Vancouver is having the coldest winter it has had in 40 years. Brrrr... Today is the first day of winter, and I am already tired of it. Snow, snow and more snow... I want summer. Now. So I am taking myself on flights of fancy, and visiting some tropical hot spots. My fantasy today is Goa, India, located on the Arabian Sea. Can't you feel the ice melting, just saying the words "Arabian Sea"? Beaches, palm trees, sand, surf, sunshine.
Goa is a very interesting place. It is located in India, but it was settled in the 16th Century by Portugese merchants, so it has a Latin flavor. It was not until 1961 that Goa was taken over and annexed by India. Goa is also known as a world heritage site for its architecture. Because of the Portuguese influence, many of the Goans are Christians, and specifically Catholics, and practice the Portuguese culture.
Goa has a short winter season between mid-December and February. These months are marked by nights of around 68 degrees Fahrenheit and days of around 84 degrees Fahrenheit with moderate amounts of humidity.
... Wikipedia
You are invited to shake off the snow and join me on a trip through Goa. All aboard...!
I am in Winnipeg, looking after my dad who is recovering from a bout of infectious (ie sepsis) arthritis. Snow ... oh its a way of life here. The snow never bothers me ... its a delight, actually. Its that friggin -37 C that irritates me just a little. Oh well, we'll survive. Many others have it so much worse. And, y'know what? It's always hot, hot, hot inside myself. That's where all the warmth resides. Sometimes I forget.
I'm so sick of the snow now that it's going to make it hard to drive. I just did a post about my weekend from Friday (great!) through to now (lousy) because I had to go and get D#2 and take her skidding and sliding all the way to Emerg - she cut off the tip of her finger! Now I'm waiting for a phone call to let me know she's ready to go home. But we might only make it to my place. Ugh snow! Go away!!! I do NOT care about having a white Christmas!
It's my home, although i've lived in another country for most of my life, let's go there together, you can have some of the most amazing seafood, lie on a hammock by the beach, and read and read and read.
Super cool! I love this idea. I might do it someday;) I had a terrible ice storm take down my trees:( So I too am sick of this cold!
Love the falling snoflakes across your post. Pretty cool.
Thanks for a little respite from the snow and cold.
sign me up....lets go.
I am in Winnipeg, looking after my dad who is recovering from a bout of infectious (ie sepsis) arthritis. Snow ... oh its a way of life here. The snow never bothers me ... its a delight, actually. Its that friggin -37 C that irritates me just a little. Oh well, we'll survive. Many others have it so much worse. And, y'know what? It's always hot, hot, hot inside myself. That's where all the warmth resides. Sometimes I forget.
Thanks for the trip...and I had never heard of Goa before so thanks for the education too !
I'm so sick of the snow now that it's going to make it hard to drive. I just did a post about my weekend from Friday (great!) through to now (lousy) because I had to go and get D#2 and take her skidding and sliding all the way to Emerg - she cut off the tip of her finger! Now I'm waiting for a phone call to let me know she's ready to go home. But we might only make it to my place. Ugh snow! Go away!!! I do NOT care about having a white Christmas!
Now that there are twelve inches of shi...errr...snow on the ground their winter is much more appealing than mine.
Travel on tour guide.
I'm soooooo there. It's just as sh*tty here as my fellow Michiganders say.
Goa sounds gorgeous to me.
What a great idea. I've wanted to go there for a long time
Goa - I have never been there but it sounds beautiful. I hope you stay warm and have a wonderful Christmas.
Goa is one of the most laid-back places I've ever lived in. You're welcome to come and visit anytime!
wanna fly to goa right is also very cold today....
It's my home, although i've lived in another country for most of my life, let's go there together, you can have some of the most amazing seafood, lie on a hammock by the beach, and read and read and read. : hair straighteners,chi hair straighteners, cheap chi hair straighteners
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