Okay, these people make me feel entirely normal, in spite of the fact that I too may have a "strange addiction". I enjoy doing laundry. How many people can say that? For most folks, doing laundry is not their favourite chore. Me? I love it. There's nothing nicer than clean, fresh sheets and towels every day. No matter what is going on in life, nothing puts it to rights more than clean laundry. I have also learned that doing a small amount of laundry every day is much easier than saving it all up until it begins to resemble Mount Kilimanjaro -- daunting and insurmountable.
Am I strange? Well, yes ... there are people who would definitely say that I'm strange. Am I addicted to doing laundry? I hope not.
Now, if I could just become addicted to dusting and vacuuming.
My addiction is doing dishes. We do not have a dish washer. Washing each dish in warm soapy water is quite therapeutic for me.
I don't mind doing laundry, but I can't say I'm addicted to it. And I am definitely with you - I wish I could get addicted to vaccuuming & dusting :)
I like doing laundry, too! I like the whole process, the sorting to the folding and the smell and feel of clean laundry. I like to iron, too. And nothing is quite as soothing as the warm dishwater on my hands! I suppose I would make a really good domestic servant ...... or is that what I am?
Could you send me your contact information? There are three basketfuls I'd like to send you.
Thanks ahead of time,
If only we lived nearby, we could help you with your laundry addiction by becoming your laundry suppliers.
I like doing laundry too, Jo :-) It smells good and almost nothing can make me feel as if "Yes, I have a wonderfully successful, organized life." in the same way as the feeling of being surrounded by clean things. I'm no neat freak but I do love clean things :-)
I couldn't watch that show, though. Eek. Poor souls! I do know what you mean about the "Wow, turns out I'm among the saner people of the world." feeling, though. It's comforting, isn't it?
Love this post, Jo.
I think the people on that tv show are just plain ill, though. Yikes...comet?
I'm addicted to rhythmic activities like broom sweeping, polishing glass, etc. Vaccuuming sometimes fits the bill, too.
I find it calming and relaxing to do these chores. Their repetitive nature puts me into a sort of meditative mood, and helps me clear the mind.
I agree with you completely about clean laundry putting things right. Conversely, nothing seems right if there's a pile of undone laundry staring at me.
Nope. Can't say I am addicted to household chores, doing laundry, washing dishes, or even making neat little patterns in the gravel with a lawn rake.
I even step on cracks in the sidewalk. I am not superstitous so walking under a ladder or breaking a mirror does not throw me into an anxiety attack.
Bugs and spiders and various insects do not bother me, though I am not crazy about snakes.
I am not afraid of going across a long bridge though I don't care much for heights.
I do live with a dog who shares in the cooking duties around the house and is expected to pull his weight when it comes to helping out with chores.
Just a moment. Those damn people from Mars are calling me again on my invisible cell phone! Gotta go .....!
I like doing laundry, too, but I don't like ironing - that can pile up, especially in the summer when I seem to wear more thing that "need" ironing. I like to wear clean nightclothes every night! And right now when I'm so sick, it makes me feel so much better.
Actually, I enjoy doing household chores - it's a chance to get away from the computer. I wouldn't consider it "addictive" though.
I can't say I enjoy doing laundry, but I sure do enjoy having it done! I think most of those people have a disorder to eat that sort of stuff, don't you?
I.love.doing.laundry! Especially folding towels right out of the dryer..yum!
I dont find laundry addictive. I almost jumped for joy when I was told not hang clothes on the line, or do the vaccuuming, because of my heart condition. And I hate dusting.
I guess I must be a slob??
I've become addicted to blogging it seems and I don't think I'm alone in that. Although a nice meal of toilet paper and comet does sound pretty good -- it goes best with white wine of course.
Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011
We lived in a lot of isolated spots over the years and I developed a love for ironing...everything.
I like to do laundry, too, hate vacuuming and bathrooms. But for an addiction it would be trying to figure out the meaning of life. It just gets deeper and deeper and I never seem to tire of the search.
I don't know whether it's an addiction, but when I've entered every cent we've spent into a Quicken account, and balanced every checkbook, I feel very satisfied.
I may also be addicted to being online.
I'm addicted to blogging! A sad state of affairs, actually, since it wasn't even a possibility a few years ago.
I would also like doing laundry if I didn't have to take it to a launderette. Some of those addictions are unbelievable -- how are these people still living? As for me, I am addicted to plants and books, but in my defense, I don't just acquire them, I take great care of the plants and do read the books.
Yep... laundry everyday. And ironing once a week. There's nothing better than a Monday morning with a clean house and all the clean clothes to choose from. I like knowing my son can always find his favorite piece of clothing and go off to school clean and pressed. LOL
I'm addicted WITH that too!!mygosh I thought I'm the only one who loves that!
Me toooooooo I'm so addicted to washing dishes Actually thought I was the only one
I love the overpowering scent of laundry detergent, fabric softener and bleach!!!
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