Today at lunchtime we were having a conversation about the most embarrassing things that have ever happened to us. With women, this usually involves high heel shoes. One of my co-workers told us a story of how, on her first day of college she was wearing a miniskirt and a pair of high heel boots, thinking she looked really "hot". As she sauntered up the staircase, she tripped and fell just as she reached the top step, and there she lay, sprawled for the whole world to see. I can relate. For my high school graduation, the principal of our school announced that the girls were to wear white dresses only. My mother made me a beautiful white brocade dress, ballerina length with a boat neckline. I felt like Cinderella in that dress. My mother loaned me a pair of her white shoes to wear with it. When the dancing started, my date asked me to dance, and as I walked to the dance floor, the heel broke off my shoe. Time stood still and I was mortified. But I took off my shoes and danced anyway, and everyone else followed suit, and kicked off their shoes as well. Somehow I managed to save the turn the moment around.
Several years ago a friend and I went to see Neil Diamond. Before the concert, we decided to go to the Four Seasons Hotel for a light supper. They had an informal restaurant there, overlooking a plaza. We chose one of the banquet tables next to the window and had a bite to eat. As we got up to leave, my friend walked ahead of me to pay the bill, and as I walked past the table next to ours, I saw Neil Diamond sitting there having his dinner as well. As I got past his table, I heard a voice saying, "Excuse me ... excuse me ... you have something on your shoe. Let me help you..." And then Neil Diamond leaned down and removed a white linen Four Seasons Hotel napkin that I had been dragging on the heel of my shoe.
As we got to the door, my friend said, "Was that who I thought it was!?" and I said, "Oh, lord-luv-a-duck... yessss....."
The only good thing about life's embarrassing moments is that we all have them -- some of us more than others.
Oh, Jo! What a fun post. I loved the illustration you chose to go along with it. But I especially love the girl who kicked off her shoes and proceeded to just dance.
It may have been embarrassing, but it was Neil Diamond, you actually got to meet him!!
My most embarrassing moment was when Liam or Cian was a baby, I can't remember which. Sean and I were headed into Stop and Shop to buy groceries. One of my babies decided to foil his diaper, so I headed to the ladies room to change him. I did my thing, changed him quickly, and when I was coming out of the bathroom, there was a line of Men waiting to use the MENS ROOM. I was mortified!! I felt so stupid and thought nothing of the urinal on the wall in the restroom. Oh well, life goes on and I get a good laugh out of it now!!
I'd like to got a chance to embarrassing moments in front of the Neal Diamond....Oh, so the famouse singer! wow...anyway probably it's a sweet memory....
I'm a clutz, in heels or not. I, in fact, do not wear heels now except in very specific situations, like weddings, because it tends to make it worse.
I don't think I could count all the times I've fallen in public. And I've injured myself a number of times as well, the worst being when I fell down a flight of stairs in college on the way to pottery class (note to self: no more reading and walking at the same time) and was on crutches for two weeks with a badly sprained ankle. Then there was my wedding shower when I literally showered myself with white wine and had a blue behind for a week. I used to be embarrassed by it; now I just accept it as a part of who I am. :)
Oh Jo! Thanks for my great laugh of the day! I really needed that! Your description of Neil Diamond removing the napkin from your shoe was priceless! I had tears running down my face from laughter and had to share the story with my husband! Great story!
My only claim to fame is eating on the same restaurant patio as Joachim Phoenix a few years ago in downtown Vancouver. Only he denied who he was. An odd duck, that one!
A woman I was dating laughed at me when she found my Neil Diamond Cassettes in my music collection...I dumped two days later...mostly out of fear she would find my Barry Manilow stash.
Well thank goodness it wasn't toilet tissue stuck to your shoe! I love Neil Diamond, always have. Do you have his new cd? "No Words" and "Pretty Amazing Grace" are both really lovely.
Oh! I thought the same thing as lovelyprism, thank goodness it wasn't toilet tissue! Niel was the closest thing to rock I was allowed to listen to as a girl, and I loved him! Forever in Blue Jeans, and America are my favorites. Sooo Handsome! He must have noticed how pretty you were and was excited you had gick on your shoe so he could talk to you!
You have a Neil Diamond story, Jo - how wonderful, even if it was a source of some embarrassment to you - I think that is priceless! Lovely!
I once walked the whole length of a big office, then leaned over a desk, in a short skirt to answer the phone - I had lovely fashionable thick black tights on, so it's not as cheeky as it sounds, but a friend rushed up behind me to help me, by untucking my skirt from said tights!
Now that is an impressive story! My claim to fame was jumping in a mud puddle with Jim Morrison. Someday I'll blog it. I love Neil Diamond. Do you still have the shoe?
