Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year...!

Happy New Year to everyone. I know for some folks 2010 was a wonderful year, and for others ... perhaps not so much.  It does get better.

My Danish friend Ann has a wonderful quote that she always uses to toast in the New Year ...

"Happy New Year to you.  Here's champagne to your real friends, and real pain to your sham friends..."

Best wishes to all my friends, and may 2011 be your best year yet...!




Linda said...

Happy New Year to you to, Jo!

myletterstoemily said...

ha ha! that's hilarious. hope i don't have
many sham friends!

happy new year to you! may all your hopes
and dreams be fulfilled this year.


DJan said...

Oh, I really LIKE that one, Jo! I may use it today!! Going to go see "Fair Game" with my friend Judy in a few hours.

The Bug said...

Love that quote! I would steal it too, but then there'd be this huge debate on Facebook as to who is who. Just kidding - all my FB friends are real friends. Mostly.

Hope you have a fabulous 2011!

VioletSky said...

Happy New Year, to you, Jo!

Donna B. said...

Happy New Year to you too Jo...thank you for all your wonderful writing these past two years and for your friendship.

nomore said...

Happy Year to you and your sham friends too!

Linda Myers said...

Happy New Year to you, too! 2010 was the year I started reading blogs and writing in my own. A memorable one for me, connecting!

joanne said...

hahaha, I'm going to remember that one! Happy New Year Jo!

white crow said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR to u too Jo! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy new year! :) haha awesomee qoute :)

Elisabeth said...

Champagne for me, I hope, a new friend, not a sham.

Happy New Year, Jo.

June said...

Happy New Year!
If everybody had a good year, what would the world be like 364 days from now?

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a blessed and happy 2011.

Paula Slade said...

Best wishes Jo for a lovely New Year!

KrippledWarrior said...

An excellent toast. Happy & Prosperous 2011 to you.