I don't understand Facebook, and I'm wondering if someone can please explain it to me. I have a Facebook account, and I even have Facebook friends, some of whom include my family --- niece and nephews. Last weekend I was clicking around on Facebook, and I saw that one of my friends was online, so I clicked on the little green light and ---
ta-da --- there was my nephew. He's a very special person in my life, and we haven't talked for a while, but there we were, chatting away on the instant message thing on the computer. It was lovely -- but very impersonal. He was giving me (((hugs))) and (((kisses))) and I thought,
"How strange." But this seems to be the way people communicate now.

Facebook seems to be geared for people at the grade eight level, for the most part. It reminds me of the little doodles we used to draw on our exercise books when we were bored with class. I am always getting notifications from someone saying that have taken the
"Path to Happiness" quiz, or the
"Likeness Quiz" or they're sending me a teddy bear... Or I will receive an e-mail saying that someone has poked me or written on my wall. If you have my e-mail address, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. And you know I love you all, but if I want to know 25 things about you, I will probably ask you. If you want to tell me, that's great -- if not, well, that's great too. I don't want to be nosy. And I'm definitely not going to tell you 25 things about me. Only three or four of them -- tops -- would be interesting, anyway. Besides, how do you know it's really me on Facebook? Anyone can sign up, log in and post a photograph,
et voila! they're on, and they're reading all the intimate details of your life.
Excuse me, I have to run. I just checked my Facebook account and I see I have
"six little green patch" requests, one
"play with me request", one
"hotties for sale invitation", three
"happy hour invitations", and one
"hatching egg invitation"....
BTW, does anyone know what those are?
LOL! Yes, facebook is getting crazy. I really do enjoy it though. For the most part i ignore all the weird little green patch etc... application invites. Its just nonsense extra crap. I dont get the poke either. why not just send a message. A poke is like saying hi without having to type hi. so strange.
But i do use it to keep up with friends. It has been a useful tool for me thus far. It started out as a site for only college students but now it is for everyone. Perhaps it made more sense back then but everyone deserves to be in on the fun right?
I think some just use facebook differently. Hardly anyone has my email, I just use facebook to communicate with my best friends, relatives, and yes acquaintances. I don't get the hugs, kisses, etc. that some are doing out there either...
I don't know if you have seen this about the 25 things, but I found it really entertaining.
Yes! I remember when it started, only college students, and you're college had to purchase it... little did they know it would take over our lives, and we'd become even better procrastinators because of facebook, ha!
Then it slowly allowed the public world, through work forces, community colleges, high school, and finally anyone with an email address.
LOL,.. ye it's really confusing for first-timers, but when you get the things, you'll probably like it more than now...
actually those invitation things are from the applications that facebook had. but not all of them are made by fb team. Members could make their own then submit their own application...
too bad those junk applications invites exists in fb, but the best
And theres one more reason why you got those heaps of annoying green patch invites whatsoever, because sometimes the application user needs to send this amount of invites before proceeding to the app's next steps.
advice from me is just pretend they don't exists, unless you like the application itself. Some of them is interesting tho...
I, myself, only use the wall and photos things, but nah thanks for those green patch or hugs , superpokes etc..
you can just ignore all of the unnecessary invites, buy selecting "ignore all invitations" or something similar to that..
hope this helps :)
sorry that was double posted
LOL! Yes, Facebook is rather silly. I like blogging better because you get to hear what people really think and it is so much more creative :)
Facebook News Flash:
TheChicGeek is getting ready to brush her teeth!
Now wasn't that of interest...lol
Those extra applications in facebook can be super annoying. But you CAN ignore them and I would say feel free to do so!
I use it mostly to communicate with those who I don't see often enough. It's definitely NOT a replacement for communication with anyone which I think is the big misconception for a lot of people who view FB negatively. I'm sure there ARE people who hide out behind FB but it all depends on how you use it!
fyi, your info not not available to anyone with a facebook account; you can set your privacy so only your friends can see your stuff; that's the way i have mine set (:
Thanks for this post. I made a facebook page a few months ago and have since realized I don't have time for the silliness. I don't understand what I'm supposed to do when someone sends me a sweet from Willy Wonka's and I'm not so interested who I might have been in a previous life. I would much rather sit down and read great blogs like yours!