My most embarrassing moment happened at school when i was 16, i derided to bunk class and sit with a friend in her tiping class. She had just inherited a ring from her grandmother. I was playing with it and for a few laughs i put the thing in my mouth and said how funny it would be he i swallowed it... I did... But that wasn't the worst. Some of our teachers found out about this and everytime they say me they'd ask he i'd gotten it back yet... I did about a week and a long painfull experience later. Clean as a button.
OMG!! I love your Neil Diamond story!! I was hooked the first time I heard "Solitary Man," way back in the 60s. I've seen him many times in concert. I'm a tad envious! :-)
He does seen to be a really nice guy. A friend in Houston told me that the last time he appeared there, he donated the proceeds from his concert to the victims of hurricane Ivan. That's a good photo of him that you posted.
How about accidently letting one slip..while playing poker with the guys? They never let me live that one down. Guess i'm not a very classy dame! or is repeating the story make me less classy?
Back in the 80's, a business colleague of mine and I attended a gala put on by Inc. Magazine, for which we had provided decor. She went to the ladies room and when she came out, the whole back of her dress was caught in her pantyhose. Luckily, someone told her before she had walked the whole length of the room. She only gave about 10 people a view of her backside.
I was at that concert! In fact, I was five months pregnant at the time, and as soon as Neil started singing, Little Z in utero started rocking out. I thought, "YES! I'm making another Neil fan!"
Your, uh, friend is fortunate you went to the concert with (I shall assume) him as opposed to watching it backstage as Neil Diamond' guest! I have a feeling there may be a "rest of the story" you have not mentioned here...!!
Nomore, it was very embarrassing at the time, believe me!
Leslie, yes!!! Do tell!!!
Scarlethue, somehow I think of you as elegant and poised. I cannot imagine you falling down. :-)
Avril, Joachim Phoenix is a very, very strange bird indeed. *heh*
Cedar, well, I hope she never finds my Paul Anka CDs. Kidding ... kidding ... :-)
Lovelyprism, no I haven't heard those. I will have to check it out!
Mean Mama, thank you. :::blush::: Yes, "Forever in Blue Jeans" is one of my favorites too.
Veronica, yes, I was quite impressed, I must say.
A Woman of No Importance, oh my Gawd! How mortifying! And thank goodness for your friend. :-)
B & B, you jumped in a mud puddle with Jim Morrison? I love Jim Morrison...! Do a blog post about it!
Jozey, noooooooo! Omigawd! That is too funny!
O. Joy, thank you! And you have a fabulous photo blog. :-)
Carla, yes, I get the impression Neil Diamond is a very nice person. He just looks like it, doesn't he?
Nicole, well, I had a better view of him later at the concert. :-)
Charles, yes, and they're always fun stories at cocktail parties. :-)
Kimberly, he was a complete gentleman, yes.
Faithful, I have a feeling the guys think you are a great broad! And that is meant as a compliment. :-)
Kenju, oh, no! That truly is every woman's nightmare, isn't it!!??
LGS, yes, it is definitely my favorite Neil Diamond song.
DUTA, very clever!! Yes!!
Kimber, the Neil Diamond concert I went to was a bit before the last one. My daughter and her husband went to. The one I went to was a few years back. And Little Z has good taste! :-)
DeeDee, thanks! :-)
David, I think Leslie has some stories too. Lots in fact! *heh*
Russell, oh, no. In fact, if I remember correctly, my date and I ended up having a huge argument -- as usual -- over where to park the car. *sigh*
Rachette, yes, me too. :-)
Patty, no, it's probably still in service at the Four Seasons Hotel. *heh*
Congratulations for being nominated to David's POTD.
Congratulations for actually meeting Neil Diamond.
Congratulations for the lovely post. I have many moments in Life that were embarassing; but nothing would come close to the moment shared by Jozey...! Must have been really embarassing to meet those people even now.
I would like to nominate Jozey for 'Comment Of The Day'. Congratulations Jo for bringing out the 'Best Comment on Life's Most Embarassing Moments'
Wonderful post. And how amazing that you met Neil Diamond as a result - quite incredible! Over from David's by the way, congratulations on the mention.
How about this? I was employed for a day at an event and I had to dress up as Queen Elizabeth the first. I already felt like a complete fool walking about all day waving my hand and trying to think of things to say to the crowd. Later in the day I was standing in the marquee willing the hours away when in walks Gene Hackman. Shocked I stare at him. Shocked he stares at me. I didn't know what to do so in my best queen voice I boomed, "Mr Hackman" We both knew I'd embarrassed myself and probably him. A truly embarrassing moment for all concerned.
Thank goodness for all the recreational hallucinogens I did in my youth — I can't remember them all!
