Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year...!
Happy New Year to everyone. I know for some folks 2010 was a wonderful year, and for others ... perhaps not so much. It does get better.
My Danish friend Ann has a wonderful quote that she always uses to toast in the New Year ...
"Happy New Year to you. Here's champagne to your real friends, and real pain to your sham friends..."
Best wishes to all my friends, and may 2011 be your best year yet...!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Why Am I Wasting Time At My Day Job...?
What is this
The name of the exhibit is UNREAL and it runs from January 22 to September 5, 2011. The name of the drawing is Untitled, by Marcel Dzama, 2000, ink, watercolour, root-beer wash on paper, and it's part of the collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery. According to the New York Times, "Dzama is a Canadian Wunderkind, and his lugubrious fairy-tale sensibility in some way exemplifies the latest drift in contemporary art. Call it cute tragedy or tragic cuteness: either way, it refers to the impulses of a post-Warhol generation that uses the popular art forms of childhood to express a startling array of adult feelings." They're kidding us, right? What claptrap. Here is some more of his work:
Why am I wasting so much time at my day job? I could be doing this and earning thousands of $$dollars. I guess this is art ... well, anything can be art, but ... am I missing something?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Maggie And Keith...

I have started reading "Life" by Keith Richards, and goodness, what a life. He comes from a rather nice, conventional family in a suburb of London. He was an only child but he had a very large extended family. His favourite aunt was named Joanna. He was a boy soprano in a boy's choir, and sang before the Queen in Westminster Abbey. When he was a young boy, he and his friends found a dead body, a homeless man, and they were so scared they jumped onto their bicycles and rode off without reporting it. As a child, Keith Richards suffered a hand injury that left one of his fingers slightly bent, and added to his unique sound as a guitar player. He has been married to model Patti Hansen for 27 years, and has remained faithful to her for all these years.
Every person has an interesting story to tell -- or rather, several interesting stories, and I love to read about them. I heard some interesting stories around the dinner table the other night. I'll bet you have an interesting story to tell too...
Monday, December 27, 2010
Happy Birthday To Me...

"A very merry unbirthday
To me
To who?
To me
Oh, you
A very merry unbirthday
To you
Who, me?
To you
Oh, me
Let's all congratulate us with another cup of tea
A very merry unbirthday to you."
I am a Capricorn, and according to the Zodiac, these are the traits of a Capricorn:
Good organizational skills
Neat and tidy
Strong work ethic
Materialistic tendencies
Omigoodness, I sound rather boring, don't I...? Well ... hmmm ... I suppose ...
A very merry unbirthday to meeeeeeeeee........
Thursday, December 23, 2010
From Me To You ...

I love to celebrate Christmas in all its wonder and magic. So everyone, from me to you, I wish you all a very...
Monday, December 20, 2010
In Search Of Perfection...
I watched a movie last night called "Snow Globe" about a woman who was looking for the perfect Christmas. She was so unhappy because her family was not perfect. In other words, they were normal. I laughed. Yes, we all have normal families, thank goodness. No perfection. What an awful world it would be if everything were perfect. None of us is perfect, but we are human. Often the pressure of having the perfect Christmas, buying the perfect gift, cooking the perfect meal, having the perfect decorations, gets in the way and people become overly stressed. It almost seems like too much work, and by the time Christmas Day comes along, folks are too exhausted to enjoy it. How many times in the past couple of weeks have I had people say to me, "Are you all ready for Christmas?"
This year I have decided to concentrate on having fun. Christmas should be the time of year when we put away our cares from the previous months, and just enjoy the celebration. It doesn't have to be perfect. Perfection is highly over-rated, in any case. Fun is always spontaneous -- the unexpected moment -- but, we have to keep our hearts and minds open for it. We can't do that if we are too busy striving for perfection. We all suffer from a common malady -- the human condition. And thank goodness for that.
It's just a few days until Christmas. I hope everyone can take a deep breath, have a rum and eggnog and relax. Have fun... And please, don't have a perfect Christmas...