So funny. I am always getting poked at, but being a lady, I never poke back.
Truth be told I don't know how.
I am also getting water balloons tossed at me and pillows as well.
It's like an 8th grade sleepover!
I have found out that I am a Marilyn, a corn muffin and a March.
And I thought I knew myself! :)
Peace - Rene
You can turn off the e-mail notifications for the apps. I like it mainly for keeping in touch with friends through their status updates, pictures, and event postings. It's also a good way to get to know somebody you've just met.
I joined Facebook for about fifteen minutes and then told them I was leaving and to please totally get my information and profile offline and out of their server.
Love your post. I blogged about Facebook twice because I'm not sure how I feel about it. The 13 year old son of my neighbor wants to "friend" me and I don't want to (being 40) but I also don't want to hurt his feelings. I like Facebook but I also like to take a break from it as well. I prefer e mail myself.
Hee - hee. You make me laugh. I am on Facebook and have several "friends." One wonderful that came from it, was an old friend from college found me -- we had lost touch years ago. I blogged about this a couple of weeks ago. I think it's a treasure for that reason, but other than that, I agree with you, I don't understand much of the other stuff that's there. HOWEVER, if you're ever up for a totally useless, time-wasting and socially depraved game, check out Mafia Wars. I'm addicted!
I signed up at my sister's urging and immediately regretted. Too many people that don't know me, but know her want to tell me thing (wall writing?) and I don't care. I'm much happier in the blogosphere.
I think facebook is like anything else-- you get out of it what you want or what you put into it. I enjoy facebook. It's allowed me to find old friends and reconnect. It also makes it easier to send out mass messages if I move or change my phone number or something. And writing on people's walls is fun because more than one person can get in on the conversation without you having to type in twenty email addresses. But it has its flaws too. I ignore all those quiz and application requests you've written about here. That definitely seems more geared towards the high school and younger crowd.
Facebook.... yes I do find it strange that I am messaging people more than ringing them for a chat or having a cuppa tea etc BUT as a new mum I am loving the fact I can share photos of Charlie with family and friends who live far away and that I can see their photos too... Very easy to upload photos.
It's just the latest thing though, there will be something else in 6 months!
it is amazing how we keep in touch with each other. the internet has made it very easy but, as with all new technology, there is a certain level of ....creepiness. you just don't know who is tapping away on the old keyboard. ciao, jc
I just had to read your comment/post on this because 2 friends of mine asked me to join Facebook this past week.
I have many blogs; an e-mail, and that's all I need to 'entertain' myself.
I get plenty of e-mails with 'games to play' - I don't like using my time for this; unless I'm playing Hearts of Chess on line - that's about it.
FaceBook uses all that information for market and trend research; they sell it for good money, and I don't want to be a part of that scheme.
Granted, I'm sure Google sells our information as well, but at least it's a 'quieter' audience and I don't like blogs that have a bunch of advertising on them, so I can steer clear of pop-ups and ads that don't interest me.
I keep my rss feeds limited to intelligent blogs (like yours); news, finance, recipes and the like.
I have enough to enjoy in my 'real life', so I don't have to get a poke; tap - kick, or slap to jolt me into some kind of talkative mood (or something that makes me respond; tell all these dumb things about me, etc.)
It's bad enough that Google requires me to 'sign in' so they can track where everyone is; how often they sign in - etc. etc., so I keep my time limited to blogs; web-sites that I read through rss feeds, and enjoy my You Tube page simply because I love the music I can get there.
I don't subscribe to any of those cutsey things on Facebook, they drive me freakin' crazy! And as for those quizzes, I answer them. . .sometimes. Guilty as charged! I find out some interesting things about my friends ;-) My hubby refuses to get an account. . . but if you look for him on there someone opened one for him! Creepy!
Facebook I guess, is for "older kids". Myspace is for the 12 to 18 age group where as Facebook is for the collage level groups. I have an account with both, but I seem to prefer Facebook. It is nice to find old friends from high school on it, but that's really all its good for.
P.S. I get poked at least once a week from the same person, it does get a little annoying.
