All the usual characters are back -- Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head -- and a few new ones, including Barbie and Ken, and a very wicked, evil, truly frightening baby doll known as Big Baby.
We have all had toys we've loved, and toys that were our companions. When I was a little girl, I had two favorite toys -- a small piano just like Schroeder's in the Peanuts cartoons, and a life-sized doll with red hair, named Patty Kay. My toy piano used to get "lost" quite frequently, and then would magically reappear after a couple of days. It took me years to realize where my piano disappeared on such a regular basis -- the top shelf of my mother's clothes closet. I played my little toy piano whenever I could, and to this day I still love pianos. My Patty Kay doll was my best friend when I was little, and she stayed with me until I was about 10, when I finally had outgrown her. After seeing Toy Story 3, I realize how sad Patty Kay must have been when I discarded her.
If you have ever owned a toy, or know anyone who has ever owned a toy, you will love Toy Story 3. It's one of the most magical movies I have ever seen. Be sure to watch it in 3-D; you'll get lost in the enchantment.
Thank you for the recommendation. It wouldn't have occurred to me to see it since I'm so grown up and all that, you know... NOT.
I collect antique toys -- wind-ups are my favorites, and I have a big Tonka fire engine and lots of dragons. We should get our moms to arrange a play date soon.
I agree completely....Toy story 3 is what a "perfect movie" should be.
I always had a favorite doll. that lasted till my little brother investigated how you could could take the arms and legs off (and he never could put them back on:( ), and loved dress up clothes.
The Damselfly took the Rugrats the other day to see it. I am bummed cause I love animated movies and would love to still see it and probably won't get a chance before its out on DVD.
Hi Jo, your new profile photo is nice! =D
We must be on the same wavelength!! I went and saw this yesterday!! I loved it so much!! I cried and cried and laughed and laughed. The best kind of movies. Plus it was my first 3D experience and I loved it!
I will have to wait, since I would never be able to get away long enough to watch a movie!!! Some of my very favorite movies are children's movies. I loved Aladdin, and all the Beethovin movies. I am a sap!
Well, I saw in in 2-D and loved it anyway. If I see it again (which isn't out of the question) I'll see it in 3-D. I also cried and laughed, and think yes, it's a pretty perfect movie. I felt wonderful walking out of the theater, which is the best.
I'm glad you liked TS3, I'm not sure what I would do if I ever met a person who didn't. :)
On a side note, my sister Anna and I had this tape of children's songs that we would listen and dance to around the clock, until one day ... it was gone. Years later we learned our oldest sister had taken it. Apperently we were driving her insane. Ooopps!
Glad to hear this movie is good. I loved the first one for sure. I'll have to watch it.
I'm not a big fan of 3D. But I am a big big fan of Jo A Majority of Two, and Pixar. So this is now on my list of what to see.
It sounds wonderful, I simply must go and see it! I loved Toy Story 1 and 2, so I don't see any reason why this shouldn't be just as brilliant, if not more so :D
With my son slowly but surely old enough, this will probably be much enjoyed by him and me.
Thank you for this entry which made me think much. Please have a great Thursday.
daily athens
I went to see this on opening day with my daughter, a friend and her son and we all had a blast. I even cried and felt embarrassed until I saw my friend crying as well (I think you know what part) Anyways, I think that's very special that you all saw it together. :o)
My grandchildren think they have aged out of movies like Toy Story - so I will have to see it alone. I can't wait!
It is rare that a 3-quel ever turns out good...
Our kids loved this movie. When they were in the fire pit, I was thinking.."If this is it for Buzz and Woody, NO MORE PIXAR."
I loved all three movies. I took Fionny to see it last week and I balled my eyes out at the end. It was wonderful!
I was thinking movies couldn't possibly get any worse. But then I remember the '80s.
It is an excellent movie!
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