In the meantime, here's a fun little quiz I borrowed from our friend Calvin at Realm of the Lone Grey Squirrel. You can paste a sample of your writing into it, and find out which author your writing style is most like. I have never read anything by David Foster Wallace, but I think now I will. Apparently I write like he does. Interesting ... who knew! Give it a try, and see who you write like.
I write like
David Foster Wallace
David Foster Wallace
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!
Have fun, everyone!
I think sometimes we all need to take a break from blogging, but Jo, please don't leave! Please reconsider, just let it go dormant for awhile instead. I myself will miss you terribly.
Hugs and virtual kisses, friend.
I will totally try it. I probably write like Oscar the Grouch... Is he published.
I understand the break. The thing that saves me is I go out and photograph and hike (or paint) every few days and then i have something to post.
Enjoy whatever you get out and do.
If your blog is invisible, and I can see it, does that mean I'm dead?
Jo, I just tried the analyzer and put stuff in TWICE, from both of my blogs, and both times I got "David Foster Wallace," and I have no idea who he is. Better check him out, though.
You aren't invisible to me! I enjoy reading your blog!
Obviously your blog isn't invisible since you're getting comments on it - and it does show on Google Reader, so that's not a problem.
I enjoyed the test. I write like Ralph Waldo Emerson and what gave me the shivers is that I'm a relative of his. His sister was my great grandmother's mother (or essentially my great great grandmother). So, how about that for having it 'in the blood'....
I know some bloggers who just blog once a week - maybe that would be a better routine for you, so you have more time for other interests. Just a thought....
I see you, I see you! But I think that getting away from the computer is an EXCELLENT idea. Really - I could stand some time outside my house (when it's not 90 degrees & 80% humidity).
Gonna go check out the site now. If it's interesting I'll post back here.
Hmmm There definitely is something rotten in Denmark. I put a sample of my writing in the slot (<--my this week's Jack Handey blog entry, to be exact) and Ca-ching! The I Write Like Analyzer said I, too, could be the next David Foster Wallace!? No matter if you put a piece of your writing side by side, upside down, inside out or every-which-way-but-loose next to mine, I would have never in a million years considered our writing style to be alike. Yours is wonderful and el perfecto, and mine is simply...NUTS! LOL! (I guess we know which M&Ms that'd make us both, eh? LOL!)
P.S. Please enjoy your push away from the computer. Build some sand castles! Paint like there's no tomorrow! *puts on the selfish* but don't be invisible for long, DO YOU HEAR ME?! I will miss you--> dearly!
Well, I used five different samples & got five different authors (JK Rowling, David Foster Wallace, Vladimir Nabokov, Ray Bradbury & the guy who wrote the Godfather - Mario Puzo).
I think we can safely say that I haven't settled on one PARTICULAR style. Heh.
I submitted several poems and they all came up with different writers! Among them were David Foster Wallace, Stephen King and Robert Louis Stevenson. I must have quite a range! ;^)
(your blog shows up fine on my end)
I read that Mel Gibson's latest obscene rant came up as sounding like Margaret Atwood, and when Ms. Atwood did the test with her own work, it said she wrote like Stephen King.
I hope you will continue to write like Jo, because she is always visible to me.
Still visible to me but I know myself...summer time and being outdoors has taken precedence just like vacation, visiting relatives, etc. Take the time to enjoy the nice weather and the break.
I was baffled to come out with Margaret Atwood of all authors after putting in an old blog post. No kidding.
Very creative idea--thank you for sharing this.
for my 10 different articles i got 10 different writers...and i don't even know them except Dan Brown..!!!
David Foster Wallace..hmmm..that might explain the disappearance. He committed suicide 2 years ago. Sad. He was a great writer, unusual, but I loved his writing.
A Supposedly Fun Thing is a great read..short stories. Gems.
Consider The Lobster is also very good.
Sometimes we all need a nudge outdoors! Refuel, get inspired :)
Peace ~ Rene
Summer Web Slowdown! We all experience it...and blogger eventually rights itself....enjoy your weekend, Jo
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Hey work in some drawing too as your works above are so nice and they don't require a keyboard for creation.
Well have some good fun off, and then come back to brighten up our space again with your always excellent company...
Strange that several people here all write like David Foster Wallace... go figure... maybe it's a marketing tool put out by David F. Wallace's publisher...?
