It would appear that Sarah, the Duchess of York, and I have something in common. Neither of us is going to receive an invitation to the wedding of HRH Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton -- the wedding of the decade. How on earth did that happen, you ask? Well, William and Kate have never heard of me, sadly. They have, however, heard of Fergie. Poor Fergie. Can you imagine falling so far into disrepute that you are not invited to your nephew's wedding? Fergie's two daughters, Beatrice and Eugenie will be invited, of course, but not Fergie. That's gotta hurt.

By now, everyone has seen the wonderful movie,
"The King's Speech". In that movie, Elizabeth, the Duchess of York (who later became Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother), enlisted the help of a speech therapist to aid her husband, the Duke of York (who later became King George VI) with his stutter. When Sarah was a member of the Royal Family, her position was identical to Elizabeth, the Duchess of York. She was Sarah, Duchess of York, and she was a heartbeat away from becoming the Queen of England. Her husband, Prince Andrew, would have become second in line to the throne, and she was known as
"Her Grace, the Duchess of York".

How embarrassing and humiliating it must be to live one's life on the front page of every newspaper, tabloid and magazine. The slightest indescretion is magnified. We are all human, and
most some of us have skeletons in our closets. Unfortunately, poor Sarah was more indiscreet than most, and she has paid the ultimate price for it -- banishment. Unfortunately, she was caught in a sting, trying to sell access to her ex-husband, Prince Andrew. Oops. The official word from Buckingham Palace was "vulgar". In a later interview with Oprah, Sarah said had been drinking and was
"not in her right place". Oh, okay...
I rather like Fergie. I think she has found her niche in American television. She has reinvented herself many times and she has been given many chances as a Weight Watchers spokesperson, children's book author, etc., so I hope she doesn't blow this opportunity too.
When King Edward VIII abdicated the throne, a little boy once asked him,
"Mister, what is your job?"
He answered,
"I used to be a King..."
I saw this on the news this morning, and they said she would be a distraction, along with President Obama, who is also not invited. So you're in good company. :-)
I also heard today that when Diana died, she and Sarah were not speaking or something like that. I think William and Catherine should be allowed to invite whomever they please, after all the "must be invitees." Don't forget our "date!" *wink*
I've always liked Fergie - she's just not good for her own self. And that makes her much more approachable than most of them :)
You put it perfectly...she was "more indiscreet than most."
There were the indiscretions with other men, the indiscretion with the topless photos, allowing another man to kiss her toes while still married to her husband, along with several other "indiscretions."
If those indiscretions weren't enough to humiliate her, I doubt that being publicly shunned from the royal wedding will do it.
I suspect she'll be just fine. I can't really feel sorry for her.
Yes, but surely YOU should be invited. Clearly they have not read your blog or you would have been invited. There ain't nuthin' vulgar about you... maybe just a tad off the beam on occasion, but isn't that to be admired??? I am so relieved that no royalty married me. I've felt sorry for Fergie and for Diana at times. Life at the Palace has to be deadly, smothering, and impossibly exacting. Nope. I'll just be a vulgar yank and I hope Fergie finds her own way to happiness.
I hope the daughters won't go to the wedding if indeed their mother isn't invited.
Fergie is an embarrassment and I am personally delighted that she has been snubbed.
When King George VI was FORCED to take on the burden of kingship after his rotten brother Edward abdicated in favour of that awful American woman both Edward and his CONTEMPTIBLE wife were virtually disowned by the royal family. They were a self-centred despicable pair of selfish (and Hitler loving) outcasts.
Wills and Kate seem to me to be a delightful couple and will NOT do anything to upset Mum (Lizzie) and that's OK with me.
Sorry Fergie, but if you go around sucking some guy's toe, or whatever, you've blotted your copybook too often for comfort.
Guess what - I'm not invited either!
There is a possibility that Sarah is relieved not to be invited. Not everyone wants to have to pay a fortune for a dress they'll wear once ... and deal with their ex-in-laws ... or the press analyzing them dealing with the ex-in-laws.
As it turns out, I haven't gotten an invitation either. Maybe you and Sarah and I can have our own little party.
I also liked Fergie, but she blew her opportunity and has really fallen from Grace. Like you I probably won't be getting an invite either.
I think the Obamas should have been invited as a matter of protocol - the Reagans were invited to the wedding of Charles and Diana. But at least the American taxpayers won't have to shell out for Steuben glass or whatever is deemed appropriate for a future King's wedding gift.
As for Fergie - let's get real. She has done everything possible to embarrass the royal family, and she is divorced from Prince Andrew. For all they know, she would dance topless on a banquet table and jump into the wedding cake. I don't blame them in the least for omitting her.
Gosh, I didn't get an invitation either!
I've always felt a bit sorry for Fergie, and I can only imagine how she must feel with this latest snub.
A distraction? Ugh, the whole thing is a distraction. And not inviting a sitting president is a true insult, if you ask me. I'm about as offended as I can get to be these days, with so many other distractions in the news, like abdigations, riots, revolutions, and a major earthquake in New Zealand.
What a coincidence! I've not been invited either!
Well I think you should have received an invitation Jo! I heard someone was actually staging a fast from eating anything unless she received an invitation...I wonder how that will work for her...lol.
apparently it is not only love,
but misbehavior
that trumps
DNA :-)
Aloha from Honolulu,
Comfort Spiral
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