A couple of weeks ago I received a note from him (let's call them John and Mary, just for fun...) In his note to me, John said, "Dear Jo, we haven't met yet but Mary has spoken of you often with great affection. She tells me you were the person to thank for her finding me after many years of separation. I have loved my darling Mary since I was a teenager and that love never faded over the decades we were apart. So thank you, and be assured that I will never hurt her. I have carried this beautiful woman in my heart since I was 16 as she has carried me in hers. Jo, thank you again for bringing the true love of my life back to me, what our future holds we don't know yet, we only know no matter what we will never part again."
Gosh...! I wanted to share that note with you because it really touched my heart.
There have been a few other people throughout my lifetime that I have brought together this way as well. My mother used to call me the "catalyst".
1. A substance, usually used in small amounts relative to the reactants, that modifies and increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process.
2. One that precipitates a process or event, especially without being involved in or changed by the consequences.
Well, I guess that's me.
Someone posted this comment: Anonymous said... Blah, blah, blah...........has your chest exploded yet? You sure do know how to puff yourself up, don't you?
Well, this post is not about puffing myself up, but about being happy for other people. I probably didn't make that very clear. I am a rather boring person, and I often refer to this as my boring-little-blog. Personal attacks are never very nice, and always unnecessary. And of course they're always anonymous...
That note must make you feel really good - your desire to bring people together is a gift!
Oops, sorry, I can't spell my own name!
I kinda like Keannette. It has a certain je ne sais quoi. *heh*
And, yes, the note did make me feel good.
That's the greatest story. I met a guy once and, well, it's a very long story, but we had a very strong connection and were separated by distance and school. I still have a beautiful love note he sent me with a leaf from Connecticut when the leaves were changing colors. I've often thought of trying to contact him again but never follow through. We were so young then. After this I may just have to give it a go.
Have a Happy Day, Jo!
I'll just refer to you as Catalyst Jo! It suits you. To think, each of us can be a catalyst in other's lives for good or bad....and you done good Catalyst Jo!And what a sweet story, and hopefully a ...."happily ever after" story.
Wow! How wonderful for them! And how wonderful of you, too.
Wow Jo,Catalyst is way too....clinical.Let's call you an angel :)
The story is so sweet and so are you.thanks for sharing it with us.The note WAS touching :D
P.s: Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog :)
Jo, I have sad news. She called me last night and told me that they broke up.
Jo knows I'm kidding.
It's a heart warming story Jo - good for you! Warm wishes V xx
I needed a good love story today. So many roads diverge in so many Frostian yellow woods that when two of them come together again later in life, it seems like a real miracle...also passionate.
That is a wonderful story, and I'm betting there's a happy ending to this one.
You should feel good about being the catalyst. I married my high school sweetheart almost 10 years ago after a 20 year separation. We had both gone our separate ways in college, married, had children, etc. so in some ways it was like starting fresh. It will be fun for you to watch "John and Mary."
I could use your help about now in the area of Love. Would you be my Angelic Catalyst? :o)
Blah, blah, blah...........has your chest exploded yet? You sure do know how to puff yourself up, don't you?
"Clarice" knows how much even I appreciate her being a "catalyst" in my life, too. *grin*
To the "Anonymous Jerk"~ My Mother taught me an old saying as a child. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Too bad your Mother didn't teach you the same values.
To Jo- That was a lovely story! I'm so glad you shared that with us! It made my stressful morning!
Jo--I think this is a lovely story. And I think it's great to be a catalyst. I would love to know if I had acted as one in such an important thing as bringing two loves together.
But you know, aren't you a little changed by the event? I mean, it does affect you in that it makes you feel good and part of something, even in a distant way. I think that's a great thing, too. I wonder if there is a word for a catalyst that is affected by the change itself...
great post!
What a sweet story, made me smile and go kiss the love of my life (he was still sleeping). Happy day!
Jo, that's a wonderful story-so glad you shared it! I can't believe that anonymous comment- Sad that there are such unhappy people in the world.
I love love :)
I've always thought if it's meant to be, it will be, even if it takes a while.
Deedee, yes, it's a nice story, isn't it? And yes, I feel bad for anonymous.
Scarlethue, that's a nice way of looking at it. Definitely!
ChicGeek, definitely give it a go. My goodness, you never know!
Kathy, oh, it will definitely be a "forever after" story! :-)
LoverOfLife, well, it certainly is wonderful for them... :-)
MissNobody, yes, I wanted to share the note with you.
Lorna....!!!! *heh*
Veronica, well, good for the, ... for sure!
Butler and Bagman, yes, it's a wonderful love story. I didn't share the details, but it is wonderful.
Leah, oh yes, there is a happy ending to this story!
Andrea, I love to hear about stories like yours. Wonderful!
Ramblings, oh, gosh, I would help if I could. *heh*
Anonymous, missed our morning coffee, did we?
Leslie, yes ... *heh, heh*
Arley, thank you. I thought it was a rather sweet story to share. :-)
Kirie, it changed me in the way that it makes me feel good for them. I just want to be invited to their wedding ... *heh*
Kathy, you're very, very lucky!
Anonymous ... I have not visited Jo's blog for a couple of days and just saw your comment.
You hide behind your mask of anonymity. Is that because you are such a coward you cannot show yourself?
I have no respect for people who come onto any blog, do an annoymous ambush and then run away.
Let me suggest this to you: leave this blog and don't let the blog door hit you on the way out. If you have a problem with that, come to my blog and show yourself.
I will be more than happy to, uh, deal with you... And I will not be annoymous about it.
Jo is way too nice a person to have to put up with the likes of you or your kind. Go back to your rock and stay under it.
Woops...! A Freudian slip! I spelled Anonymous as "annoymous." I think that is because this person annoys me a great deal and I see him or her as just a little mouse....
Now scurry back to your hole!!
Russell, I am going to "beam" myself right through this computer screen and give you a big hug. You are wunnnnnnderfullll...!
Thank you!!!
I think it is lovely that you helped get two people back together. They're obivously grateful and I hope it makes you feel good that you have helped bring some happiness into another's life. We can't all claim that, can we?
I love that story. What could be better than two people who cared so much for each other connecting again! Ah romance is not dead.
Russell you are so chivalrous,I love it.
It's almost a melodic drama...love it...love story........
what a sweet story! thanks for sharing...and forgive that anonymous person...hopefully they'll have a better day soon (:
What a wonderful story! I'm so happy for them, and it makes me wonder if my own first love remembers me, too.
I have also noticed that the nasties are always "Anonymous." Nothing like having the courage of ones convictions.
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