that drag us down.  Lovely memories are like balloons that lift is up and make our spirits soar.  Most of us have so many blessings in our lives, and we fail to see them.  Instead of making New Year's resolutions, which most of us will break in the first month week of January, we should make a list of our blessings, however small.  We would find that the list is actually very long.  My experience has always been that, to cherish a blessing is to make it flourish; like watering a flower, it will grow and blossom.  Ignoring a blessing will make it shrivel and blow away like dust in the wind.  And then it becomes a regret.  Life is too beautiful for regrets.

Today I am going to buy myself a birthday present -- a new red coat that I have picked out.  It's time to retire the yellow rain slicker.  So, if you see someone looking very posh in a new red coat strolling along Broadway, please say hello.  It's me.


mrsnesbitt said...

Oooooooooooooh a red coat! Go girl!
Happy New Year. Dxx

Linda said...

Happy Birthday, Jo! Love your optimism! Your red coat will be the 'bomb'!

Pamela Kieffer said...

Red coat, that will chase away the winter doldrums. Happy New Year.

Cloudia said...

I think I can SEE you from here!

Happy birthday, JO

Friendly Aloha from Honolulu,
Comfort Spiral
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Leslie: said...

I think RED will be awesome! Can hardly wait to see it...have a happy day and we'll get together as soon as I stop coughing! :(

Donna Eisele said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Josie, Happy Birthday to you. And many more............
Hope your day is a good one and wishes for good health and much happiness always!!! Donna

Avril Fleur said...

Happy Birthday from Ontario Jo! Hope you get all you wish for this year! Avril

Stephen said...

I used to think how egocentric and narcissistic it was for people to announce their own birthday, perhaps fishing for congratulations and even gifts. Ah, the foolish misconceptions of youth. If each day is a gift, what, then is a year? Enjoy your red coat, Jo, and may you enjoy many walks in the rain.

DJan said...

I am looking forward to spying that red raincoat! But I too am hoping for a short respite from the rain... Happy Birthday dear Jo! :-)

Russell said...

Have a most happy day today!

And then have a happier one tomorrow!

joanne said...

all well-heeled red-headed women should have a great red coat that she picked out for herself! Hope you had a terrific day, and a lovely year! Blessings to you sweet Jo..;j

the walking man said...

Today is my only granddaughters birthday, she is now officially a teenager. I spent all day yesterday trying to get her to swear..what a waste of damn time! But she did con me out of a $40 game her grandmother doesn't know about yet. I'll get sworn at then!

Hope your birthday was the best day of the year just passed and today is the worst day of the year coming at ya Jo.

Mac n' Janet said...

Happy Birthday! A red coat sounds so cheerful.

Charles Gramlich said...

Happy late birthday! I didn't see this until this morning. Hope you had a grand day.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Happy belated birthday, Jo! I think a red coat is just the thing to assure a happy birthday. I'm so glad you're happy with your birthday coming so close to Christmas. I like your point of view that it is the the middle of the holiday season and a good time to reflect and make -- or not make -- resolutions for the coming year. My mother's birthday is today and she always felt it was overlooked by her family, coming so close to Christmas. I'm delighted you feel otherwise!

Linda Myers said...

Happy late birthday!

Sextant said...

I like your philosophy of regrets and blessings--very Jo like. Indeed we a blessed far more than most of us can possibly know.

Happy Birthday Jo, and seasons greetings.

Paula Slade said...

Belated birthday greetings Jan! Hope you had a wonderful day and that all your birthday wishes manifest in the new year! Enjoy your snazzy new coat! :)

Shaista said...

Happy happy birthday Jan! What a great idea to buy something red and beautiful to wear on your first day of the New Year. Definitely one way to stay happy is to appreciate the many wonders that make up our lives.
Out of curiosity, do you have a bucket list? Or do you feel no need for one? (my sister in law was talking about bucket lists today, so they're on my mind) xxxx

Country Girl said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Jo. Love that you're getting a red coat!

Kimberly said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Jo! I've been following your blog for years now and have thoroughly enjoyed listening to your thoughts/observations on life. You've always made me either put my thinking cap on or smile :)

E. VERNA said...

Happy birthday!God bless you!!

The Bug said...

Happy late birthday Jo! I think we need to see a picture of the red coat (preferably with you in it). :)

Alicia said...

Happy Birthday Jo. I may be a little late but my wishes to you for a wonder new year in your life are very heart felt!