Hi Jo, I had a lapse with blogging when I seemed to be on facebook but I must admit I like blogging and have you on my blogroll which i try to comment on regularly. I am working out who visits me with interest and I feel you are one such person, just as I am interested in you Jo. HUGS Dxxx
Oooo I have to give this a try!
I got exactly the same guy as you!
Jo ~ It seems a lot of people are taking a break this summer. I hope you enjoy your time outside. Please come back to us though. You always have interesting things to say.
I pasted a passage from my last post and the outcome:ISAAC ASIMOV. All I know about him is that he was of russian descent, lived in America and wrote a lot of science fiction. I've never read any of his books or stories.
How can you be invisible when you have SO MANY followers!?
i hope you have a great time off doing your fun things.
I don't see many people posting on blogs or Facebook currently. I figure they "have lives" where they are off living.
Some of us truly are "invisible bloggers" & if we get one or two comments at our blogs (ok, yes, i'm talking about me!) we are thrilled.
I don't think that i've ever written a post where i've gotten 25 comments that this post currently has.
Not trying to take off on you, but you are blessed!
You deserve it entirely. You write interesting posts & you check back & continue in the discussion & people honestly enjoy your writing & your blog.
Those of us who truly have "humble little blogs" where almost no one ever cares to "check in" are inspired by your writing & your spirit.
Hope you have a lovely summer.
It's not you, Jo, it's just summer and people are on vacation and busier than usual. The blogosphere is very quiet right now, so it's a great time to slow down and enjoy life and have fun! I'll give the quiz a try.
If I know you are posting does that mean a tree fell in the forest?
OK bad analogy or whatever.
Don't be gone too long if you do take a break, I will miss you as many others will too obviously.
Hi Jo
No it is not you, it is very quiet in Blogsville with the Summer Holidays. A lot of my bloggy pals are having a hiatus (sounds like a hernia doesn't it? LOL)
Loved your little quiz.
I pasted some of a serious post I did and it came up with:
James Fenimore Cooper
I then did one of my funny posts and it came up with:
David Foster Wallace
(like you and Eternally Attracted (I mean Distracted LOL))
So obviously I am a Dual Personality - scary LOL
Best wishes to you Jo.
Hugs ~ Eddie
I put my writing sample in the Analyzer and it came back with "Is this a joke?!" Heh!
Oh well....
Hi Jo,
I tried another piece into the analyser and it came back with, "Can't write for nuts!"
Spooky. How did it know I wanted to.
With all the comments your blog gets its anything but invisible. I can only wish to get this many comments.
Interesting link Jo. Seems I write like James Joyce. Hmm, I should cocoa!
Hope your invisibility soon disappears ... or should I say re-appears. Hey, no! That's not right either.
Oh well, you know what I mean. Show up again! Yep, that'll be it.
Stephen King...that's funny, I have never read anything of his. Just not my style.
If you are going to take a break please make it only a few days.
Enjoy some summertime, Jo! I suspect that's where everyone is, too. This winter seemed oddly long this year, at least here. Now the weather is good and the outside is calling our names :-) You'll be glad you took a refreshing break when it's January again, and the skies have seemed rather gray for a longtime.
I also got David Foster Wallace, by the way. It's a fun little test. I've got several friends who all tried it recently, and all came up with Stephen King, including one woman who put in a poem she had written. She finally figured out it was because the poem mentioned the name Carrie.
I tried that site, Jo. One story came up like "Stephen King". Whatever. The other one was compared to David Foster Wallace. I'm jealous of the person who was told they write like Ray Bradbury.
Susan - it was my Ironic Trust poem (from 1985) that was like Ray Bradbury. I have NO IDEA why. You can read it here: http://danabugseyeview.blogspot.com/2010/03/magpie-tales-week-five.html. Can you enlighten me?
Interesting link you have included!
And yes, you still/happily show up in my Google Reader list - and I am glad!
Yes, I have observed that some of my fav blogs have walked into the fog...as my grandson says one million times a day...What happened?
I tried "I Write Like" and was returned with Vladimir Nabokov! who the heck is he? I will find out.
Enjoy the outdoors. Take a break. You deserve it, Jo!
Jo, your blog is NEVER boring!!! It is my favorite blog that I always stop by to read.
I posted about this writing analyzer a few days ago too. It was great fun and I found out I have multiple personalities. :)
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