It's just a few days until Christmas. I hope everyone can take a deep breath, have a rum and eggnog and relax. Have fun... And please, don't have a perfect Christmas...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Magical Mystery Gift...
Yesterday at work one of my co-workers gave me a lovely little gift, and I have no idea what it is. At first I thought it was a key chain. It's very pretty, and I like it, but I'm not sure what it is meant to be used for...
It opens, and the segmented part of it is magnetized. It has pretty little pavé rhinestones on the top of it. I rather like it, and I love the thought behind it -- it was very sweet -- and the person who gave it to me is a lovely, thoughtful person. I just wish I knew what this little object is... Does anyone know?
It opens, and the segmented part of it is magnetized. It has pretty little pavé rhinestones on the top of it. I rather like it, and I love the thought behind it -- it was very sweet -- and the person who gave it to me is a lovely, thoughtful person. I just wish I knew what this little object is... Does anyone know?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Mission Impossible ... Humbug...

Time And Tide....

Today is our potluck lunch at work, and I plan to eat ... and eat ... and eat. Chocolate is my drug of choice.
Time and tide...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
George Booth -- My Favourite Cartoonist

"We located the hissing noise, Mr. Watkins. Your wife's mother is in the back seat."
"The dog ate my magnetic insoles."
"Forty-one years of marriage. That's a long, long, long learning curve."
"Whistle, you dumb bastard!"
"Write about dogs!"
George Booth did write a book about dogs, and he also wrote another wonderful cartoon book called "Think Good Thoughts About a Pussycat", of which I still have a copy. I was once asked if I had a choice of seven people I would like to meet and have a conversation with, who would they be. At the top of my list was George Booth. He has the most wonderful sense of irony, and sense of the ridiculous. He teaches us that, for all its seriousness, life is really just a lot of fun, as long as we are able to keep our eyes open for the hilarity.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Dark Night Of The Solstice...

When I was a little girl, winter was my favourite season. I loved ice skating, sledding, hot chocolate, and of course Christmas. Well, I still love Christmas, and I must admit there is a certain mystical quality about the short days and the long, dark nights.

"If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god." ~~ Napoleon Bonaparte
"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face." ~~ Victor Hugo
"The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do." ~~ Galileo
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The World's Smallest Kitchen...
In Canada, we have a home design show that I love to watch; it's called Love It or List It. In each episode of Love It or List It, a couple is faced with the decision of whether or not their current home is the right home for them. Designer Hilary Farr tries to convince them to stay in their home (Love It) after she has renovated it. Real estate agent David Visentin attempts to convince them to sell (List It) and buy another home – the home of their dreams.
After going through the list of “must haves” both Hilary and David are given a budget. Usually Hilary’s budget is a tight squeeze, and I am always amazed at the wonders she can perform on so little money. She's a genius.
At the end of the show, the renovated spaces are shown to the couple, and then they decide if they're going to Love It and stay, or List It and go to one of the houses that David has found for them.
Invariably, the one room everyone wants renovated is the kitchen. It’s too small, it’s too old fashioned, the cupboards are out of date. And every time I watch the show, I am reminded that I have the world’s smallest kitchen. The smallest.
But then I convince myself that my kitchen is not small, it is just compact. I have everything I need, and it’s rather cozy. My stove is in good working order, I have a convection oven that is perfect for me, and I am happy to report I don’t own – or need – a microwave. In my humble opinion, it is the one kitchen appliance guaranteed to turn food into a soggy, watery, rubbery, unpalatable, inedible mess -- well, everything except popcorn. Microwaves make great popcorn.
So, there you have a tour of the world's smallest kitchen. Does it even get any more gripping and exhilarating than that? And now I am off to my teeny, tiny kitchen to cook some of my
Friday, December 10, 2010
E.T. Go Home...

When I was a little girl, stuff like this used to terrify me. The world was always "coming to an end" for one reason or another. Even in church, at the end of the holy trinity, we would say, "world without end, amen". The end of the world seemed to be a recurrent theme throughout my childhood. And then the Cuban Missile Crisis happened, and I got mad. Enough of the end of the world
Why do we enjoy terrifying ourselves so much? Come on everyone, get a grip. What this thing really looks like is a piece of an insect that got stuck on the telescope lens. E.T. go home...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Gentlemen, Please Remove Your Hats...

