I'm not a photographer, but I rather like this little photograph. It appears to be black and white, but it's not. Early one morning last week I thought the sky looked rather unusual, and I stepped outside onto my terrace to take a picture. I was pleased at how it turned out, since I know absolutely nothing about photography. I just snapped the picture
et voila! it looked rather nice. It's facing east in the morning sky.

I turned around and looked at a basket of geraniums that had been sadly neglected, and I was shocked to see how vigorously they were thriving. In December! Folks in other parts of the world think Vancouver is the land of ice, snow, husky dogs, snow shoes, parkas and toques. We actually have palm trees, and the roses are still blooming.
In December! I wish we did get more snow, to be honest. I love snow. I can't remember the last time we had a white Christmas. I think it may have been 12 years ago. *sigh*
Well, it's 4:30 so I think I will go home and water my geraniums. Have a great evening, everyone!
You should so sell that picture - its is absolutely gorgeous!! And I thought it was black and white too. Perhaps you should take up photography as you certainly have an eye for it. I could imagine that photo framed on a wall even or on notecards too.
It's a lovely photograph, Jo. And I can't believe your geraniums are so beautiful at this time of year!
Said my photography instuctor at J-school,"Do not be afraied to shoot into the light."
Never did. Too scared.
But look what can happen!
Jo, you shot into the light, and what a pic!
I brought my few plants in a couple of weeks ago. Just a few (large) aloe vera and a couple of mother-in-law tongues. Inside, I have two Christmas cactus (cacti?) which are blooming. No pretty geraniums. Oooo. The cold front just blew in. I can hear the wind blowing and the room feels cooler. I just dread this cold weather this week. OH- lovely pictures. D
I agree with you. Not bad. Not bad at all. Actually good enough to have been shot by a pro.
At least in Vancouver you still have snow on the mountains around the city which is visible. Over here we don't have snow. The closest snow would be about 3 hours away and that is only in the mids of winter when there has been a huge coldfront. On the other hand we have a summer Christmas which means that the whole white Christmas idea is not even an option... unless you are on a beach with very light sand.
You must be doing something right with your geraniums, because they look quite happy. I am always amazed when international visitors gawk at some of our wild plants and state that they have them in pots back home and have to give them lots of attention while they grow on their own out here.
My basket of geraniums outside my front door is still blooming,too. Plus I noticed there are still some blooming in the front garden. It's been so mild here lately - thank goodness! :D I agree with the others here about the fact that you have a good eye.
Like snow? Want to trade climates? I could use a geranium 'bout now.
That picture is fantastic... sometimes it's the random photograph that just turns out beautiful!
Folks in other parts of Canada envy your palm trees and roses and oh-so-early rising daffodils. we just pretend to hate you for it all.
Lovely shots, Jo. You should be grabbing that camera more often!
My geraniums shriveled up weeks ago. I can't believe yours still look so lush!
I don't know anything about photography either. But I know what I like. And I like your photo!
Your geraniums look beautiful. I brought my white ones into the garage a few weeks ago. And they are still blooming.
One of my favorite bloggers lives in Winnipeg. She sometimes calls it Winterpeg. Brrrr! I bet Vancouver is a lot warmer than Winterpeg.
I am surprised that your geraniums are blooming in December. That is a bit crazy. We had snow in Atlanta on Monday. Yep...snow...but no accumulation. How crazy is that?
Lilly, you know, I might just frame it for my own home. I do rather like it. Thank you!
CountryGirl, my impatiens are still blooming too. Go figure!
Ivan, yes! I often shoot into the light, and it often turns out quite well. Amazing, hey?
Donnetta, the Christmas cactus at work is blooming too, and it is sooooo gorgeous. And it has been quite warm here.
Firefly, geraniums come from South Africa, don't they? I think that's why I like them so much. They seem to carry a bit of Africa in their blooms. My mother loved them too! And begonias. She adored begonias!
Leslie, can you believe how warm it's been? I think that may change soon, though. Brrrr today!
Mark, *heh* yes! I would love some snow. Please send me some, and I will send you my geraniums. :-)
Katie, yes, what is it they call that? Happy accidents. The photograph in your avatar looks beautiful too!
VioletSky, oh, gosh, I would love some winter. In fact, I would love to ice skate on the Rideau Canal!
Hilary, thank you! I am actually becoming less intimidated by it, and seeing things I would not normally see.
Willow, our roses are still blooming. It's just too bizarre!
Carla, LOL, we Canadians call Winnipeg "Winterpeg" as well. I have a friend who used to live there, and it is the coldest spot in Canada. Brrrr. And windy too!
Deb, snow in Atlanta? What the heck is going on? We just have rain, rain and more rain - on our palm trees. :-)
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