There should be a law against anyone having to work during the summer months. All businesses should come to a complete halt, and everyone should have a two-month recess -- paid of course -- don't you agree? I believe human beings were meant to play more and work less. We are always so busy with our responsibilities, we have forgotten how to frolic. Don't you love that word
"frolic"? If you look it up in Roget's Thesaurus, you will see
"play, skip, leap, cavort, gambol, frisk, kick up on your heels, unbend, let down your hair, have fun…"
The wind one morning sprang up from sleep,
Saying, “Now for a frolic! now for a leap!
Now for a madcap, galloping chase!
I’ll make a commotion in every place!”
... William Howitt
I hope you go out today and frolic... Me...? I have to get back to work. *sigh*
Funnily enough, I was reading an article in the paper the other day all about this very topic. And I agree with you - we put too much emphasis on work, work, work. Sometimes, we just need to relax, to play, to frolic! A great word. And perfectly fitting for the summer :)
It is currently 96* with a heat index of 114*. You don't frolic in this!
Frolicing will resume in September!
In many places in Europe, almost everyone goes on holiday during the month of August. I remember being amazed to learn that most European companies give their employees six weeks of paid vacation a year. I had to work eight years at one place to get a full month off.
Well, you'll have to do your frolicking at work then. I'm sure you'll figure a way.
France goes en vacance in the month of August, I think. Paris is empty except for the tourists.
You are certainly one very pretty woman, Jo. "I'll have what she's having."
Hey, nonny, nonny!
You look wonderful !!
Aloha from Honolulu :)
Comfort Spiral
I completely agree! I'm always super envious of European month long vacations. If only school schedules lasted forever!
I 'frolic' every day! Actually, I sit on the couch reading blogs, watching TV, reading or doing sudoku. I need a life!
Jo, in Norway, everybody has 5 weeks off with pay. Of course one can choose when to take the five week break at a later stage but most people take it in July. I have been on a long break and have frolicked a lot in the sun!!
Cute picture Jo. Have a good frolic after work. :)
Easy for you and me to encourage people to go out with such splendid weather here in the Northwest. I know some folks are dying from heat and would rather stay in a cool air-conditioned place.
I do agree that August is a vacation month. And summer must be respected and enjoyed for what it displays us, fun and frolic a-plenty.
We israelis frolic all the time - at work.
Good picture - white becomes you, Jo.
Great photo! You certainly look relaxed and ready to frolic. Too hot, here in the South, to frolic, but I'll be heading North, soon.
Love the happy pic of you Jo!
If we were all off work, then who would sell us the summer ice cream? LOL
Hope you have a happy day. :)
Yes, you look great and frolicsome and you should not have been thinking of going back to work because the universe was sending you a sign...look right behind your head! Stop.
Absolutely, Jo! I agree completely - summer off for all of us! How lovely would that be?!
I totally agree Jo, that's why I love being officially "retired," though I really dislike the term. "Frolic" is a word that sounds like what it means - "meander" is another one that comes to mind. A lovely picture of you - you look like you might be getting ready for a good "frolic!"
What a cute post Jo. I wish I could frolic too, but there's bills to pay.
To frolic or not to frolic, thats the question. In my case, I'm stuck in the office as well.
I should probably have read this yesterday while I was still on vacation :)
Oh well, I'm obviously reading blogs at work, so I'm frolicking, SORT of.
I think young children are fabulous reminders of the joys of frolicking. Of course, it's easy to forget that the work will always be there and then get caught up trying to catch up!
Since I am the destination for frolicing ........ I will content myself with collecting the money of those who frolic ........
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