Once again People Magazine has issued its "
Sexiest Man Alive" edition for 2008. This year it's Hugh Jackman. Well, okay, I guess he's not bad. My problem with People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive issue is that their choices are all so obvious, and not really the type of man most women would choose. Well, let me rephrase that... There are many men who women would think are the
"Sexiest Man Alive", but they may not necessarily end up the People Magazine issue. So, I always do my annual version of the
"Sexist Man Alive", and after much discussion amongst the women at work today and after taking a poll which was accurate to within 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20 ... the following three men were considered to be the
"Sexiest Men Alive". Here they are, in no particular order.
Jason O'Mara.

Who, you ask? Well, if any of you have seen
"Life on Mars" on ABC on Thursday nights, you just might have noticed Jason O'Mara. I first saw Jason O'Mara on a BBC production called "
Berkeley Square". It was filmed about ten years ago, and shown on PBS. Like Hugh Lawrie in
"House" and Rufus Sewell in
"Eleventh Hour" Jason O'Mara is an import from the British Isles, and he has had to learn to speak with an American accent, rather than his Irish brogue.
"Life on Mars" is one of the best shows I have seen in about a decade. It's edgy, funny and brilliant. And ABC has cancelled it. I guess people are too busy watching
"Dancing With The Stars" and
"American Idol".*sigh*
Harvey Keitel. Oh, come on, you can't fool me. I know you have a secret crush on Harvey Keitel. He always plays tough-guy parts, and he has a reputation for being a tough guy in real life, but he doesn't suffer fools gladly. I think he is probably as street smart in real life as the characters he plays. He was in the U.S. Marines before he became an actor. When I did my scientific poll of the women in the office today, Harvey Keitel was their favorite, especially with Dr. A. who says Harvey Keitel makes her go weak at the knees. Harvey Keitel was also in
"Life on Mars", and the chemistry between his character and Jason O'Mara's character was brilliant and funny. What a huge loss!
Paul Gross, Canada's very own. You might remember him as Constable Benton Fraser in "
Due Douth". He is currently starring in a feature film "
Passchendaele" which was one of the more infamous battles of the First World War and is also known as The Third Battle of Ypres. He not only stars in the movie, but he wrote and directed it as well, and it is getting good reviews. Paul Gross is one of those rare breeds - a good looking man with a sense of humor. He is also brilliant and doesn't mind making a fool of himself. If you have never seen it, rent "
Men with Brooms", a spoof on curling, the traditional sport in every small Canadian town.
The general consensus amongst the group of women at the office today was that there is really no such thing as a
"Sexiest Man Alive". It's all just a gimmick to sell a magazine. As Dr. A. said,
"The Sexiest Man Alive is the man one loves..."Whatever is in any way beautiful hath its source of beauty in itself, and is complete in itself; praise forms no part of it. So it is none the worse nor the better for being praised. ... Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. ... Kahlil Gibran
Beauty?... To me it is a word without sense because I do not know where its meaning comes from nor where it leads to. ... Pablo Picasso
The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen, not touched, but are felt in the heart. ... Helen Keller
Yes sexiest man/ woman, issues are only there for commercial reasons. They only eer put on the people they think will sell mags. I know this to be true because in fact I am the sexiest man alive. I must hide my light under a bushel to avoid a complete meltdown of civilization as we know it.
Bandobras. *heh, heh* We can't have that, can we?
Hmm... well, I think I will leave the commenting on this post to women..! Heh!!
Here's a few possible responses I did happen to think of...
#1 - That's okay. I won last year and I guess they can't have a person win two times in a row! (right!)
#2 - So that's why People Magazine kept calling me!! Next year I will return their calls..!! Heh!!
#3 - That's the amateur division, right? I mean, for those of us in the professional ranks..... (sure!!)
Seriously, my picture goes right up along with Barney Fife when it comes to contests like this!! It is snowing here in Iowa today, so I think I will get my sexy snow blower and blow some snow! Heh!!!
Good post and enjoy your eye candy!! These look like some good choices though to be perfectly honest they all sort of look the same to me...! Heh!!
Glad to see you are still posting!
I was sure I would make your list. Didn't you get the fourty seven pictures I sent , all signed.
My vote is for George Clooney as sexiest man alive, he has got that Cary Grant thing going on.
Russell they are the sexiest Actors alive...you are the Sexiest Lawyer/Farm Guy/Teacher/Man with a Tractor, Truck, Tiller alive.
Really I read it in the Lawyer/Farmer/Teacher/Men with Tractor, Truck, Tiller - Magazine November/December issue. Not an easy magazine to find. I don't even think they can actually get it in Canada. Come on it's not like I make this stuff up!
Everybody's gushing over Russell.
I guess I'm wired differently.
Don't do a thing for me. :)
Not me? *crestfallen*
Ah, LGS, you do have a certain animal magnetism.
Sometimes Jo, your post for the day is a great set- up for the highly entertaining comments ! These are highly entertaining comments don't you think?
So PEOPLE Mag says Hugh Jackman is the sexiest man alive ? He's O.K., but really , when you think about it, that is a silly title. Like 'Miss World', Miss America', or....?But it is interesting to speculate about, so, Bandobras, show yourself!
Johnny Depp is pretty hot I hear...
Hope all is well.
And let Ivan know that the 'forbidden' problem he is experiencing with his website tonight has now spread to mine as well.
I think Paul Gross is super-creepy. And the sexiest man alive should be the one currently in your shower
My home page is still bedevilled.
Some say good old PC, but I say...
Russell, People Magazine wanted you for their cover! They would have to print more editions if they did that, though... Barney Fife? Ummm, I don't think so! *heh*
Carl, like a bad penny, I keep coming back. :-)
Dr. John, oh you are in a class of your own...! Mega-sexy. *heh*
Cedar, you forgot trumpet! Russell plays the trumpet. You should hear him play "The Shadow of Your Smile". Tractor, trailer, tiller, truck and trumpet!
Ivan, *heh*, and thank goodness for that!
LGS, you are the sexiest squirrel alive. Ever! :-)
Kathy, yes, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Last year it was Matt Damon, which I found very, very strange indeed!
XUP, oh, yes, I agree, just as Dr. A. says as well. To me, the sexiest man alive is one who wants to learn how to cook a turkey. How sexy is that?!
Eric, welcome back! It's nice to see you again. Ivan's blog is forbidden? Um, okay... :-)
Oh No -Life on Mars cancelled?? I really liked Jason Mara - although Harvey Keitel and "the guy from the sopranos" (sorry too lazy to look up his name) were driving me a little nuts. I have to find something of his with his native accent - that would increase his already considerable sex appeal.
I like Jason O'Mara, too. He has also been on The Agency and The Medium as well as a couple of episodes of Gray's Anatomy.
Harvey Keitel is a terrific actor who was also great in The Piano, but I don't think I'd call him sexy, and I've never heard of Paul Gross.
Life on Mars has been canceled? I'm sorry to hear it. The networks generally seem to favor idiotic shows like Friends and The Starter Wife, don't they?
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