I agree! Personally, I do not have a Facebook account (I was part of the Myspace community until I came to my senses) but I do know how life on the internet - especially communication - keeps pushing us further away from actual personal relationships. Reading letters that someone has typed is not nearly as effective as, say, receiving a handwritten letter in the mail. Whatever happened to sending physical letters to someone, anyway?
That being said, places like Facebook do have their benefits, namely communicating with people who you may not otherwise have the opportunity to spend time with. They might be overseas or in another state and that allows us to stay in touch and keep the communication channels open.
I really enjoyed reading your piece and I concur with your opinions. I'm glad I am not on Facebook. I don't want to be "poked" by anyone. Sounds uncomfortable.
My friend who has indulged in facebook mentioned that when someone pokes you, it is sort of like an online booty call...
Josie: I have no idea what those are. It's all I can do to comment on a few blogs. I do have a very good friend who just got on Facebook and wants me to visit so I guess I'll have to figure it out. This old gal isn't up to learning many new tricks these days. D
Ha ha ha! Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about, which is why I disabled all of those pesky notifications, except for the ones I really want. I only get notified if someone sends me a message or writes on my wall! The nice thing about Facebook is that you can control the level of communication as well as the levels of privacy. You can determine exactly who sees what, so your colleagues don't necessarily get to see what your friends or family sees. I love Facebook and how it has reconnected me back with so many old friends, coworkers and even to extended family whom I don't get to see on much of a regular basis. And you can control exactly how much information you do or don't want people to see.
LOL! I have never been interested in Facebook - it seems too "familiar" somehow. I prefer a little autonomy, thank you. And I agree with it being geared for the junior-high level. My girls use it. They have really enjoyed staying in touch with their friends from high school. Maybe that's it - some of us want to leave some of those people behind...haha
I don't like Facebook, but it's the only way I stay in touch with my brother. The saddest part is, he lives 10 kms away from me.
I also have a Facebook account. I do communicate with my family and friends. But is like sending a telegram somewhere. If you ask me I would love it if we could go back to the day people actually wrote letters. Handwriting is so revealing and personal. It is the best next thing to actually BEING with a person. I love people who have beautiful penmanship. So much gets lost in Facebook: non-verbal language, proximity through the senses, intimacy and discretion. I soon get tired of Facebook. It lacks originality or individualism. Yet, I feel I must have an account to feel connected to people that live far away and do not care to write letters, slow beautiful letters, pondering letters that are both intimate and loving.
I block all the invitations so that I don't have to keep ignoring. Saves a lot of trouble.
The Pink Cowboy-I have to agree. At times I think that facebook (myspace, and whatever others are out there) are causing the height of antisocial socialism... Its a social site, yet no one ever does anything. Maybe I'll just start writing letters anyways, everyone loves to get them, maybe I'll start a new trend! (Ha, I can hope, right?)
About Facebook, I don’t understand. I’m a Chinese girl, though my English is limited, every day I can insist on reading your blog. Recent days I’m very sad and disappointed. On internet a stranger cheat me
I’m honest and friendly. Believe everyone around me. But now I change my mind. most of people on internet are disingenuous.
I want to be innocence like before.
Now I don’t know I should make who kind of people
By the way, In your country Whether has this kind of thing happen.
no kidding. i soooo understand where you are coming from. i loathe facebook's impersonal style but still am excited to be see friends and family online i don't get a chance to see in person.
I joined last year at the invitation of my 38 year old sis, whom I only get to see maybe once a year, so that we could exchange pics of the kiddos. But it lost its appeal after the fun of posting the photo albums wore off. I don't really care that the younger-sister-of-my-old-neighbor-from-1982-who-wasn't-even-my-friend-'cause-we-had-nothing-in-common is "getting ready to go to work"! And I totally agree with the other comments here - blogs (like yours) are so much more creative and fun to read. Facebook's recent change to their privacy policy doesn't help matters either.
The good news is perhaps you have not had a cake thrown at you. I admit I like the amethyst received
I have been poked and repoked by a casual friend so many times I am unsure if there is a protocol that requires this to continue. Is it ok to withdraw I wonder?
On reflection,I am going to say...perhaps...more 5th or 6th grade? Alas what is a gal to do? I am proud to have resisted My space and Twitter. I fantasize Facebook is the lesser
strange new tech event?
