In the past couple of weeks or so I have been browsing through Craiglist, looking for this-and-that, and today I happened to stumble onto the "free" stuff. It's wonderful...! Who knew there were so many treasures out there, free for the taking. You just go and pick it up. Who knew...! For instance, did you know that for absolutely nothing -- free! -- you can have six laying hens? Just go get them, and they're yours.

My personal favourite was the
Free Crutches and Removable Cast. Both were used for about four days and are in perfect condition, very clean. Come and take them away. Unfortunately, I was too late, and they were already gone. Darn! And they were hardly used at all. The cast was in mint condition and there wasn't a scuff mark on it. But, someone had already beaten me to it. Can you blame them? Who can resist a free removable cast. That's the story of my life -- in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This has an interesting story to it, don't you think?
Free decorative mask, brand new still in box, approximately 5" x 5". Santa probably left this little goodie under some
unfortunate lucky person's Christmas tree. It's brand new; in fact, it's probably never been taken out of the box. If you can get past the nightmares it's sure to give you for weeks to come, you can pick this up for nothing! Can you believe it? I'll bet there's a rush on this item.
I have 2 boxes of wire hangers (and a few thicker coat hangers) that I need to get rid of. Probably close to 70 hangers. Looking to get rid of them today. I don't even want to know the story behind this one. Why would anyone have 70 hangers, and why would they need to get rid of them? Perhaps
"Mommie Dearest" is coming to visit... Okay, all together now ...
"No wire hangers ever...!"
Depends. Partial package. Women's medium. Hate to throw them out when they are perfectly new and unused. There are 14 out of 18, I believe... Do we want to know why anyone would be giving away a partially used box of Depends, especially if they are perfectly new and unused? No, I don't think I want to know... No...
Bullet proof glass. 1 1/4 inch thick. approximately 30" x 50". Due to the large number of enquiries, first come first served. Pick up between 1 - 6 pm Thursday to Sunday. VERY HEAVY. Can be moved by three men, or two men and a dollie. Large number of enquiries? That's sort of an unfortunate commentary on the current state of affairs in our city. This item is located in East Vancouver.
Two Green spotted Puffer Fish for free. Currently in 30 gallon tank. Cannot share tank with other species as they are aggressive. Eats frozen brine shrimp and blood worms. Uses 1/4 cup marine salt per gallon of water. Adorable little creature, isn't he? He looks a bit like Mr. Paquette, my grade 12 French teacher. I wonder why they're getting rid of them.
I love Craigslist. There are some amazing things for sale on there, and the free items are great. There are wheelchairs, a maternity bra, toilets, back issues of Cosmopolitan Magazine, egg cartons -- I suppose they would come in handy if you were to take the free laying hens. Someone is even giving away a free bunch of rocks. Can you imagine -- free rocks? It's wonderful.