Don't worry, folks. I had a bit of a crash and burn here, leading to a nuclear meltdown and my blog was blitzed as a result. It's only temporary and I will be fully operational again in a day or so. I hope you will continue to visit me until I get everything stabilized.
Phew! Thank goodness. I was afraid you deleted your blog. I can't get through the week without a visit to A Majority of Two! Keep up the great prose.
Lori, wow! Thank you!
Of course I'll continue to visit you!! I hope you get everything sorted out.
This rainy weather out here in the valley is really getting me down. I hope the sunshine comes soon.
Take care.
Bobbie, Hi...! It went from beautiful sunny weather, to rainy, windy, misty, foggy, cold, brrrr, just overnight, didn't it?
Wonderful ! My Hubby came home from work and his first words were "did you see Jo's blog? She's not there". I am so glad it was temporary Jo. You scared me. Hope you get all the little problems worked out, we need our Canada fix and visits with you , without a passport!
I have to ecco the other comments. I'm always looking forward to see what you wrote about. Yours is one of my blog highlites of the day.
You don't think it was because of all those Halloween goodies you were having? *wink*
See you later.
Glad you're back! Somehow the day seems better when I can stop by and see what's going on with you.
Wait! Do I see the sun coming out? Oh, sunrise isn't for two more hours? Funny... everything is so much brighter!
Hope stabilization is well under way and that the situation is not as disasterous as your photo!
At frist I thought the picture was a comment on the US presidential race. LOL.
Good prose indeed.
Not "disasterous as your photo!"
I like your photo.
Whew! Glad to see you're back! ~Liz
What a photo! Nuclear meltdown? Let's hope it is not as serious as the photo depicts!
Jo down, Russel down, crash and burn for a day----could it be "too hot to handle" mmmmm! You're back and that's all that matters. Deep sigh.
Kathy, I hope you and hubby have a chance to visit me for "real" sometime. That would be fun!
Firefly, *heh* yesterday was a bit of a nuclear disaster here. Today is much better!
Russell, LOL. It's always nice to see you sunny, smiling face too. Welcome back! :-)
Willow, it is going to take a while to reconstruct, but I will get it done. I hope, I hope, I hope. :-)
Charles, I have learned my lesson. No more comments about the Presidential election. :-)
Ivan, yes, my photo sort of fits the situation, hey?
Liz, yes, I'm back, I'm back, I'm back!
Deb, well, it felt like a nuclear disaster at the time. *heh*
Anonymous, *chuckle*. :-)
It was odd both you and Russell were gone at the same time. Glad your back.
I thought you'd had another one of those family meltdown things. Glad it was only a technical crash.
You had me worried again Josie...glad your back!!
Well, this is good. I have been reading you for a little while but had never commented, then was all set to finally stop lurking and couldn't get you except on my feed. I was very confused. And sad.
BTW I live in Southern Ontario - lovely weather we've been having!
Oh Jo! Don't worry, none of us would give up on you silly!
Dr. John, yes, it was weird, wasn't it? *heh*
RuthD, on no, it was just one of those weird things that happens... I haven't had a chance to visit you lately, but I will be over soon. :-)
RuthW, Oh, you can't get rid of me that easily. *heh*
Violetsky, welcome! And I'm glad you commented. I always love meeting new people. I will be over to visit you...!
AdventureGirl, Yay! I was afraid I had lost everybody. I have to put my blog list back up now. *Phew*!
Ack but all your past posts are missing. I think I'd better start backing mine up. Good to see you up and running.
Hilary, how do you back everything up? I would love to know that.
So glad to hear this. Well, I mean that you are still around in blog land! I thought I'd lost you again! Or you'd deleted again. So glad you didn't.
Jo - re backup. I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it or not, but my plan is to select each post, and copy and paste the html code into a document and save it. You'd still have to re-paste each into blog posts again, or not. But you'd keep all of your text and photo links that way.
mr aquinto who is this
Love it. Nice, simple, refreshing.
you said that you like to paint, right?...umm..i love painting, too.. but my paintings do not look good... so, i just stick in making sketches of people...
Thank you and Mjhodgk Alria I am very happy to read these codes, which the reader to enjoy
And these are one of my notes
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