Oh, Jo! What a fun post. I loved the illustration you chose to go along with it. But I especially love the girl who kicked off her shoes and proceeded to just dance.
It may have been embarrassing, but it was Neil Diamond, you actually got to meet him!!
My most embarrassing moment was when Liam or Cian was a baby, I can't remember which. Sean and I were headed into Stop and Shop to buy groceries. One of my babies decided to foil his diaper, so I headed to the ladies room to change him. I did my thing, changed him quickly, and when I was coming out of the bathroom, there was a line of Men waiting to use the MENS ROOM. I was mortified!! I felt so stupid and thought nothing of the urinal on the wall in the restroom. Oh well, life goes on and I get a good laugh out of it now!!
Love the scene with NEAL Diamond
Leah, Laugh Out Loud!!! :-)
CountryGirl, oh, yes, there I was in my elegant dress and my bare feet. :-)
Arley, omigawd...! That is too funny! Well, your baby was a boy ... right?
Linda, is that the same as Neil Diamond? *heh*
I'd like to got a chance to embarrassing moments in front of the Neal Diamond....Oh, so the famouse singer! wow...anyway probably it's a sweet memory....
My MEM is not to be written down here for all to see! But I "might" tell you one
I'm a clutz, in heels or not. I, in fact, do not wear heels now except in very specific situations, like weddings, because it tends to make it worse.
I don't think I could count all the times I've fallen in public. And I've injured myself a number of times as well, the worst being when I fell down a flight of stairs in college on the way to pottery class (note to self: no more reading and walking at the same time) and was on crutches for two weeks with a badly sprained ankle. Then there was my wedding shower when I literally showered myself with white wine and had a blue behind for a week. I used to be embarrassed by it; now I just accept it as a part of who I am. :)
Oh Jo! Thanks for my great laugh of the day! I really needed that! Your description of Neil Diamond removing the napkin from your shoe was priceless! I had tears running down my face from laughter and had to share the story with my husband! Great story!
My only claim to fame is eating on the same restaurant patio as Joachim Phoenix a few years ago in downtown Vancouver. Only he denied who he was. An odd duck, that one!
A woman I was dating laughed at me when she found my Neil Diamond Cassettes in my music collection...I dumped two days later...mostly out of fear she would find my Barry Manilow stash.
Well thank goodness it wasn't toilet tissue stuck to your shoe! I love Neil Diamond, always have. Do you have his new cd? "No Words" and "Pretty Amazing Grace" are both really lovely.
Oh! I thought the same thing as lovelyprism, thank goodness it wasn't toilet tissue! Niel was the closest thing to rock I was allowed to listen to as a girl, and I loved him! Forever in Blue Jeans, and America are my favorites. Sooo Handsome! He must have noticed how pretty you were and was excited you had gick on your shoe so he could talk to you!
I am so delighted to hear that Neil Diamond is such a gentleman! I KNEW he was special!!!... sigh.... Great story Jo :D
You have a Neil Diamond story, Jo - how wonderful, even if it was a source of some embarrassment to you - I think that is priceless! Lovely!
I once walked the whole length of a big office, then leaned over a desk, in a short skirt to answer the phone - I had lovely fashionable thick black tights on, so it's not as cheeky as it sounds, but a friend rushed up behind me to help me, by untucking my skirt from said tights!
And the chalks picture is beautiful.
Now that is an impressive story! My claim to fame was jumping in a mud puddle with Jim Morrison. Someday I'll blog it. I love Neil Diamond. Do you still have the shoe?
My most embarrassing moment happened at school when i was 16, i derided to bunk class and sit with a friend in her tiping class. She had just inherited a ring from her grandmother. I was playing with it and for a few laughs i put the thing in my mouth and said how funny it would be he i swallowed it... I did... But that wasn't the worst. Some of our teachers found out about this and everytime they say me they'd ask he i'd gotten it back yet... I did about a week and a long painfull experience later. Clean as a button.
You have a most wonderful way with words!! This is such a fun post - & I could "see" each event as it unfolded!! So glad I found you blog!!
And thanks for stopping by!
OMG!! I love your Neil Diamond story!! I was hooked the first time I heard "Solitary Man," way back in the 60s. I've seen him many times in concert. I'm a tad envious! :-)
He does seen to be a really nice guy. A friend in Houston told me that the last time he appeared there, he donated the proceeds from his concert to the victims of hurricane Ivan. That's a good photo of him that you posted.
Embarassing moment...but you got to meet Neil Diamond!
Embarrassing moments often make for very cool memories, though
You have to admit Mr. Diamond is a humble ole' soul to remove a napkin from a gal's shoe.
How about accidently letting one slip..while playing poker with the guys? They never let me live that one down. Guess i'm not a very classy dame! or is repeating the story make me less classy?
