With all the choices that could have been made, why would anyone decorate in beige? How did beige become the new ... colour? I have been shopping for new furniture lately, and I have been to every furniture store in the Lower Mainland looking for something -- anything -- with a splash of color, to no avail. The only choices offered are brown, beige, tan, or as an alternative, beige, tan, brown. So I wasn't surprised to see the redecoration of the Oval Office revealed the other day -- I'm sure the folks there didn't have much to choose from either. The chesterfields (sofas) look like two-for-one specials from The Brick.
"Buy one, get the other half-off and we'll throw in a 52 inch HDTV..."
Here is a challenge to the furniture designers of the world. Start making furniture that is actually attractive and has some colour. You remember colour, don't you?
As for that coffee table, well ... the less said, the better ...
I laugh because my sister has been looking for a new couch and she has been having the same problem. She doesn't want beige or leather so her options are slim.
Color is long overdue for a comeback, so surely it won't be much longer. I hate that decor has become so generic.
I think that like the Bush redesign, this is OK, but not my favorite. I preferred the Clinton decor because it featured big doses of color and projected a vibrant, youthful feel.
But until you pointed it out, I hadn't noticed the coffee table. It's hideous. Absolutely hideous.
Hope you're feeling better!
I faced the same dilemma when I went furniture shopping a couple of months ago. After trudging through mountains of beige and tan, I spotted a couch and chair that was, believe it or not...cranberry! The salesman was surprised when I asked about it and almost went into shock when I bought it!
☼ Sunny
I ditto that! In the grey winters of the Northwest, we don't need more grey or muted colors. I too am in the process of shopping for new furniture. Not an easy task; I keep switching from leather because it is so durable, to sink-in cushy English looking overstuffed upholstey that feel so great to these achy bones. Still looking here.
Let us know how you end up.
hee hee! beige seems to be the color
of this administration.
remember the old yellow sofa? so
vibrant and beautiful.
My couch is red....
I must admit--I love beige. My sofa is off white (it's a sort of canvas material slipcover). Love it. I can change how things look with a simple pillow or throw. (I like change.)
Jo, look for a Charles Schneider couch. They are vibrant, full of color and have an amazing guarantee. My sister bought on 7 years ago, and I got mine 2 years ago. Her is called the English Tea Garden. It is full of green, reds, flowers etc. Mine is beige background with beautiful wine and green flowers and leaves. They also make chairs to complement or match.
The Oval Office is boring, without the 'ummph' it should have. They didn't ask me.
I must say, beige and magnolia do seem to be king nowadays. No colour, no vibrancy. I guess things go in and out of fashion very quickly, for instance, I know avocado coloured bathrooms were popular in the 70's. But now, even the thought of a green bathroom suite makes one cringe. But I must admit, I quite like the new look of the Oval Office - it's much better than some of the former styles :)
Some guy in California is the decorator, I heard.
The couches are fine but they need to be a little higher and firmer. There are a wide variety of people who go to the oval and sit, and some of the older folks have sore knees. I'd make the couches a green and make them higher and firmer. Other than that, it looks great. I like that rug with the quotes around the edge. Nice touch.
Was over visiting and my eye caught the "lower mainland" and I was left nostalgic. I grew up in Chilliwack. Am now in Winnipeg and would love to go back west.
Anyway, nice to make your acquaintance! Your blog is delightful!
My employer and I were discussing the Oval Office just this morning. It's so.......brown. LOL
I think the new decor for the oval office is just right, it matches the mood of the country.
I think beige and its near-relatives are the default setting for those who fear making a fashion faux pas. Good luck in your search for something with beauty and character.
So funny Jo! I noticed all the beige too, and family and friends furnishing with new stuff now have gone beige too. What is going on, sucking the color out of rooms? Creative people will always find a way to add color. Someone needs to throw a big red fluffy pillow on the Oval Office sofa.
I know people are all into the earthy colours thing, but you need some brightness in your life as well.
I won't be in it anytime soon so they can do whatever they want with it. I am going to pay for it anyway.
Yes, this is as drab as the occupant of the Oval Office - absolutely awful.
Beige is not in my lexicon - I refuse to acknowledge it exists. People think it's tasteful and "safe" - it actually says "I'm a bore". Living amongst color is the best thing you could do for yourself.
Luckily I live in Vegas - managed to find an orange/rust couch and a red coffee table. We have fabulous warehouses, where casinos offload their used furniture - some very bright and unusual pieces.
I don't mind beige or neutral colors. I think they could have gotten a classier couch though.
Josie..."Two for one special from the Brick" Funniest line of the month! In other words, dang I wish I would have said that moment.
I have a cream colored leather sofa. To this day, I wish I chose brown leather. When I get another couch...it will not be cream, beige or off-white! LOL!
Oh no! That's really rather dreadful, isn't it? The current obsession with all things neutral is in a real-estate dictated phase wherein you are never supposed to live in your house, or have "taste specific" things, but everything is constantly with an eye towards resale.
Neutral has been deemed to be the most acceptable to the highest number of people.
Now, I think that's really stupid. It's my house, I help pay the mortgage,and I'm going to have as much, or as little color as I see fit...as a result my home office is bright pink and black, my kitchen is purple, and one of my hallways dark gray...and that's just for starters.
But to see this, "be bland enough to be acceptable to all!" trend seep into the Oval Office?
Beg your pardon, but that's supposed to be the office of extraordinary people, not those seeking to blend, and offend the fewest number of people.
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