One of my favorite painters is Edward Hopper, and one of my favorite paintings by Edward Hopper is "Chop Suey". Today is my birthday, and guess which very special person gave me this painting for my birthday. I love this painting, and it looks wonderful in my living room, over my fireplace.
I have been going through a slight period of listlessness lately. Maybe it's the season, or perhaps it's because we have had the worst winter in 50 years and I have not been able to get outside and get fresh air. Or perhaps it is because the plans I had made all fell through. What is the saying, "Make a plan and God laughs..." Oh, yes. Indeed
I have been forcing myself to do some painting, but I pick up the brush, look at it for a few minutes, and put it down again, completely ininspired. On reading about Edward Hopper, I see that he too went through periods of such torpor. A friend of Hopper's described him as “suffering…from long periods of unconquerable inertia, sitting for days at a time before his easel in helpless unhappiness, unable to raise a hand to break the spell.” But what amazing pictures he painted when he picked up his brush. I could get lost in his paintings, and he inspires me.
Well, today is my birthday, and guess what! I am going to paint!
Happy Happy Birthday, Jo! I am glad you are spending the day doing what you love best, painting. Please be sure to post your new creation when its completed.
Best Wishes for a very happy birthday Josie!!
The sure-footed Mountain Goat can climb to higher altitudes than any other mammal. And you sure-footed Capricorns are also well-suited for climbing. Capricorn sets high goals for yourself and then you overcome whatever obstacles may appear between you and the top of your personal mountain. As Capricorn climbs the ladder of success, your ambition pushes you forward. Status can be important to Capricorn and often, at the top of your game, you gain personal satisfaction by knowing that others respect you for what you have accomplished.
Capricorn can dance out on the edge of a cliff, but will never fall. Why? Stability plays an important role, but so does practice. As a typical Capricorn, you may appear reckless, but chances are that your actions will have been very well planned, and probably also rehearsed. Capricorn is always calculating what will happen if you do something. You Capricorns are energetically conservative, only expending enough to get you to where you want to be. No silly impulsive actions for you. This is your best insurance to get to the top of the mountain.
The Capricorn motto might be Milton Berle's "If opportunity doesn't knock, then build a door." But this doesn't mean that if there are no mountains to climb that you must build the mountain. For you, hardships can be your path to fulfillment, but for the sake of happiness, it would be good for you to learn to appreciate what you have, instead of always striving to reach the next plateau.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Josie!! Enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday. I hope the gloomy weather ends.
Happy birthday, Josie! I hope your painting session was a success! I put my brush down in favor of the knitting needles for awhile, but I may try again soon.
Be sure to post your birthday pictures if you will!
Peace - D
Deb, I will be getting a new computer soon, and I will be able to post all sorts of pictures. Yay! And thank you for the birthday wishes.
Donna, that is amazing! Where on earth did you find that? It certainly does describe me. It's wonderful. Thank you! And thank you for the birthday wishes.
Bobbie, thank you! And Happy New Year. (The snow is finally going away - yay!)
Dr. John, thank you. Yes, the rain is washing away the snow. Phew!
RiverPoet, thank you, I will be posting some pictures soon. Thank you for the birthday wishes.
Happy belated Birthday, Jo. I hope you chase the blahs away, and create some wonderful art.
Thankfully, my computer is up and running again. This blasted weather has ruined so many great plans we've had over the Christmas season - not the least of which was getting out for dinner to celebrate your birthday! Once again, it had to be postponed. But I do hope you enjoy your beautiful painting - I can hardly wait to see it hanging in your place!
Have a wonderful birthday, Josie. We Capricorns are just special! Sure footed and always climbing toward something. Better than running away!D
Happy Birthday Fine Wine!!!!
Many Happy Returns, Jo
Hope it was a great day, Josie - and that you're enjoying some relaxation and rest punctuated by a little mischief!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Happy Birthday. You are not alone in being struck dumb in front of the easle. The best thing I have found when I can't paint is to do something else artistic (like taking photos) and the paint will flow later. I have not been painting much for seveal months, but am dying to get back at it now. I also have deadlines approaching for a few shows I want to enter so that helps me too.
Good Luck and enjoy your day!
Keep makin' Art!
Happy belated Birthday, Jo! I am just now catching up as we were away for the holidays and I have not blogged. Today is my birthday so I believe that makes us Capricorns. I can be a stubborn goat at times.LOL Hope you had a great one. I loved your New Years post about the calendar. and what Carl said... "keep on making art".
Hi Jo... I was reading your blog thanks to "blogs of note" and found this post... My birthday is Dec 18th... and I have this same painting - Chop Suey - it hangs in my livingroom. I've had it for years, and there is just something about it that I just "get"...
Anyway, I thought, small world isn't it... us December gals and our love of art...
Blessings... have a blissful weekend...
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