Back in the 80's, a business colleague of mine and I attended a gala put on by Inc. Magazine, for which we had provided decor. She went to the ladies room and when she came out, the whole back of her dress was caught in her pantyhose. Luckily, someone told her before she had walked the whole length of the room. She only gave about 10 people a view of her backside.
September Morn. Luv it.
Shoes and famous embarassing moments: MR. Khruschev(the russian) at the United Nations, and Mr. Bush (the american) in Iraque.
EEEEEEENEILDIAMOND!!!!!*collapse* I'm soooo jealous! :D
I was at that concert! In fact, I was five months pregnant at the time, and as soon as Neil started singing, Little Z in utero started rocking out. I thought, "YES! I'm making another Neil fan!"
Although, in retrospect, maybe she was just kicking the walls, telling me to turn down the music....
Haha! Great story!
Next time I'm in Vancouver, I'll catch up with you and Leslie and I would be very honoured if you could tell me that story across the table.
Then I can say, a friend of mine actually TOLD me about this encounter with Neil Diamond ....
Your, uh, friend is fortunate you went to the concert with (I shall assume) him as opposed to watching it backstage as Neil Diamond' guest! I have a feeling there may be a "rest of the story" you have not mentioned here...!!
I love Neil!
haha, did you keep the napkin? I wonder what it would go for on EBay - napkin touched by Neil Diamond. Great story!
Nomore, it was very embarrassing at the time, believe me!
Leslie, yes!!! Do tell!!!
Scarlethue, somehow I think of you as elegant and poised. I cannot imagine you falling down. :-)
Avril, Joachim Phoenix is a very, very strange bird indeed. *heh*
Cedar, well, I hope she never finds my Paul Anka CDs. Kidding ... kidding ... :-)
Lovelyprism, no I haven't heard those. I will have to check it out!
Mean Mama, thank you. :::blush::: Yes, "Forever in Blue Jeans" is one of my favorites too.
Veronica, yes, I was quite impressed, I must say.
A Woman of No Importance, oh my Gawd! How mortifying! And thank goodness for your friend. :-)
B & B, you jumped in a mud puddle with Jim Morrison? I love Jim Morrison...! Do a blog post about it!
Jozey, noooooooo! Omigawd! That is too funny!
O. Joy, thank you! And you have a fabulous photo blog. :-)
Carla, yes, I get the impression Neil Diamond is a very nice person. He just looks like it, doesn't he?
Nicole, well, I had a better view of him later at the concert. :-)
Charles, yes, and they're always fun stories at cocktail parties. :-)
Kimberly, he was a complete gentleman, yes.
Faithful, I have a feeling the guys think you are a great broad! And that is meant as a compliment. :-)
Kenju, oh, no! That truly is every woman's nightmare, isn't it!!??
LGS, yes, it is definitely my favorite Neil Diamond song.
DUTA, very clever!! Yes!!
Kimber, the Neil Diamond concert I went to was a bit before the last one. My daughter and her husband went to. The one I went to was a few years back. And Little Z has good taste! :-)
DeeDee, thanks! :-)
David, I think Leslie has some stories too. Lots in fact! *heh*
Russell, oh, no. In fact, if I remember correctly, my date and I ended up having a huge argument -- as usual -- over where to park the car. *sigh*
Rachette, yes, me too. :-)
Patty, no, it's probably still in service at the Four Seasons Hotel. *heh*
Congratulations for being nominated to David's POTD.
Congratulations for actually meeting Neil Diamond.
Congratulations for the lovely post. I have many moments in Life that were embarassing; but nothing would come close to the moment shared by Jozey...! Must have been really embarassing to meet those people even now.
I would like to nominate Jozey for 'Comment Of The Day'.
Congratulations Jo for bringing out the 'Best Comment on Life's Most Embarassing Moments'
This blog was real fun...!!
Admring Neil Diamond as I do, I applaud your coolness in the face of greatness!!
I love that song, too!
Wonderful post! How amazing that must have been for you. I imagine you were the envy of many ladies in that restaurant.
CJ xx
Wonderful post. And how amazing that you met Neil Diamond as a result - quite incredible! Over from David's by the way, congratulations on the mention.
What a charming post! Your candor brought back moments of my own (spinach-between-my-front-teeth)memories!
How about this? I was employed for a day at an event and I had to dress up as Queen Elizabeth the first. I already felt like a complete fool walking about all day waving my hand and trying to think of things to say to the crowd. Later in the day I was standing in the marquee willing the hours away when in walks Gene Hackman. Shocked I stare at him. Shocked he stares at me. I didn't know what to do so in my best queen voice I boomed, "Mr Hackman" We both knew I'd embarrassed myself and probably him. A truly embarrassing moment for all concerned.
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