Friday, April 29, 2011
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
I think we have all reached the saturation point with the Royal Wedding. The Abbey is closed and locked, the wine glasses are washed and put away, and William's mischievous brother, Prince Harry, is at home nursing his hangover. But I have two favourite photos I wanted to post here on my little blog. This photograph above is one.
And this is the other one. Just as William and Catherine were leaving the balcony at Buckingham Palace, Catherine glanced back over her shoulder for one last look at the crowd, and for me, the look of delight on her face summed up the whole day. Can you imagine what she must have been feeling just at that moment? There is a whole story in her expression.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge seem to be a down-to-earth, genuine couple and I hope they will be very happy.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Mary, Elizabeth and Kate

King George VI: "T-that... that is Saint Edward's chair."
Lionel Logue: "People have carved their names on it."
King George VI: "L-listen to me... listen to me!"
Lionel Logue: "Why should I waste my time listening to you?"
King George VI: "Because I have a voice!"
Lionel Logue: "Yes, you do."
There is so much history in that old church, and now it will be the scene of history again. An ordinary young woman whose family worked in the coal mines of England will become a princess and a possibly one day a queen. She will become part of the history of Westminster Abbey. I wonder what the old Tudor Queen would think of a future king marrying a commoner. If folks listen closely, perhaps they may hear a ghostly voice echoing throughout the Abbey, "Off with her head...!", as Queen Elizabeth the 1st spins in her grave. I think it's a wonderful story, one that Shakespeare would enjoy.
When William and Kate are married, the bells of Westminster Abbey will ring out for three hours. And in true 21st Century fashion, if you miss any of it, you can follow Westminster Abbey on Twitter.
Friday, April 22, 2011
For All The Starving Children...

The other night I watched a program on "American Experience" about one of the several famines that happened in Russia during the 20th Century. Millions of people starved to death, and as I watched the program, it was an eye-opener for me. There really were starving children in other parts of the world. In North America, eating has become a hobby. We don't eat to live, we live to eat. Food is no longer for nourishment, it is for fun. At work, we are inundated with co-workers bringing in chocolates, doughnuts, cakes, pies, cookies... Every day we have snack food and every day we
It is no coincidence that the Nestlé Corporation, one of the largest manufacturers of junk food, is also the owner of the Jenny Craig weight management program. Or that Weight Watchers, another weight management program, was owned by the Heinz corporation, also a manufacturer of junk food. That's good business; fatten people up and then help them to lose the weight. It's a treadmill that millions of folks can't seem to escape, and I am as guilty as anyone.
The formula for losing weight is easy: 3,500 calories equals one pound. Cut back on the calories, or expend them as energy, and the body will lose weight. It is the simple principle behind any weight loss program, including Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, with their packaged, artificial, processed food and complicated points formulas.
Yesterday at work one of our patients brought in a huge box of Tim Horton doughnuts for our staff. As I looked through the doughnuts to see which one I wanted, I thought of how one of those doughnuts may have kept a Russian famine victim alive for just one more day.
My parents' advice about cleaning my plate because of "all the starving children" was well-meant, but ultimately bad advice which led to bad habits. Because of those starving children, I am going to be very careful from now on about eating without thinking about it first ... well, starting right after Easter dinner. ;-)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Twenty-five Things...

