This is my favourite time of year, and I have been away from my computer, enjoying our gorgeous end-of-summer weather. Yesterday as I was sitting in my hairdresser's waiting room, I picked up a People magazine, and saw that Jennifer Aniston is in love. Wait...! Again? I had to check the date on the issue. How many times is this for poor Miss Aniston, since she was so unceremoniously dumped by Brad Pitt? Six? Seven? Nine? I couldn't help feeling sorry for her. Can you imagine how humiliating it must be to have your love live ~~ or lack thereof ~~ played out on the front page of every celebrity magazine and website? Everyone at some point has gone through a failed romance, and the effects on one's psyche are devastating. We keep a brave face and soldier on, but that would be almost impossible when the whole world knows one is
a loser unlucky in love. I'm not a huge fan of Jennifer Aniston's movies. She was sort of cute in
"Friends" but that show launched almost 20 years ago, and ended almost a decade ago. Perhaps Jennifer is past her "best by" date, and should keep a low profile for a while. Is anyone else getting tired of reading about her? I was thinking about that yesterday, and I have compiled my top-ten list of people I can do without
forever for a while. They're everywhere, and I don't understand why.

Any of the Kardashians. Who are they? Who cares?
All of the Housewives of Beverly Hills, New York, New Jersey, Orange County, and anywhere else these phony, plasticized women live. Go away ... please.
George Clooney. Oh, I know, I know, you all love George Clooney, but isn't there something about him that is just slightly irritating? Come on, admit it.
Michele Bachmann. Enough said.
Gordon Ramsay. If he would actually do some cooking, it would be great, but he spends his time swearing at people and insulting other folks who do cook. Just shut the **** up already.
Justin Bieber. I am still convinced he is really a girl. And I do apologize for the fact that he is Canadian. The good news is, his "cuteness" has a very short shelf-life.
Lindsay Lohan. Enough said.
Bethenny Frankel. What can one say about this ghastly woman? She's everywhere, with a voice that could strip varnish. Do people actually watch her television show and admit it? How did she happen?
Celine Dion. Again, she is Canadian, and again, my apologies.
Hoarders. Get help. You're very sick.
Here is my list of people I would like to see more. More please:

Greg Kinnear. He is one of the most talented, most under-rated actors in Hollywood. He stole the movie
"The Matador" from Pierce Brosnan. Let's see more of Greg Kinnear, please. He's rather easy on the eyes, too. Move over, George Clooney.
Lupe Ontiveros. Who ... you ask? Google her, go ahead, I'll wait. Oh, yes ... you see, you don't recognize her name, but you recognize her face. She steals every scene, in every movie she's in.
Zooey Deschanel. I think I have ice in my refrigerator freezer that is older than Zooey Deschanel, but she's sweet, funny and very, very talented.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Who knew the kid from
"Third Rock from the Sun" would grow up to be such quirky, edgy talented actor?
Mia Wasikowska. Go ahead, Google her; I'll wait. Recognize her now? She's one of the most talented people around.
Hilary Farr and David Visentin. They're Canadian. You won't know them. I love them.
Russell Peters. He makes me laugh like no one else can make me laugh. He's completely politically incorrect and irreverent ~~ and a breath of fresh air. He recently had a small role in
"The Source Code". More please.
Johnny Depp. All Johnny Depp, all the time, is fine with me. Has anyone seen
"Rango"? Oh my goodness, I swear he was slightly inebriated all through the whole movie, but wonderful.
Viola Davis. Has there ever been a better actress? Ever? She plays rather plain, down-trodden women in such movies as
"Doubt" and
"The Help" and in real life she is absolutely gorgeous. How does she transform herself? Talent.
Bruce McGill. Okay ... go ahead ... I'll wait while you Google him. Again, you recognize the face, but not the name. We need to see more of the amazing Bruce McGill.
I could list a lot more folks, both on the first list and the second, but perhaps I will leave that up to you. If you had a list of folks that we could do without, who would be on it? Conversely, who would be on your "more please" list?