I have a facebook which I use a lot. My boyfriend is general hater of these things, which is fine by me, I just remind him exactly how high our phone bill would be if I text all the people I write to on facebook. I tend not to get many application invites since a lot of my friends don't really use them, we just use it as a cheap and easy way to communicate with each other when there's a 2000 mile gap!
I thoroughly enjoyed all the comments on FB. Eralier I had joined Orkut quite by accident. It was one of the first social networking communities. For some reason I thot it was like a chat room, so I casually used anonymous name to register an ID: and Lo, it opened a plethora of information to me about my teenage kids: who they were being friends with, and
I don't know too much about Facebook. I did join so I could see what my college age daughter has on her sight - but I felt as though I was invading her privacy a bit...
I have ONE friend... any guesses who my ONE friend is??! Heh!! However, my ONE friend is more than enough!!
.....I sent an incomplete comment by mistake, so i thought i will finish it. So Orkut gave me an insight into what all young kids were doing. I think I also saved a young girl from ruining her own life. Facebook is slightly different, it has several options. So you can be addicted to it if you wanna do it; or use it just to keep in touch with old friends, their families, and post/see pictures very conveniently.
These days it's a must to be on FB, or you are social non entity in the big World Wide Web. you might be named 'virtually challenged' so watch out....:)
I, too have a Facebook account. It boggles me. I can't figure out whose wall I'm writing on. I also have lots of Facebook Friends who work with me and when I see when they post comments, I realize that none of us are actually working. Since I'm suppose to be the director of the place, I should feel guilty. Last week the the parent company blocked site on company computers. Good for them.
I joined Facebook at my niece's invitation. Just so I could see her site. But I know little about FB and am not interested in learning how it works. I don't want to write on anyone's walls. Sounds a little silly to me.
As a rule, I don't add strangers on Facebook, so the only people who are reading all my personal details are people I know. I use it to keep in touch with my friends from back home, my brother who lives in Cambridge, my cousin who I'm very close to, and also my friends from Uni. I'm terrible at keeping in touch with people normally, and if it hadn't been for facebook I probably wouldn't have maintained my friendships from back home out of sheer laziness. Similarly I have uni friends that I met at Halls in first year or in classes I've taken but don't get the opportunity to see very often anymore, and so it's nice to keep in touch with them too. Also it's soooooo useful for organising events and so on. You don't have to collect loads of emails or spend loads of money on phonecalls or texts. And it's great to be able to post your photos and things to share with your friends. I don't do all the 'superpoke' gimmicky things, and since they changed the profile format you don't even have to look at all this rubbish that other people do.
When you try to explain it to someone who has never used it you realise what a bizarre (but excellent) concept it is. When I encouraged friends to sign up several insisted they had no need for it and would probably never check it, but they are now the people that freak out if they have no internet access and don't know what's going on online! I think it's like mobile phones - you just can't remember how you did all this stuff before you had one!
I am on Facebook as well. Pretty much addicted to it like I am to blogging. I find it a fantastic way to keep in contact with friends from all over the world. Funny how we lost contact even though e-mail existed, but via Facebook have gotten in touch again. I have also gotten in touch with people I met through the bloggesphere. I love Facebook, but I don't do too many applications. One or two (PuzzleBee is great)but if you send me an invitation for an application it gets deleted straight away. I'll look for you.
Oh,Jo - I am WITH YA! I don't get facebook, or see the attraction. My daughter and her friends(20 somethings)are literally addicted to it, checking it at least 6 or 7 imes a day. They are also on Myspace and Twitter. Maybe this shows my age, but email and the blogosphere are quite enough for me.
I'm with you as well. I don't get lots of things, and Facebook is one.
i agree (though even i am on facebook) these social netwrkin sites are a sad timepass. though thr r merits of getting in touch wid long lost classmates. the funny thing is that after the initial hey-so good to see u here etc, thr cud b not much follow up.
I happened across ur blog n like reading it
I had a couple invitations for Facebook, so I got on and made a blog, but when I discovered that it's really to keep in touch with old friends, I thought that it made no sense - if they want to get in touch with me, they can write, call or email me. So after 2 hours I delete my blog there. I rather meet new people who have very interesting stories, some incredible photos, or things to say.
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