1. The Queen’s former private secretary said of Prince Philip: “He is the only man in the world who treats the Queen as a human being.”
3. Philps` pet name for his wife is “sausage”.
4. The Queen Mother used to refer to Philip as The Hun, as he is a member of the German house of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg.
5.When the pair honeymooned at Broadlands, the Mountbatten’s country home near Romsey, Hants, the bride had 15 suitcases, the groom two.
6. Under pressure from his wife-to-be, Philip gave up smoking on the morning of his wedding.
7.When Philip’s cousin Patricia Mountbatten remarked on Elizabeth’s flawless complexion, the Prince joked: “Yes, and she’s like that all over.”
8. In traditional upper-class fashion Elizabeth and Philip had connecting bedrooms. When he walked into Philip’s bedroom one morning, royal valet James MacDonald was embarrassed to find Elizabeth in a silk nightgown and Philip naked. “Prince Philip didn’t care at all,” said MacDonald. “Pyjamas? Never wear the things,” Philip said.
9. When they first moved into Buckingham Palace, Philip had a direct phone line installed so that he could talk to his wife without going through the switchboard.
10. Once, when the Queen repeatedly sucked in her breath at his fast driving, Philip told her: “If you do that once more I shall put you out of the car.”
11. Both the Queen and Prince Philip dislike duvets and prefer sheets and blankets.
12. On the day of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s wedding, a footman lost the bride’s bouquet and her tiara snapped in half as it was put on.
13. In the year of their wedding, the Queen and Philip attended a fancy-dress ball. She was dressed as a maid, he as a waiter.
14. Philip has nothing to do with his wife’s life as sovereign but does deal with family problems, of which there have been many.
15. The Queen still carries in her handbag a silver make-up case given to her by Philip as a wedding gift.
16. All the Queen’s major decisions – paying tax, giving up the royal yacht, urging Charles and Diana to have an early divorce – were taken after consulting Philip.
17. At the Coronation in 1953, Philip was the first layman to pay homage to the Queen. He knelt at her feet and kissed her left cheek.
18. After the death of King George VI in February, 1952, the royal couple did not want to move into Buckingham Palace but Prime Minister Winston Churchill insisted.
19. The Queen and Philip still have blazing rows. One courtier said: “You can hardly believe what you are seeing. There are cries of ‘Rubbish’ and ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’”
20. When arguing with her husband, the Queen’s technique is to talk in riddles to confuse Philip’s logical mind.
21. Philip could never have a bath with his wife because a maid is always in attendance.
22. The Queen loves to do impersonations and does a very good one of Philip.
23. Although they still sleep in the same bed most of the time, they stay in separate rooms if one of them has to get up early.
24. The Queen finds video recorders complicated so Philip is in charge of taping her favourite programmes.
25. They eat breakfast together with cereals on the table in plastic Tupperware containers.
With thanks to the royal expert James Whitaker.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Stranger Things Have Happened...

I'm not a big fan of Donald Trump, ever since he bought the wonderful sand dunes in Balmedie, Scotland, and turned them into a golf course. Does the world really need another golf course, just so The Donald can make even more money? No... On the other hand, when it comes to business, the man is a genius. If you have ever watched Trump in action on "Celebrity Apprentice", he is able to see right through to the heart of a matter in nanoseconds. His instincts are right on point, and he never falters. He may be the comic relief at the moment, but I think he will end up being a serious contender. And usually what Donald Trump wants, Donald Trump gets.
American politics are just so much fun. You couldn't make this stuff up...
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The Ultimate Luxury...

Doesn't this look like fun?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Catherine Zeta Jones And Bipolar Disorder

According to the Mayo Clinic, Bipolar II disorder is a form of Bipolar disorder marked by irritation and a mildly elevated mood - a state known as hypomania. It's generally less debilitating than Bipolar I, a condition marked by mood swings and a severe mood elevation known as mania. Previously it was called manic depression because of the mood swings.
People with Bipolar II can generally continue to function, Dr. Thomas Wise, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical School, told CBS News. "It can cause excessive energy and lots of optimism and being really flighty in terms of ideas," he said. "The symptoms can be a little annoying to others, but people can still work." Wise said stress can sometimes trigger symptoms of Bipolar disorder, but typically in people who have a hereditary predisposition to the disorder. Those with Bipolar II tend to have more depression, with the mood swings spread over a longer time and the "up" periods less elevated. The episodes can be triggered by major stress or life changes. With appropriate treatment - often drug therapy with lithium or another mood stabilizer and psychotherapy - people with Bipolar II generally have an excellent prognosis, said Dr. Wise.
I believe my mother suffered from a mild form of Bipolar disorder. I adored my mother, and in retrospect, I feel so bad for how she must have suffered. Her mood swings were like an itch she had to scratch. She would let off steam by yelling and hollering, and then she felt better. Once it had happened, my brothers and I were in the clear for perhaps a few hours, or even days or weeks, until it all built up again. Often my mother would go for days without speaking to anyone, she would be in such a deep depression. Those times were the worst. We, of course, felt like anxious, weary, battle-scarred little warriors. The sad thing is, when she was angry or depressed, we all thought she didn't love us. But she did love us, and and she would be devastated to know what a profound and lasting effect her moods had on our lives.
My mother was a very creative person, and often creativity and Bipolar seem to coexist. I was very proud of my mother for her beauty, her artistic abilities, her charm, intelligence and warmth; she had a certain je ne sais quoi that none of my friends' mothers had. She was magical and she had that mysterious thing called star quality. But I realize now she also had Bipolar disorder, and she was as much a victim of her disorder -- if not more so -- than we were. Today is the anniversary of the passing of my mother from this earth. She left behind so many beautiful memories, but also some very deep scars which have taken time to heal. I wonder how different our lives might have been if my mother had received the treatment she so obviously needed.
Margaret Trudeau suffered from Bipolar disorder all her life, until she finally sought help. She said, "There is no shame in having the disease, the shame is in having the disease and not getting help for it." In that regard, I applaud Catherine Zeta Jones. The spotlight will not only be on her, but also on her courage.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The "Pod"...

