Katsushika Hokusai (1726-92)
Hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk. 69.4×123.2cm
I love this little painting. It has nothing at all to do with this post, but the lines and colors of the painting are so lovely I just had to share it with you. My boring-little-blog is becoming even more (*yawn*) boring than usual, and I have been too busy lately to visit all my favorite blogs, or to post anything even remotely interesting. I took some photographs on Friday night that I think turned out quite well, so I will share them with you in the next couple of days or so.
In the meantime, I am having a fabulous evening with the Munchkins. It's snowing ... yes! ... we have the fireplace on, we're watching movies and making shortbread. And then we're going to eat the shortbread, followed by sticky toffee pudding ice cream. Does it even get any better? *heh*
Spending time with family -- can't get any better than that. Enjoy!
Nice with the Munchkins.
Sounds like a wonderful evening. I've never heard of this ice cream. And the painting depicted here? Well, it's absolutely beautiful. I love the colors.
I'm glad you are getting snow. Now only if it will keep till Christmas. I have friends who live in Vancouver (other than you that is) and she said on Facebook that its only 6cm. I told her that its 6cm more than what we ever get around here. Enjoy the snow and put some in the freezer to take out Christmas Day in case it doesn't last outside.
Do some fun things and take lots of pictures!!
Remember, pictures don't grow up! You can pull out a picture years from now and the kids will still be the same size!!
You can't put a brick on a child to stop them growing but you CAN take pictures!
Take care!
sounds like memories in the making...no it doesn't get much better than that.....I hope you had a fantastic time with your grandchildren.
I like the simple lines of this too. Japanese art is so elegant. I think that's the only word. glad you had a good evening.
But oh those Japanese erotic etchings
Somebody has to want to come over and see. :)
Lovely! I adore Japanese art.
JR, yes, I love spending time with the Munchkins.
Ivan, yes, we always have a good time.
CountryGirl, sticky toffee pudding ice cream is made by Haagen Dazs. It's yummy!
Firefly, the snow looks beautiful, and it's not melting. Vancouver Island got 15 centimetres. Phew!
Russell, yes, we got lots of pictures, including pictures of the Munchkins going out onto the snowy terrace in their bare feet. Brrrrrrr. Kids are all crazy!
Mary Anne, yes, the Munchkins and I always have fun together, and make lots of memories.
Charles, I absolutely love Chinese and Japanese art. It's so clean and yet delicate.
Willow, my mother had a beautiful Japanes mural in her living room, and I loved it.
Enjoy the snow and the munchkins! It doesn't get any better than that. And no, your blog isn't boring. I love that every post has some piece of art work, and how you tie it into your post. I've never taken art history, but I have visited art museums, in every city that I visit.
I love learning about art, and you give me a lesson every day!
Susie, I love art too, and I'm glad you enjoy my posts!
I LOVE Hokusai and also Hiroshige. Thanks for posting such a beautiful image.
I'm happy that you and the munchkins are having such a lovely time together. Happy, happy!
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