How do men get so attached to their baseball hats? Is there a moment when they first put one on and say, "From this point forward, this will forever be a part of my anatomy..." ? It's sort of like when you see a men chewing on a matchstick or a toothpick in the corner of his mouth. Did he just one day decide to do it, and that was it? Baseball cap - check; toothpick in mouth, check...
Men, if you're going to wear hats, at least learn some hat etiquette. Please remove them when you are indoors. Thank you.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Video Girl Barbie ... From Pedophiles R Us

Mattell said in a statement that its "products are designed with children and their best interests in mind. Many of Mattel's employees are parents themselves and we understand the importance of child safety -- it is our number one priority."

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Political Correctness ... Where's George Carlin When We Need Him...?

In my small town we all grew up with a certain Canadian culture. Yes, Canada has -- or I should say, had -- a distinct culture. It was an amalgam of these various cultures that my friends' families brought with them. We celebrated each other's cultures, but we didn't try to eradicate them. We knew on a instincual level that that would be wrong. And even I, this boring little Canadian girl, had a distinct culture, and it connected me to the other people in my culture. It was a thread that bound us together, just as any culture binds the folks in that culture. But my culture is being taken away from me and from the other people in it. Removing my ethnic culture removes the bonds between me and the rest of people who practice my ethnic culture and weakens us as a group. We are slowly but surely expunging our traditions. This is cultural genocide.
The definition of cultural genocide is "the process of undermining, suppressing, and ultimately eliminating cultures". And we are allowing it to happen to us and, in fact, with our political correctness run amok, we are hastening the process.
My friend Russell has a wonderful post today about a school in Iowa that has taken political correctness to a place of complete and utter insanity. I was gobsmacked when I read it.
I remember reading George Orwell's 1984 when I was in my early 20s, and I could not believe a society such as that would ever exist, but it does, and it has happened in my lifetime. We are ruled by political correctness and the Thought Police.
"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?... Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?... The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking—not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness." - George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 5
We are so afraid of "offending" other people, that we have completely lost our identities. We have taken all the fun out of everything. Lighten up, everyone. Think for yourselves. There is always going to be someone who is offended by something. That's just human nature. Where's George Carlin when we need him...?
Thursday, December 2, 2010
... And To Just Have Fun ...

I wish I would win a lottery, so I could afford to buy them all sorts of things. But those would only be things. As I look over Phinnaeus and Marigold's Christmas wish lists, I can read between the lines. They are lists of trust and hope, both of which they already have in abundance. They are two of the very nicest people I have ever known.
When they were very little, a large part of Christmas was about Santa and the presents under the tree. On Christmas Eve we would track Santa's journey around the world, using the NORAD website. "Oh, he's in Nova Scotia, time for us to go to bed now..." This year I sense something different. This year they are more concerned about what they are going to give people, than what they are going to receive. A polar shift... Oh, yes, of course they still want the latest gagdets and doo-dads too, and "anything that you think I might like".

"... and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge". ~~ Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Most Fascinating of 2010...?

Sarah Palin
Justin Bieber
Sandra Bullock
Jennifer Lopez
LeBron James
Kate Middleton
Betty White
The cast of Jersey Shore -- Snookie...?
Well ... I can understand Barbara's choice of Sandra Bullock, after her graceful endurance of her painful divorce. My goodness, what an elegant woman. And I suppose Jennifer Lopez was chosen because ... Hmmmm ... I can't think of a reason. I would imagine Sarah Palin was chosen because she seems to be a survivor, and Betty White simply because she has survived. The choice of Kate Middleton is obvious -- she has caught the brass ring, well, the sapphire and diamond one, to be specific.

If you had your choice, who would you choose as the top ten -- or even the top five -- most fascinating people of 2010? For a start, I would choose the person who invented the robot vacuum cleaner.
But ... Snookie...?
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