The organization where I work is one of the leading organizations in Canada -- North America, in fact. We are known as a "Centre for Excellence", and the organization has definitely earned that title. A study done by our organization was recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine. No small potatoes, by any means... But when it comes to organizational thinking, well, let's just say there is room for improvement there.
I have worked for the organization for ten years, and my work space was wonderful, with lots of space and natural light. I could watch the seasons change, and any time my eyes needed a rest, I could look out the windows at the clouds or sun, or rain, or whatever. And the air quality was good -- just like little Baby Bear's porridge -- not too hot and not too cold. Everything was perfect, until a design company was hired to "improve" our work space.

My advice to any designer would be, if it ain't broke, don't fix it -- unless you're the one who has to live with it.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
The Mystery Of The Rear Window...

For 13 years this same scene has played out every Friday night. I'm sure there must be a story to it, but I am stymied as to what it might be. I would love to hear some of your suggestions. Do you have any idea what is going on when those curtains fly open on a Friday night?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Customer Service...? Not...

Finally I decided to go to Sears, after logging onto their website and choosing the pillows I wanted. When I got there, the store was so empty, you could shoot a cannon down the main corridor. I traipsed up to the third floor, and not a soul was in sight. After trudging around the cavernous linen department, I found the pillows I wanted. Were they on sale? I couldn't tell, and there was no one to ask. I glanced up and saw surveillance cameras with a sign "shoplifters will be prosecuted". As if I am going to walk out with two large Tempurpedic pillows and perhaps a new duvet cover, especially with Big Brother watching me. There were no sales clerks to help me, just lots of cameras ... watching... Rather than making me feel like a valued customer, the store managed to make me feel creepy.
Did I end up getting the pillows? Yes, I went to Ed's Linens where there were three lovely sales clerks ready to answer all of my questions about what was the right product for me. They even threw in some free bath lotion.
Charlie Woodward was right. If a person is in the business of selling merchandise, they had better at least make an attempt at selling the merchandise.
Monday, April 4, 2011

Marigold is exquisitely beautiful, fine-boned and delicately featured, with a gorgeous smile. But don't let that fool you -- she is a straight A student, with a talent for mathematics, and she is extremely athletic in soccer, swimming and track and field. An inclination towards mathematics and athletics are two things which I cannot lay claim to, so that particular DNA did not come from me, unfortunately. She is also a very good pianist and takes lessons every week.
I love spending time with Marigold, just the two of us, which is something we don't get to do very often. When we do spend time together, we have lovely conversations, and I am always amazed at her insight on life in general. Nothing gets past her. She has a quiet nature in many ways, but she is also the type of person who sees "the glass half full", rather than "half empty". That, I think, she might get from me -- optimism in the face of adversity. She can tend to be quite philosophical about things, and in that way she reminds me of my mother. She also inherited my mother's dark, straight hair, while the rest of us have unruly curls and a tendency towards red hair.
Marigold is quite the beauty, inside and out, and I can hardly wait to see how the next few years unfold. I have a feeling, too, that her big brother is quite protective of her, despite the fact that they don't always -- shall we say -- see eye to eye on everything. When they come to visit me, I am always amazed at what good friends they are, and I think that friendship will last all their lives.
Marigold is a very special young lady with her own little star quality, and I think she is going to make her mark in the world.
Happy Birthday, Marigold...!
I hope you have a special day.
Love, Oma
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The Man Or The Party...?

On May 2nd, exactly one month from today, Canada faces a federal election, and the two main candidates are these two men pictured here. The man on the left is our current Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, the head of the Conservative party. Folks in Canada love to hate Stephen Harper because he is a staunch conservative, but they keep electing him. He has been Prime Minister twice (39th and 40th) and I predict he will be the 41st -- with a majority. He is the very definition of conservative, and he makes no apologies for it.
The man on the right is Michael Ignatieff, the head of the Liberal party, and he scares the sh*t out of me. Really. He is the very definition of smug and disingenuous. He was born in Canada, but until very recently he lived out of the country for 30 years, referring to himself as an American. He is also on record as being the Member of Parliament who missed the most days in the House of Commons. If a man is voted by the public to do a job, shouldn't he at least show up for work?

Maybe we have swung too far to the left, and we need more structure. I don't know. I'm not particularly a conservative, but in this case I may vote for the man and not the party. At least Mr. Harper is Canadian.
Friday, April 1, 2011
It Only Hurts When I Walk...

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Go out and have some fun. And remember, if you really must do the chores, they will still be waiting for you when you get home.
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