Sometimes when I'm bored and need a chuckle, I like to look through the Craigslist Free Stuff. Yes, I know, I need to get a life. But the Free Stuff ads on Craigslist are some of the best ways to spend
half an hour ten minutes for a free laugh. It's mind-boggling the things that people actually give away ~~ for free. What's even more mind-bloggling is the fact that people actually go and pick these things up, and take them home. Through the magic of advertising, everyone's flotsam and jetsam can be circulated from one household to another. Who knew! Here are some of this week's
junk treasures, complete with their descriptions.
"Male Crested Gecko - approximately one year old. Adoption fee is $25."
Well, that's just false advertising. First of all, it's not free, and second, why would anyone give away such a
cute little creature? Can you just imagine that little face staring at you over the breakfast table? It's like a snake with legs.
"Rock surrounding the fireplace. You remove."
Actually, I rather like the look of the stone in this fireplace, and I can't imagine anyone giving it away ~~ for free. It's rustic and very West Coast looking. It would look lovely in my cabin up at Whistler Mountain, don't you agree? I think I just might rush over there today with my back hoe and pick this little item up. Oh, wait, I don't have a cabin at Whistler Mountain ... or a back hoe. Darn the luck.
"Lou is a mean cat. She will probably bite and scratch you. She will pee on your carpet. She will not go out of the house. She is spayed. She has to go to new owners."
Well, that just says it all about poor old Lou. Will anyone give her a good home after that endorsement? I have a feeling that, sadly, Lou's days are numbered. Truth in advertising... Poor Lou.
"A new (used once) ankle brace. I rolled my ankle playing soccer but ended up not needing this brace. This is a medium brace for the right leg. You pick up..."
Just what we all need, right? A (used once) ankle brace. I'll bet there's a rush on this little item.
Can anyone see what's wrong with this picture? Anyone? I know you're all observant. What's wrong with this picture? Anyone?
The following is my personal favourite. It is a novella, complete with a back story all in one advertisement:
"I have a wooden mirror similar to the picture for pick up - except mine doesn't have the fancy carved artwork, however mine does have a small drawer at the bottom. I don't know wood all that well, but I'd say it's a Cedar/Red Pine colour?? Mirror can tilt 360. Currently the mirror is not assembled. It's in near-excellent condition, except that I have disassembled and reassembled it so many times (I move a lot) that the screw-holes have been worn through. A handyman could simply fill the current holes, re-screw them and VOILA - Good as new. I have all the pieces & screws. I've kept it in my closet for THREE YEARS waiting on a promise from my boyfriend to fix it for me because I love it. However, that never happened, and now I'm tired of it collecting dust. Pick up available today after 4:00 pm."
What, the mirror or the boyfriend?
Craigslist Free Stuff ~~ check it out.
Fascinating stuff! I'm with you on the fireplace, Jo. Why would someone want to dismantle that? And poor Lou. I have a feeling her days are numbered, too. Being mean and peeing on the carpets to boot? I'm a cat lover, but even I couldn't deal with that. My aunt had a mean cat who peed prodigiously throughout her house and after she and the cat both died, my husband and I had a nightmare weekend (before the house went on the market) of emptying the house of furniture, pulling up and discarding the carpeting all over the house and swabbing the concrete slab with bleach to try to get the odor out. It was horrendous. I'd have to pass on poor Lou.
Hee Hee! Hmmmm, is it upside down?
Be kind... the poster of the brace on Craig's list forgot to label his feet.
I've learned something new. I just checked my local Craigslist and discovered that there are lots of curb alerts following garage sales. Alas, there's no mention of poor Lou.
Oh dear. That ankle brace is on backwards, it seems. Or something. And poor Lou. I suspect you're right about his lives being used up or something. :-)
I love to check the free section on Craig's List. I've never seen anything that I want...even if it's free, but it's fun. It's sad how many people are giving away animals.
The ankle brace is a right leg brace and it's on the left leg?
Craigslist is a whole culture I'm not sure I can deal with, but amusing post nonetheless Jo.
I noticed the "wrong" leg right off and the gecko...well, drown that in the toilet! You must have been really bored to go through all those ads...sorry, I've done it, myself! LOL
OMGosh what a funny post. I too loved the last one about the mirror and the poor darn cat will never find a home. lol
Hope all is well with you honey and I have missed you
well you are so right...that was quite entertaining! Why not do a post every week and keep me udated so I don't get myself hooked on yet another thing...poor Lou.
Perhaps the brace didn't work because it's on the wrong leg. Poor Lou the cat who will bite and scratch and pee the carpets. It's really sad. As for the mirror, that's like showing a photograph of a rhinoceros and saying that you have a different kind of animal available but it also has a pulse. I have always thought that Craig's List attracts loonies and wackos, and my few experiences with it were not good ones. But I have perused the kittens for adoption a few times.
The brace looks ok to me, but the foot is a lefty and the brace is advertised as a right.
But I really suspect what is wrong is Lou peed on it.
Oh, dear.
Strange things in the Great White North.
Greetings from Occupy Saskatoon, eh.
Yep - it was a right leg advert! However, it reminds me that I have Googled "correcting hammer toes" and have discovered that the Podiatrist can supply an orthotic devise which can slowly correct hammer toes (I've had mine since I was born and have hated them for 61 years! Cause for jubilation? An operation (quick fix) means that you can't drive for six weeks. Who has time for that? I'll keep you posted.
I like to troll Craigslist when I am bored, too. The furniture is fun, too. Just to see what someone thinks tair junk is worth .....
I'll have to check out our Craigslist and see if it is that funny!
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