If I were to win a lottery, or find a magic lamp with a genie in it, and I could wish for any sort of house to live in, this would be the house I would choose. Isn't that insane? But, it's true. There is something about this little house that I find so cozy and appealing, especially with the hollyhocks growing outside the door. I love hollyhocks and anywhere I live, I would have to grow hollyhocks. This cabin is called Dietrich Cabin and it's located in Franklin County in Kansas. It was originally built by Jacob Dietrich and his wife Catherine. After Jacob died, Catherine raised her children there. This little cabin is now a museum.

At this time of year ~~ the weeks between the frenzy of Christmas and the blooming of the daffodils ~~ I curl up in front of my fireplace and become a recluse. The interior of the Dietrich Cabin looks just about as cozy and perfect for hiding away from the world as anything could possibly be. Check out that beautiful old stone fireplace, and the rocking chair next to it. Notice the little child-sized rocking chair on the right. Isn't it cute? And you can see the gleam on the wood floors, and the solid rafters, where the dried flowers are hanging. I would take that room over a Park Avenue apartment any day.
I received three wonderful books for Christmas, and I'm enjoying them so much. One book is an
Atlas of Dynasties and Royal Houses ~ right up to William and Katherine. It's wonderful. I find royalty fascinating. Another book is
Jacqueline Kennedy, Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy, complete with the CDs of her voice as she is being interviewed by Arthur Schlessinger, Jr. You can even hear the traffic noise in the background, over her whispery voice. It's amazing. The third book is
Colors, What They Mean and How to Make Them, which is incredibly beautiful, and has inspired me to paint again. So, that's me, curled up in the corner of my little cabin, enjoying the solitude, and peace and quiet. It's only temporary though...
Good for you to curl up between Christmas Day and daffodils. (Those flowers, floral symbol for the Welsh, I think should appear around March 1 — St. David's Day — David being the patron of Wales).
So, that being the case, you've got a couple of month to luxuriate before the fire, reading big books and thinking deep thoughts. Well, perhaps.
In any case, enjoy, in the "little cabin in the woods," about which you can dream.
We live in a small apartment and it has a bit of that same reclusive feeling. I too like to withdraw during the long dark nights. We are gaining a minute and a half to each day right now.
It is very interesting that you dream of living in a tiny rustic cabin yet you love to read about the wealthy.
I too love a cozy cabin.Bigger is not better ;0)
I'm amazed at how similar our tastses are, Jo. I've always loved small cabins and hollyhocks, antique quilts and stone fireplaces. If there is a pond nearby, so much the better!
Franklin County, Kansas, isn't that far from where I live. I should visit the Dietrich cabin to see it for myself. Thank you for pointing me in its direction!
Nice choice. I would prefer something next to a lake though.
There is no better way to spend cold winter days. I like the idea of a cabin in the woods, but the reality is after hibernating for a while, I want to get out, see people and not have to drive. Our little cottage is within walking distance of several stores, the bus stop, and the library! I may not be a city girl, but am not a country soul either!
I love the coziness of the little cabin. My house is tiny, too. Nice to be surrounded by the few chosen things I love. Well, that and my four legged babies.
That cabin is cute Jo, but the open front porch kind of scares me. I can just imagine stepping off that porch and a badger or other creature of that type biting my ankle!
But if it's just temporary and maybe seasonal...then I would love it there as well. Sitting on that porch, enjoying the view *sigh*
If I won the lottery, I would have like the Lotto-649 commercial - an island with a BIG Do Not Disturb sign and live in a small cabin like you pictured.
I hope you'll have a nice time there... sometimes having time for yourself & being alone is the best thing. It also helps recharging your energy. :)
Ooh, and the last book sounds interesting, hope it will be muse enough for you to create some great pieces!
I was the lucky recipient of the Jacqueline Kennedy book, as well. I haven't started it yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I love to hibernate this time of year, too.
Have a restful retreat Jo. :)
I bought a book once that showed a large number of cabins you could build that were 800 square feet or less.
That square footage is smaller than most one bedroom apartments (the one bedroom I had a few years ago had 850 sq ft).
They are cute and wonderful for a short stay - especially if nestled in by a lake or in the mountains.
And, yes, you can get used to any size living space - especially if you are organized! So you would have no problem at all!
I lived in a cottage a lot like that one in the Blue Ridge Mountains for 7 years. It sat on 450 acres of land, much of it undeveloped, with hills and streams, untended orchards and meadows. I love cozy cottages with wild English gardens around them.
I also prefer Uncle Tom's Cabin...lol...Happy New Year!
--Ringo Starr.
Ringo Starr?!!
Happy New Year my friend...been awhile since I have visited... I also LOVE Hollyhocks...they instantly make a home a cozy cottage. I am attracted to this little cabin as well. One Christmas, our entire family rented a cabin up in the mountains. Only the fireplace to keep us warm, so we all gathered in the living room in our PJs, robes and slippers. We played board games, charades and told stories. We took group walks in the woods and had snowball fights. We took turns cooking and still talk of it being the best Christmas EVER! No TV, no radio, no modern conveniences...just us together, keeping ourselves entertained. My favorite reading time is when it rains...
Gorgeous! That would be my taste. Not your books though: what about the incomparable trilogy "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"? Just seen the new movie with Daniel Craig. The 'girl' in it is astonishing. He remains himself but Sweden is lovely.
In the wintertime, which in western Canada, we get our fair share of winter, I think I would like to be a bear and hibernate. I have to make myself go out. My work takes me out during the week but come the week ends it is nice to bunker down and quilt or read or get caught up at home.
I have often thought the book of Jacqueline Kennedy would be fascinating. I have been interested in the Kennedys since I was a small girl as Kennedy was assassinated on my birthday. I have vivid memories of that day. Since that time I have read a number of pieces on the Kennedys but have not read this one. I will have to keep an eye out for this one.
Um, if I won the lotto - I would defintely have a bigger home. I can't help it - I have 2 dogs & they need their own space.
You are a woman after my own heart and that is one dreamy little cabin. I'm with you, I'd choose this little cabin over a big city loft any day of the week.
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